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just me

Chapter 5

Marley and me and Brynn met back up at the beach.
We made a huge fire, hoping to warm us and signal to people that we were here.
We also made a small hut with leaves over it so if it rained, we would be safe under cover.
"Well, I guess it's getting kinda late." I whispered. Brynn fell asleep in my lap and I didnt want to wake her.
"Yeah, I guess we should head in. Wow, my first night on an island, and no one knows where I am." Marley whispered back.
"You don't know that! There could be people coming for us right this second!" I whisper-yelled.
"Okay, okay. I didn't mean to upset you. Let's just get some rest."
We walked into the makeshit hut and fell asleep.
"Hurry up! Get the luggage! A boat! There's a boat!" I screamed to Marley and Brynn.
They came running out of the hut, suitcase in hands and started laughing with delight.
"I told you people would come for us, Marley." I accused him.
"Yep. You were right." he chuckled.
Aww, his smile. It was so cute. And the way he looks at the ground when he smiles. His dark brown hair  that falls into his eyes when he looks down. He was so adorable. WAIT! Snap out of it, Zoey. You will  never see him again.
I woke up.
"D/MNIT! I just had the best dream that we were getting rescued! It wasn't real, though. Crap, crap, crap." I screamed so that the whole world could hear me.
"Calm down, Zoey. I see a boat, for real. Get the luggage and let's go!" Marley told me.
I gave him a look of shock and peered out into the water. He was right. There was a rescue boat looking for us!
I got Brynn and put her life vest on. 
"Okay, let's go get that boat!" I encouraged Brynn and Marley.
They followed me out into the water. We started signalling down the boat that was probably only a quarter of a mile away from us. I guess they saw us because they beeped the horn.
We swam towards them, they coasted towards us. 
In about five minutes, we were next to the boat getting pulled in by life preservers on rope.
I grabbed hold of Brynn and was raised up to the deck.

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just me Chapter 5 Marley and me and Brynn met back up at the

2 faves · Jul 11, 2012 12:22pm






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