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Member Since: 10 Jul 2012 09:49pm

Last Seen: 5 Oct 2012 05:50pm

user id: 316514

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  1. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 8:17pm UTC
    Dream Catcher
    Chapter 3
    "Okay, so about getting married... can we? Please?" I begged him.
    "What good would it do? I'm your age, 15. We're a little young to be getting married." He retorted.
    "Yeah, but we both have well paying jobs. If we got married, we could raise up Marley the right way. Together." I told him
    "We can do that without being married. I just... don't want to get married right now. I feel too young." He said
    "Fine, but let's try to raise Marley. Just move out of your dad's house. You know you want to." I taunted him.
    "Of course, but where would I go?" He asked me.
    "My house. And the social people don't have to find me and Miley. And together we can afford it."
    "This is crazy. We are only 15." He yelled at me.
    "Well, I guess I'll just throw my life away, then." I told him, knowing he would give in to this.
    "Fine! Let's try it. Then where will we go from there?" He shot a look at me.
    I smiled. "We'll find out."
    "Okay. Well, we're here. Go get Marley while I think." He gave me one of his 'we will so regret this' looks.
    I hopped out of the car and rang the doorbell.
    Jessie answered.
    "Hey Jessie! Where's Marley?" I asked Marley's best friend, Jessie.
    "Upstairs. She's putting her shoes on. She'll be down in a sec."
    I smiled at her and said thanks.
    Marley came running down the stairs and jumped on me for a hug.
    I laughed "Hey Mar!"
    "Miley!" She exclaimed.
    We walked back to the pickup.
    "Hey, Marley. Um, I have to tell you something. Mom died. She got in a car accident when she was drunk. I, uh, I'm sorry."
    Marley cocked her head.
    "Really? Wow that's great! Now you can be my mommy!"
    I looked at her.
    "Your happy about her death?" I was shocked.
    "Well, yeah. You know she liked to hit us."
    "Yeah, I know." I smiled.

  2. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 7:47pm UTC
    Dream Catcher
    Chapter 2
    "So, what's this plan of yours?" He asked.
    "We get married." I told him.
    "Whaaaat?! You know I love you, but... No. We can't just get married!" He screamed at me with his eyes bulging out of his sockets.
    "Fine. We're here. We can talk about it later."
    We walked across the parking lot into the hospital.
    My mom just died. It was no big deal, though. She was always a terrible mother. She always came home drunk. She never fed us. And sometimes she even abused us. The saddest thing about her death was that me and my little sister, Marley, were left without parents. My dad left when I was born.
    My boyfriend,Charlie, and I were going to visit mom in the hospital for, well I don't know what for.
    I walked into the hospital.
    "Nicole Quinn?" I asked the short lady at the counter.
    "Yes, room 231 upstairs. You know what happened to her, right?" The lady asked.
    "Yep. I know she's dead. It's okay." I told her.
    I walked upstairs and found room 231.
    I opened the door and walked up to my mother's body.
    "Hey mom. Hope you had a great life. It's nice for you to have left Marley and me with no parents. I appreciate it." I whispered.
    I walked out of the room and returned to the car where Charlie was waiting for me.
    "How did it go?"
    "Eh, fine. I just wish she could have had a better life. You know, not full of drinking and crap." I told Charlie
    "Yeah, I see what you mean." He said.
    "Let's just go pick up Marley from Jessie's." I instructed Charlie.
    We drove off towards Jessie's house.

  3. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 7:21pm UTC
    Dream Catcher
    Chapter 1
    "Miley..." He tried to comfort me.
    "No. I just... It's... It just doesn't seem real." I sobbed at him.
    "I know. I know. It's going to get better. Trust me." He tried to calm me down.
    With no result.
    "Let's go see her. One last time." I told him.
    "Yeah, of course."
    We got in his blue pickup truck and started driving.
    "Well, now we don't have parents. What am I supposed to do with Marley? Will we be sent of to an orphanage or something?" I asked him.
    "Well, maybe. What if you found some relative that would take you in? That would be fine." He said to me.
    "Yeah, that would be great! The problem is that I don't have any reltives! They're all gone or dead."
    "Oh..." He trailed off.
    "Or, maybe the social workers won't find out!"I said in a somewhat devious voice.
    "Miley, you know that you're not old enough. Right?"
    "Well, yeah. That's what I'm saying. Work with me here!" I yelled at him.
    "Hey... I have a plan. And I think it might work!" I got excited.

  4. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 1:31pm UTC
    Well, no one except mustachedbunny is reading the story so im just going to stop for now. sorry bunny

  5. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 12:22pm UTC
    just me
    Chapter 5
    Marley and me and Brynn met back up at the beach.
    We made a huge fire, hoping to warm us and signal to people that we were here.
    We also made a small hut with leaves over it so if it rained, we would be safe under cover.
    "Well, I guess it's getting kinda late." I whispered. Brynn fell asleep in my lap and I didnt want to wake her.
    "Yeah, I guess we should head in. Wow, my first night on an island, and no one knows where I am." Marley whispered back.
    "You don't know that! There could be people coming for us right this second!" I whisper-yelled.
    "Okay, okay. I didn't mean to upset you. Let's just get some rest."
    We walked into the makeshit hut and fell asleep.
    "Hurry up! Get the luggage! A boat! There's a boat!" I screamed to Marley and Brynn.
    They came running out of the hut, suitcase in hands and started laughing with delight.
    "I told you people would come for us, Marley." I accused him.
    "Yep. You were right." he chuckled.
    Aww, his smile. It was so cute. And the way he looks at the ground when he smiles. His dark brown hair that falls into his eyes when he looks down. He was so adorable. WAIT! Snap out of it, Zoey. You will never see him again.
    I woke up.
    "D/MNIT! I just had the best dream that we were getting rescued! It wasn't real, though. Crap, crap, crap." I screamed so that the whole world could hear me.
    "Calm down, Zoey. I see a boat, for real. Get the luggage and let's go!" Marley told me.
    I gave him a look of shock and peered out into the water. He was right. There was a rescue boat looking for us!
    I got Brynn and put her life vest on.
    "Okay, let's go get that boat!" I encouraged Brynn and Marley.
    They followed me out into the water. We started signalling down the boat that was probably only a quarter of a mile away from us. I guess they saw us because they beeped the horn.
    We swam towards them, they coasted towards us.
    In about five minutes, we were next to the boat getting pulled in by life preservers on rope.
    I grabbed hold of Brynn and was raised up to the deck.

  6. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 11:28am UTC
    just me
    Chapter 4
    I screamed at the top of my lungs.
    A body, really?
    "Brynn, come on. I took her uninjured arm and dragged her along.
    Before I knew it, we were at the island. I had no clue what I was doing, though.
    I haven't ever really been taught what to do in case of being stranded on and island.
    And I never hoped that I'd have to.
    "Well, first thing first, let's look at your arm." I told her
    She held it up for me to look at.
    "Hmm, I'm no doctor, but it looks broken. Uhh, make a splint?"
    I told Brynn to wait there while I went to go get some sticks or something.
    I picked up a few sticks that looked about Brynn's arm length and sturdy-ish.
    I walked back over to Brynn.
    "Crap. You probably need to set the bone... I have no idea how to do that." I informed Brynn.
    "Hey. You need some help? My dad's an orthopeidan. I know how to set bones." A cute guy walked up and asked me. I recognized him as the one and only kid I saw that was still alive.
    "Uhh, yeah. Thanks!" I stammered
    He walked over to Brynn.
    "Now, this will hurt a little at first, but then the pain will go away." He tried to comfort her.
    The only problem was, she did not like pain. At all.
    She screamed a blood curdling scream. I never heard one of those out of her mouth.
    She started sobbing. I kept telling her how it will get better in a little bit.
    I held the sticks up to her arms and tied one of my scarves around the sticks and her arm, making a makeshift cast.
    "Hey, well I'm Marley." The cute guy looked at me.
    "Zoey. And that's Brynn." I pointed to my little sister.
    "So, where's your family?" I asked Marley
    "Oh, they weren't on the plane. I came alone, I'm going to Orlando to go to my Mom's. They just got divorced and she moved to Florida. But crap, we're stranded on this island. What are we going to do?" He talked on and on.
    "Well, let's start a fire and make a shelter. Then we'll figure it out from there." I explained.
    Brynn and I went to go collect sticks and big leaves while Marley went to get some food if he could find any.

  7. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 1:56am UTC
    just me
    Chapter 3
    I put on Brynn's life vest, then mine.
    They told us to buckle up, but I couldn't see why. If we were going down, we would just have to try to escape as fast as possible. I decided not to listen to that rule.
    I held Brynn in my arms and told her everything was going to be all right.
    I could tell she couldn't believe me, though.
    I looked out the window, and I could tell that we were losing altitude.
    "Okay, Brynn. Here's the plan. When we hit the water, we are going to stay here and be calm. I'm sure that it would get a little hectic, so we should just give it a sec to settle down. After that, we are going to make our way towards the door and hop out. Got it?" I explained
    "Well, yeah. Sure, but there's just one problem. I'm only five. I can't swim. Zoey, I'm scared" She sobbed to me.
    "I know you are, but we're gonna get through this. And once we're through with this, we're going to meet dad. Remember? Everything's going to be ok--"
    Just then, the plane crashed. It was a pretty rough landing.
    I could hear screaming, crying. It was terrible.
    "Zoey! My arm!" Brynn cried in pain.
    I could tell it was broken. It was in a weird position that I don't think arms can go.
    "I know, baby. It's going to be okay. Just stick with the plan and we'll be alright." I tried to comfort her. It didn't work well, though. I'm not that great at this whole mothering thing, but Brynn meant so much to me. I couldn't imagine life without her.
    The plane seemed to be close to empty.
    "Okay, time to go. Head up to the door, I'm right behind you." I instructed Brynn.
    She walked along the isle, water sloshing under her feet. I followed.
    We made it to the door and jumped out.
    I noticed that there weren't many people around. Only a guy about my age.
    Where was everyone?
    "Crap, our luggage. It could be important. Wait here, I need to get it." I told her.
    I swam towards the plane, but it was filled with water that reached my waist.
    I trudged along until I found the place with our luggage above our seats.
    I grabbed it and made my way towards the door.
    Brynn was still in the same place that I left her, so I swam over that way.
    I looked around at our surroundings. There was a small island with some sand and trees.
    It looked like a good enough place to camp out.
    I motioned for Brynn to follow me, then swam that way.
    Just then, a body floated up in front of me.
    And I touched it.

  8. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 11:08pm UTC
    just me
    Chapter 2
    "I hope you guys have a good time. Enjoy the rest of your summer. One last thing, behave yourselves. Bye girls, I love you." My mom cooed at us.
    "Bye Mommy! I love you and I'll miss you so much! I'll call every morning and night. Bye Mommy." Brynn huffed.
    "Bye." I stated, trying to sound a little hurt, yet mad.
    I took hold of Brynn's hand and we marched onto our plane.
    Of course Mom couldn't afford our plane tickets so our Dad bought them. I guess it's a good start, he might be generous. I hope.
    Brynn and I found our seats and settled in.
    "You ready Brynn?" I asked
    "Yep. Ready for takeoff!" She said loudly.
    All the other passengers looked at Brynn.
    "Zoey, Daddy's gonna be nice, right?" Brynn asked
    "I sure hope so."
    The loudspeaker came on
    "Please buckle your seatbelts. We are about to take off. Our destination, Orlando, Florida. Enjoy your ride!"
    "Okay Brynn, put your seatbelt on." I told her
    The plane took off.
    Before I knew it, I was asleep. We must have been flying for an hour. I checked my phone and I was right. We have been flying for about an hour. I looked over at Brynn who was fast asleep.
    The loudspeaker came on.
    "We are having some difficulties. Prepare for impact. The air masks will come down. Make sure to put the life preservers on, for we will be landing in the water.
    We were travelling to Orlando, Florida from Vermont. The way they took us was over the ocean.
    I shook Brynn awake.
    "Brynn! Wake up! We're going down!" I shouted.
    Her eyes fluttered open.
    "Zoey, what's going on? Why is everyone so scared?" Brynn asked.
    "We're going down. I need you do put this on and be as calm as possible."

  9. ojustmeo ojustmeo
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 10:41pm UTC
    just me
    Chapter 1
    "I don't know why you're doing this!" I screamed at my mother with tears streaming down my face.
    "One day, you're taking care of us, the next you're doing... this." I screeched.
    "I know that it's a big shock now, but it isn't so bad! Just think of all the news things that you'll see and experience. Maybe you can come back here after a little while there. You know I'm only doing what's best for you and Brynn." My mom retorted.
    "Yeah, going there. Thats' whats best!" I yelled my last remark before running up to my room and slamming the door.
    I knew she couldn't stand me or Brynn slamming the door when we were mad.
    I did a belly flop onto my bed and started sobbing.
    Mom was shipping me and my little 5 year old sister, Brynn, to my dad's.
    Mom said that she couldn't afford to keep us right now. She got laid off and now we were broke.
    I still couldn't believe that she would just abandon me and Brynn just like that. Send us off to some stranger that she hadn't seen or talked to since I was born.
    I heard a soft knock on the door.
    "Come in." I said in a muffled tone becase my head was stuffed under my pillow.
    The door creaked open and Brynn appeared in the doorway.
    "What's going on? Why are you crying?" she whispered.
    I patted the bed next to me, signalling for her to come sit down.
    I held her in my arms.
    "Mom is sending us to dad. She needs some time alone to get straightened up." I squeezed her.
    "Well, it might not be too bad! Maybe Daddy will be nice and give us icecream for dinner!" She exclaimed.
    She was always looking on the bright side. I guess that's what a lot of little girls are like, though.
    "Yep. Maybe, you never know. Well, Florida, here we come."


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