Witty Profiles

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  1. queenmarie queenmarie
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2012 7:35pm UTC

  2. queenmarie queenmarie
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2012 3:08pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    Call me
    when you grow up.

  3. queenmarie queenmarie
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2012 1:45pm UTC
    i'm lost.

  4. queenmarie queenmarie
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2012 1:37pm UTC
    I don't want to be alone anymore.

  5. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2012 4:50pm UTC
    So you played her
    because you never liked her?
    How would you like it
    if you switch the role?

  6. briannhuff briannhuff
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2012 3:02am UTC
    You should've opened your eyes,
    I was crazy for you.

  7. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2012 7:36pm UTC
    snap → snap

    snap → snap

  8. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2012 9:40pm UTC
    I tripped on my sister's bra
    i g u e s s y o u c o u l d s a y i t w a s a b o o b i e t r a p .
    oh em gee guise im so funny.

  9. cookie_monster_emzz cookie_monster_emzz
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2012 10:06am UTC
    fave if you love niall's laugh!

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. Totally_Awesome_Formats Totally_Awesome_Formats
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2012 1:46am UTC
    Text text text
    type type type
    I made this quote yay
    Like it?
    Use it!
    Request a format!

  12. brookeleigh626 brookeleigh626
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 1:42pm UTC
    Niall James Horan<3

  13. christymt christymt
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 12:12pm UTC
    Have you ever noticed
    that the Frich's Big Boy
    has a reallyBig Butt?

  14. Oklahoma Oklahoma
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 10:57am UTC
    One Direction Imagine #2
    Imagine Niall sharing his food with you, and no one else.

  15. _to_the_kids_who _to_the_kids_who
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 10:55am UTC
    Here's to the kids who
    love piggy-back rides on their best guy friend's back(:
    and then your best guy friend is suddenly a horse, but still.

  16. has_no_life has_no_life
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 7:55am UTC
    i love you
    chapter one.
    ''come here you little sl*t''
    the words ring in my head.
    i walk towards Kyle, knowing that there is no point in struggeling.
    " now" he says unzipping my tight jeans.
    he starts to kiss my tummy.
    i take of my shirt and accidently sigh.
    he looks up with his piercing black eyes.
    " did you just... sigh?" he says in disgust.
    i can smell the liqour lingering in his breath.
    i gulp.
    " no babe." i say quietly.
    he stares at me for a moment.
    " better not have been!" he says glaring.
    " you're lucky to have me!"
    i nod silently. he continues to kiss my neck with his wet lips.
    we've been over this so many times its almost like a routine.
    " tell me you love me" he says quietly.
    i remain silent. i dont like lying. i dont have any feelings for him whatsoever.
    he stops.
    " tell me you love me!" he say raising his voice.
    i hold my breath. slowly moving off the couch.
    his eyes widen and he pounces on me.
    he pushes me to the ground.
    he raises his hand and slaps me. my right cheek rings with pain and i look up into his eyes.
    " im going to ask you one more time..." he whispers into my ear.
    " tell me you love me."
    " i love you" i say horsly.
    he smiles deviously, his yellow teeth showing.
    " you better, you little wh*re, and you better NEVER even think about leving me!" he shouts in my face.
    he continues to kiss my then on the wooden floor boards.
    " never" i say a tear sliding down my cheek.
    sorry no ones probably reading this:L its going to get better i promise.
    just stick with me and beleive me!:]
    stay beautiful thanks
    - nicole.

  17. lozza821 lozza821
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2012 3:39pm UTC
    Plot twist: This isn't over used at all.

  18. sumaiya_malik sumaiya_malik
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2012 9:29pm UTC
    Niall can roock out any thing from a Niam hat to big red high heels!! x

  19. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2012 2:00am UTC
    I'll mouth, ''I love you.''
    Chapter 13
    ''Are you ready, Ava?'' Carson asked, softly. He was smiling, showing his pearly whites. I nodded. He put something in his pocket and took my hand. Today he was going to teach me how to ride the horses. We walked into a huge shed, and then in it were a bunch of stalls and horses. ''This is Star,'' he told me pointing to a large brown horse. ''It's my mum and dads horse.'' He briefly touched a dark coloured horse, ''This is Ashes.'' Thinking about it, Ashes colour fur did look like ash. ''He's mine.'' I pointed to the white horse, who was right at the back. ''Nobody named her, she didn't like anybody and refused to let any one touch her.'' I walked to her and opened the stall. She immediately came to me and I grinned as she let me pat her. ''She's letting you touch her.'' Carson's voice was of pure shock. I smiled and nodded. ''Well then, I have no idea how long you're staying with us but - she can be yours. What do you want to name her?'' I shrugged and then a name came to mind. I bent down to the dirt outside of the stall, my horse was in and wrote 'Lacy'. ''That's a nice name, so she is now called Lacy.'' He got the horses ready, putting the saddles and everything on them. ''Okay, so this is how you get on.'' After Carson showed me how to get on he spoke, ''To ride Lacy, just tap your left foot on her belly gently to make her go and twice to make her stop. With your right foot you tap her once to slow down and twice to speed up.'' I nodded, taking in all the information. ''Hold onto her mane until you feel balanced,'' Carson instructed. I nodded, he continued showing me how to ride and finally I got the hang of it. ''Now that you've got it, c'mon, I want to show you something.'' I rode the horse beside Carson and we went through the bushes. I tried not to think about what happened last time I went somewhere secluded. After riding Lacy for about 10 minutes we got to an opening. ''Stop her,'' he said. I used my left foot to my her stop. We stayed on the horses and I looked at where we were, we were on a cliff. We could see everything from here, it was amazing. ''I come here sometimes to think,'' Carson said quietly. ''So, lets play twenty question,'' he chirped. From his pocket he got out a small notepad and pen, handing it to me. ''You don't mind, right?'' I shook my head. ''Okay, I'll start. Favourite colour?''
    I quickly wrote, 'purple' on the paper and then 'Favourite animal?'
    ''Definitely horses. Favourite movie?''
    As cliche as it sounds, I wrote down, 'the notebook'. 'Your favourite colour?' I wrote.
    ''My favourite colour was green but then I saw your eyes. Blue. Thats my favourite colour, exactly the same shade as your eyes.'' I felt myself blushing. Nobody had ever said anything that sweet to me. ''You know you're beautiful… I don't even think that word does you any justice. You are perfect, completely flawless.'' I blushed once again. Then Carson leaned closer to me, his lips coming close to mine. Suddenly his lips where on mine and one of his hands on my cheek. My hands where still on the horse, trying to balance myself. His tongue swept my bottom lip and he gently nibbled on my lip as well. I had no idea what to do, I had been kissed before- not by chose though. The men, when I was ten forced me to kiss them. I shook those thoughts away as his tongue entered my mouth, tickling me. I forgot everything, my name, the reason I was mute, how my parents couldn't deal with me- I forgot everything just for that little moment.
    It then registered, Carson was kissing me and I was kissing him back.
    Comment for a reminder
    What do you thinks gonna happen next?
    Teaser: I was paying attention to the handsome guy who had his arms wrapped around me.

  20. kuroshitsujix3 kuroshitsujix3
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2012 1:22am UTC
    bro: I'll kick your bottom!
    me: I'll drop kick you into a volcano and watch you burn.. :3


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