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  1. Sandrasaurus Sandrasaurus
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2012 5:22pm UTC
    format by sandrasaurus
    So many words left unspoken.
    So many feelings left unshown.

  2. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2012 11:09am UTC
    What's that? A hat?A crazy, funky junky hat?
    Overslept? Hair unslightly?Trying to look like Kiera Knightly?We've been there, we've done that.We see right through your funky hat.

  3. zubair zubair
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2012 2:53pm UTC
    p r i s o n . . .
    I would like to be sentenced
    for life.♥

  4. I_Dont_Know I_Dont_Know
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2012 6:14pm UTC
    K? Well potassium to you too then...

  5. soulofthereaper soulofthereaper
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 12:28pm UTC
    I don't have OCD, I have
    It's like OCD
    but the letters are in order.

  6. soulofthereaper soulofthereaper
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 10:38pm UTC
    So I have this friend.
    She's a little bit of a blonde.
    So one day, back when we were at school, she was sitting in honors choir.
    The kids had to write what kind of bread they wanted for the next day.
    So she reads the question, writes down the word "white," looks up at everyone else and asks,
    "What's bread called again?"

  7. soulofthereaper soulofthereaper
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 4:48pm UTC
    One does not simply
    "dislike" a Jenna Marbles video.
    my format, my quote.

  8. soulofthereaper soulofthereaper
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 5:36pm UTC
    1. There must always be bacon in the fridge. Always.
    2. There does not exist a food that does not go well with bacon.
    3. There are two kinds of people in the world: those who like bacon, and those who will be used as bait in the case of a zombie apocalypse.
    4. Even pigs like bacon. Fact.
    5. Crispy and chewy are both acceptable was to cook bacon. Thou shalt not discriminate.
    6. 90% of the world's problems can be solved by cooking more bacon.
    7. Bacon presents exactly zero health risks. Shup up.
    8. Bacon makes the internet run faster. Another fact.
    9. Meals without bacon are rarely worth eating.
    10. Thou shalt always consume bacon on the Sabbath. And the Mondayath. And the Tuesdayath. And the...
    11. Bacon makes you cool.

  9. soulofthereaper soulofthereaper
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 10:29am UTC
    *Me watching a horror movie*
    Me: Who is that.
    Me: Why'd she just die?
    Me: Oh, it's just the beginning.
    Me: Don't open the closet, are you stupid!
    Me: Had that coming, now didn't you?
    Me: Obviously something weird is happening! WHY would you stay?
    Me: They all deserve to die.
    Me: Creepy little kid, why doesn't this scare them?
    Me: And now they're kissing. This is no time to proclaim your love, people are dying!
    Me: Well good, you deserve to die.
    Me: How did she survive the movie, she's the stupidest one there!
    Me: I really need to lower my expectations for this kinda thing.

  10. ImmaBelieber67 ImmaBelieber67
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2012 1:29pm UTC
    "Alavanna means a lot to me,
    please, I beg of you
    to pray for her."
    - Justin Bieber
    format credit to OneDirection/Credit to Jill

  11. juliaamarriee juliaamarriee
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2012 11:12am UTC
    Me: *listening to the radio*
    Radio: Do you want to make $100,000 doing what YOU LOVE?!
    Me: YESSS!!
    Radio: Good because there is a high demand for PERSON TRAINERS!..

  12. I_Dont_Know I_Dont_Know
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2012 12:52am UTC
    Is this the real life?
    Is this just fantasy?
    Caught in a landslide,
    No escape from reality.
    Bohemian Rhapsody

  13. bgsoccer93 bgsoccer93
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2012 4:33pm UTC
    Christpoher seemed to have schizophrenia
    Tigger seemed to have ADHD
    Piglet seemed to have anxiety
    Pooh seemed to have an eating disorder
    Eeyore seemed to have depression
    Rabbit seemed to have OCD
    & we all learned to love them

  14. __OneDirectionerForever__ __OneDirectionerForever__
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 8:24pm UTC
    9 year old in 2012: Short shorts, A&F, Hollister, Tank tops, VS bras and undies, stuffed bra, IPhone, Ipad, Vera Bradly, Died hair, a lot make up, and 500 dollar manicures, Getting drinks and drunks and saying YOLO every 5 seconds.
    Me when i was 9: Hannah Montana shirt, high school musical sneakers, jeans, messy hair, and screaming 'Roxie like a puma!!!' every 5 seconds. Getting sugar high on kool-aid.

  15. mayday mayday
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    pretty friend: omg i just got 100 likes on my profile picture
    smart friend: omg i got an a on my exam
    athletic friend:omg i just got asked to join the national team
    me: today i meowed at my cat and she meowed back

  16. SARAHgirl5 SARAHgirl5
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 6:16pm UTC
    Love; has 4 letters; but so
    does Hate.
    Friends;has 7 letters; but
    so doesEnemies.
    Truth; has 5 letters; but
    so does Lying...

  17. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 4:13pm UTC
    Niall: One day I want to have children. Zayn: That's not going to happen. You're never going to get pregnant.

  18. juliaamarriee juliaamarriee
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 3:14pm UTC
    The Spongebob episode with F.U.N. came out 13 years ago. Who else feels incredibly old?!
    < 3

  19. zubair zubair
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 3:34pm UTC
    I'm Still going to shine. ♥

  20. soulofthereaper soulofthereaper
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 5:17pm UTC
    Only humans
    would cut down trees,
    make paper,
    and then write "Save the trees!" on it.


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