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Member Since: 26 May 2009 05:30pm

Last Seen: 22 Nov 2011 02:31am

user id: 77542

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  1. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2011 8:34pm UTC
    So my 6 year old cousin is having major liver issues. Shes had 6 operations this month. She has been walking around and sleeping with a picture of my dead great grandfather saying..
    "Since I'm going to be the first one in the family to die, I need to remember his face. I don't want to be alone up there. He won't reconize me because it has been so long. So I need to be able to find Poppy. I know he will take care of me."
    No child should feel this way

  2. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2010 9:42pm UTC
    bitter sweet, memories,
    that is all, i'm taking with me,
    so, goodbye, please, don't cry,
    we both know, i'm not what you,
    you need, and i will always love you</3

  3. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2010 10:01am UTC
    okay, so yesterday was me and my boyfriends 7 month anniversary. i was at his lake house and it started to rain so we all went inside me and him went to his bedroom and we were JUST making out and his dad went looking for us and he got a little mad. then later his dad went thru his texts and my boyfriend sent me a joke say.."what about that time in my bedroom ayy? SEXXYYYY" it was just a joke. his dad read it and now thinks we did more than just making out..but we didnt. his dad now told my boyfriend he has to pick between me and him..he told me hes gonna pick me..but he needs his father..i told him to pick his dad..he said no way i love you and im gonna have a future with you..me and my dad dont get along anyway. now im just scared his dads never gonna let us see eachother and im scared he is gonna hate me. i dont know what to do.

  4. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2010 9:50pm UTC
    okay, so my quotes arent the prettiest..but that doesnt mean that i dont have something to say.

  5. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2010 9:34pm UTC
    okay, so you've
    dumped me millions of times,
    made me cry myself to sleep almost everynite,
    flirted with girls rite in front of me,
    made fun of me with your friends to my face,
    and you've cheated on me..
    i think its safe to say im scared of what you'll do next.

  6. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2010 4:45pm UTC
    Don't you hate it when..
    you're making out with your boyfriend
    and his dad walks in?
    Or am I alone on that one?
    sorry its not pretty..to lazyy.

  7. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2009 11:00am UTC
    Sign If You Love Justin Drew Bieber
    - purplesloth1331
    - InliteFreak123 !!!!!!!!!!!!
    ~ mim895xoxo <3 =]
    ~ Sofiarocks243
    lexandjenrock <3333333
    Add your name & keep the list going!!!

  8. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2009 2:51pm UTC
    Ya I have highlights
    I wear make-up
    I shop at Hollister and Abercombie and Fitch
    I straighten my hair
    And I am a cheerleader
    But I am not the most popular girl in school
    I dont think I am the prittyest either
    I dont have guys falling all over me
    I dont have a new boy every week
    And I am not stuck up
    I have highlights,
    Wear make-up,
    Shop at Hollister and Abercombie and Fitch,
    Straighten my hair,
    And cheer
    Because it makes
    Me feel good and
    Brings me
    **not real good, colors are messed up**

  9. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2009 9:33am UTC
    Bridget and Zac:
    Bridget: I HATE YOU!!!
    [Oliver my puppy bites my brother]
    Zac: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! HE BIT MY BALLS!!!!!!!
    **Keep in mind that Bridget is 13 and Zac is only 10**

  10. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2009 11:12am UTC
    Keith and Jimmy:
    [Keith goes under water]
    Jimmy: I'm peeing! I'm peeing! He is under water! And I'm peeing!
    [Keith comes up and Jimmy goes under]
    Keith: I'm peeing!
    My Mom: KEITH!!!!!
    Keith: WHAT!!!! He peed on me first!
    **Keith is my Dad and Jimmy is his best friend...Keep in mind they are both grown men**

  11. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2009 3:38pm UTC
    My Brother:
    [Me and my friends just hanging in my room....my brother flings the door open and walks in with his friend]
    My Brother: HE WANTS ME TO GIVE HIM THE TALK!!!!!!
    His Friend: Well...
    My Brother: I told him he should save that for his dad.
    [Me and My Two Friends look at each other]
    Me& My Two Friends: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
    It was soooooooooo funny

  12. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2009 3:28pm UTC
    My Brother:
    [In my room]
    Me: Ya...I hate those boys that go to the movies with random girls just to make out when they dont even know the poor girls name.
    Her: Ya..I hate that too.
    Me: Zac is gonna be a movie boy
    (Zac is my brother)
    Her: O HELL YA!!!! And Kyle is gonna THINK he is a movie boy!!!!
    (kyle is her brother)
    [On the other side of the door]
    My Brother: HAHAHA thats right!!!!
    Her Brother: HEYY!!!!!
    spacing got all messed up!!! GRRRR!!!

  13. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2009 8:11pm UTC
    I cant smell your cologne without looking around the room for you
    I cant walk right by your picture in a frame without feeling something
    And when I hear your name....
    I feel rain falling right our of the blue sky
    Its the 18th of December and I'm right there staring in your eyes
    And nothings changed we're still the same
    And I get lost in the innocence of a first kiss

  14. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 2:52pm UTC
    Does your heart race
    when you hear the sound
    he makes when he signs on AIM?
    Or am I alone?

  15. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 2:41pm UTC
    I have dated a few boys after you
    but all the relationships end the same
    I let go of all the happieness I have cuz
    ≈≈≈≈Baby I love YOU≈≈≈≈

  16. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2009 12:06pm UTC
    Drowning in tears
    That wont be me
    I will soon be free
    From these chains
    Of all this pain inside
    And though I cry
    It wont be long
    Till I regain the strenght
    To know I can go on
    I will find a way
    Through the heartbreak
    I will not give up on love

  17. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2009 8:32pm UTC
    Do you go through what I go through?
    Do you cry yourself to sleep?
    Do you listen to sad love songs?
    Do you search for the perfect quote on witty profiles?
    Do you sit there day and night wondering what the hell happened?
    Do you talk bout me for hours and hours?
    Do you think of me every second of your life?
    I didnt think so....
    VENTING just venting

  18. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2009 5:55pm UTC
    I found that guy who calls me beautiful,
    instead of hot.
    I found that guy who watches a movie with me,
    and lets me lay in his arms knowing I'm his.
    I found that guy who calls me back,
    when I hang up on him.
    I found that guy who stays awake,
    just to watch me sleep.
    I found that guy who kisses me,
    on the forhead.
    I found that guy who wants to show me off to the world,
    when I am in my sweats.
    I found that guy who holds my hand,
    infront of his friends.
    I found that guy who is constantly reminding me of how much he
    cares about me and,
    how lucky he is to have me.
    And he even turns his friends,
    and says
    "thats her".
    Credit to CurlyQue_92 for half of the words.....i just change it a little...and added diffrent color

  19. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2009 3:56pm UTC
    Unsinkable ships
    Unbreakable walls
    Sometimes the things you think wont ever happen
    Happen just like that
    Unbendable steel
    If the furry of the wind is unstopable
    I've learned to never under estamate the

  20. blndbyehrt blndbyehrt
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2009 9:29am UTC
    That made you smile
    That made you laugh
    That made you happier than you have ever been
    That was your world
    Your perfect girl
    Nothing about me has changed
    Thats why I'm here wondering
    What makes her so much better than


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