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Member Since: 4 Feb 2012 11:59pm

Last Seen: 22 May 2013 09:01pm

Gender: M

user id: 270935

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Hey. I'm Devin, I'm a boy as you've
probably figured from my username.
Life is amazing right now.
¡Single and ready to turn 16 so then I can openly mingle without hiding anything from my parents!
When someone says "It's a long story," the correct response is always "I've got time."
No offence to certain people, but the best thing I ever did
in my lifetime was go to W. Alton Jones summer camp,
I've made the most amazing friends there.
I learned the most from my first relationship,
and i've learned the least from going to school.
Followers are nice. Comments are nice. Likes are nice.
That's all.
I love Marina and the Diamonds. If you do too, PLEASE TELL ME because I always want to talk to anyone else who's a fan.


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  1. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 5:33pm UTC
    Find the hidden message!
    shi_t . s_cks . p_n_s
    Um no, it's "shirt . socks . pants."

  2. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 4:13pm UTC
    Chapter 4.
    "I am going to miss you so much, Jeremy!" I said to him, sobbing.
    "I am going to miss you too, Sophie!" he replied, and squeezed me tight.
    "I don't know how I am going to live without you for so long!" I almost screamed. The jet engines nearby were blocking out my voice, and my hearing.
    "Babe, I know it's a long time. But like I told you, it was changed to two months, from five..." he said, failing at making me feel better.
    "What if you get hurt! What am I going to do! What if the people from Afghanistan put you in jail! What if you get food poisoning!" I rambled crazily.
    "Food poisoning..."
    "Don't get technical!"
    "...technical? Ok Sophia. Calm down. I'm not actually going out into open warfare. We are just scouting the town for some suspicious activity."
    "See?! Technical!"
    "Ok, ok. I'm sorry. It's going to be ok, baby." He bent over and looked me in the eyes. "I promise I'll be safe. And I'll call you as soon and as frequently as I can!" He kissed me and held me for a long time, but a long time wasn't enough. Forever might cut it. "I really need to go. I love you."
    "I love you too." I sniffled. I couldn't say goodbye. It sounded too permanent.
    I watched Jeremy get on the plane with the other recruits. I watched the door close behind him. I watched the wheels turn and the plane speed up. I watched it zoom down the runway and lift into the sky. I watched it slowly get smaller in the sky, and I captured this moment as the background screen of my mind. I made sure I didn't cry, like the other people next to me were, because if there was one moment that I wanted full ability to see, it was now.
    Of course, my phone rang and ruined the moment. Of course I wasn't going to answer but right when I was going to press ignore I read the Caller ID.
    I haven't talked to my mother in eleven months. Not since I gave up her dream of me becoming a journalist to go to art school.
    I answer the phone, but look back as the shrinking plane in the sky.
    "Sophia! I thought you weren't going to answer!" she spoke. Hearing her voice was like a huge volt of electricity bursting through my brain, spreading though my whole body. I felt like that high schooler I once was. But, something about it made me think she was crying.
    "Mom, I love where I am and my boyfriend and it's too late for you to change..."
    "Your father is dead Sophia!"
    I chucked my phone at the pavement below me.
    My father, the one who taught me how to paint, the one who attempted to convince my mom that art school was good for me.
    "JEREMY!" I screamed, sobbing my heart out. "JEREMY! JEREMY! YOU CAN'T GO!"
    But the man in that dot in the sky who I was crazily in love with could not hear me. All I could do is let the confused bystanders comfort me and watch the small speck in the sky slowly disappear.

  3. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 3:30pm UTC
    Yay, I always wanted top quote.

  4. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 2:23pm UTC
    Life is like xanthocyanopsy.
    What's the meaning of it?

  5. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 10:42pm UTC
    When life gives you LEMONS
    for life is an abstract noun.
    Yes, I listened in english class.

  6. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 9:47pm UTC
    ME: Yesterday I was really angry, so i kinda punched my friend in the face... but only kinda.
    ME: I wish i could actually punch someone in the face. That would be fun.
    FRIEND: I thought you did yesterday...
    ME: But he was ok, so it didn't count.

  7. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 9:37pm UTC
    MOM: What are you doing?
    ME: I'm on youtube.
    MOM: Oh yeah, thats the charlie sheen the unicorn bit my finger thing, right?
    ME: Yeah, thats it.

  8. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2012 11:34pm UTC
    Chapter 3.
    "Um, so... uhh." I stuttered.
    "Dude!" exclaimed Sofia, "What's wrong? It's like you haven't gone on a date before!"
    "Um..." I stuttered yet again.
    "Wait," asked Sophia cautiously, "you actually haven't! Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!"
    "No! There's no need for you to apologize. You did nothing wrong. And yes I have gone on a date before."
    "Well then..." said the suspicious beauty, "Why are you acting so nervous? I mean this is our third date! After we started talking, and you asked me out, I said yes. And the first two went well! Why are you worried?" She smiled at me. Her emerald eyes glared into mine. Not angrily, but more intrigued to know my answer.
    "Uh," I scratched my head, "because I really like you." I looked down at my hands which were unconsciously picking at each other without my knowledge. Sofia's soft fingers lifted my chin and I was surprised to see her lips pressing up against mine. I felt my hand through her pink/blonde soft hair.
    Even though it was only a few seconds, they were the best few seconds of my entire life.
    "Jeremy." She was beaming. "I really like you too." I blushed, something horribly embarrassing for a manly college student like me to do. But for the moment, I was ok with it.
    That's how are relationship started off. It spiraled upwards, well, to me it did. And before we knew it, it had been a month; which just barely beat the record of my longest relationship, and almost doubled Joshua's record. Soon it was two months, then three months, and six months. I slowly became in love with Sofia.
    I learned all about her art major and how she really wanted to be photographer.
    "But I have to take this stupid drawing class to get my degree! It has nothing to do with photography! I blame society." She would always say this, except filling in "drawing" with "design", or "perspective," or other art terms I had never heard of. I was never sure what she meant about blaming the society, but I never questioned it. We were so happy. It was the best time of our lives. Although, I never kept my hopes up. I knew all too well from movies and books that when everyone's happy, something bad is bound to happen.
    And boy was I right.
    I had almost forgotten about my military status because I was so entranced in my relationship status. Ring ring, ring ring, ring ring.
    "I got it." I called. "Hello?" I answered suspiciously, for it had no caller ID.
    "Hey, Jerm boy!" He croaked. "It's Sergeant Matthews."
    "Hey, Serg! Haven't heard from you in a while, Sir."
    "Yeah, I've been caught up in my work, blah blah blah." He muttered nonchalantly. "But I have some great news!"
    "Yes, Sir..." I awaited patiently.
    "We finally finish with the results of your medical, mental, and physical tests, exams, and training courses. You have completely passed, 100%."
    "Oh, thank you Sir! Oh my gosh! Thank you Sir so much!"
    "Wait." He interrupted. "I am not done. We've gone through our missions, and we have assigned you to your first. You are going with a recruit team. Come to the meeting tomorrow for more information. You shall be leaving in one week."
    "But Sir, where am I being deployed to?"
    "It's going to be a five month trip."
    "Sir. Please! Where am I being deployed to?"
    From the living room Sofia could see me drop the phone to the floor and the color in my expression immediately disappear.

  9. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 10:40pm UTC
    So yesterday my grandpa called, because we told him we were going to go to the movies with him. He left a message and said, "One movie we can see is The Lorax by Dr. Seuss."
    "Do you know who the hell is Dr. Seuss?"
    i love 'im :)

  10. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 10:21pm UTC
    In the olden days...
    When you swore old loud, they would put soap in your mouth.
    Now a days...
    If you swear online, they shove SOPA down your throat.
    Things really haven't changed.

  11. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 10:05pm UTC
    Chapter 2.
    It was dark the day met Sofia; I remember the clouds hanging low in the sky, obscuring the light of the sun. I had one more final exam for military training that I had to study extra hard for. After this, other than the physical and medical tests of course, I would be completely done with my training, and ready for deployment. It was always my dream to be a soldier. Of course my father's encouragement and slight hints he gave may have sparked my interest to serve for our country.
    I took a break from my "ISS" as we called it. No, not in school suspension, but intense study session. Either way, you were locked up all day with no escape. I invited my friend Joshua to come eat with me to the universty's cafeteria.
    "Hey Jeremy," exclaimed Joshua, "I hope you don't mind but I brought Carissa..." He smiled hopingly.
    "Yeah yeah, whatever." I half heartedly smiled at Carissa.
    "Hey dude," Josh called as the payed for his luch, "speaking of Carissa, why don't you ever bring your girl?"
    Not this again. "Ugh, I already told you, I don't have a girlfriend. I don't need one! I don't want one. I don't enough time for one, anyway."
    "OMG! Let's eat outside!" squealed Carissa, food in hand.
    "Um, have you even looked at the sky? It's like gonna rain any sec..."
    "Woah!" Joshua interrupted. "That sounds like a great idea." he said to Carissa, and eyed me warningly.
    I walked out shaking my head. This is so stupid, I thought. I'm gonna be soaked, my food's gonna be soaked, I'm gonna have to change, that will waste more time, and then I'll never be able to...
    I don't know what it was. Maybe it was something inside me, or maybe it was an angel. But something stopped my complaining, and compelled me to look up. So I did. And there, sitting across the feild, was a girl, about my age, sitting against a tree, vigorously marking up sketchbook that rested in her lap. She was different. Not only because she wasn't wearing a uniform, like every other girl I've seen in the past month has been, but something else. Maybe it was her individuallity, maybeit was her wavy blonde hair, or the pink streak that ran right through it.
    Something made her stand out.
    "Hey, let's sit over there," I suggested, pointing in her direction. Then, as we got closer, she looked up directly at me.
    Just the luster of her green eyes staring through mine seemed to make the sun come out and the clouds disappear.

  12. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 5:05pm UTC
    When I woke up this morning,
    I had 406 notifications!
    Oh did i say 406? i meant 2.

  13. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 10:50pm UTC
    It's funny to think that just two months ago I, Jeremy, was happily married to my darling Sofia. I would listen to her stomach to see if I could hear the baby kick. We were so happy and for the first time at peace with our lives. Yes, sometimes we would break down, and the death of her father came back to us. That horrible period of depression would hover over us. But the thought of the new baby coming into the world to caring family, with an independent mother and an eager father always cheered us up. The doctor said that the baby was completely heathy in the tests so far, except for a few minor issues that were commonly present in most newborns. Sofia was five months pregnant and we were so excited about the new baby. Its hard to believe that now, just two months later, she is sobbing over my dead body.

  14. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 10:11pm UTC
    this quote represents me. it is small. you dont see it. you dont realize how mucch work is putt intoo itt. so it decides to tryy to makee thhings better. It starts to capitalize and spells correctly. It tries to make itself better, yet still no one sees it. So it changes itself. Makes it easier to see, and more presentable. Yet still, it is unseen. It is different from the others, it doesn't fit in. Yet no one will take the chance to see it there, to see it struggling. It tries to stand out. It changes again, for other people. It adds color, so people will like it more. Yet still, NO ONE LIKES IT. IT SCREAMS! YET NO ONE HEARS IT! It tries to be like everyone else. No more individuallity! <3 :P It becomes noticeable and soon people SHOULD BE reading it. Yet no one is. So finally it gives up. because no matter what it does, nobody sees it. it goes back to it's old wayss. it becomes differ ent. it becomes itself. and still no one likes it. it shrinks untill no one sees it until soon it will be gone. and your gunna wwish u had redd itt but noww itz too damn late.
    the end.

  15. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 6:30pm UTC
    Am I The Only One...
    who says "Awwwwwh" in my head when I see the 11 up in the corner?
    "awwwh! thats so cute! they like meeeeeeeeeee! wait.... how can that be possible!"

  16. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 2:46pm UTC
    i think i am going to write a story.

  17. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 12:49pm UTC
    This one time, it was raining cats and dogs, so I got one and put it in a bag. Then I let the cat out of the bag. But the cat got my tounge, and it hurt so much that I killed it. But it had nine lives so I killed it seven more times. Then curiosity killed the cat once and for all. And when the cat was away, the mice played.
    do you get it?

  18. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 11:08pm UTC
    1) Hold your breath.
    2) like this quote.
    3)Put this as your quote. (While holding your breath)
    4) If you were holding your breath the whole time, You are a good kisser.

  19. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 8:39pm UTC
    congrats! ur a ninja! now write something like: "ok, unicorns are way better than dinosaurs"
    This is your ninja test.
    or "Eggplant tastes better with salt" in the comments to confuse the newbies!

  20. onlyboyonthissite onlyboyonthissite
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 8:38pm UTC
    congrats! ur a ninja! now write something like: "ok, unicorns are way better than dinosaurs"
    This is your ninja test.
    or "Eggplant tastes better with salt" in the comments to confuse the newbies!


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