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Member Since: 12 Apr 2011 10:51pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 165046

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Hey there my fellow witty girls,

This is an account I created to put up some of the stories I write. I rele hop you enjoy them and I would greatly appreciate it if you would fav., follow, and comment!Be sure to check my freinds account with all qoutes!
<3 Love u all and keep readin my stories

  1. livelovewrite livelovewrite
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2011 6:26pm UTC
    Whenever I feel like I can trust no one I always remember my witty girls are there to have my back :)
    So thanks witty girls for always being there to listen to
    the heart broken
    the love sick
    the girls who think they aren't pretty enough
    those who have no one to turn to
    and those who just need to let it all out
    We may all come from different places and have completely different lives but you truly are my
    Witty Sisters

  2. livelovewrite livelovewrite
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2011 3:37pm UTC
    ♥Real Life and Fairy Tales♥
    Chapter 4
    Christina's outfit
    I walked through the door of my house and threw my North Face backpack on the chair by the door. I went to the pantry and grabbed my bag of flammin’ hot chips and a Gatorade. I plopped myself down on the couch. I decided to watch all the recent episodes of Glee I reordered until it was time to get dinner together. I was in the middle of the first show when my little sister, Sarah, came in. “Sissy you home?” She called after closing the door. “Ya, in the living room,” I answered. Sarah came skipping in with a joyous look on her face. “Guess what, guess what,” Sarah shouted enthusiastically. “What is it girl,” I answered back trying to sound equally excited, but it just sounded fake. “Well…” she held out a dramatic pause trying to build excitement and anticipation yet it just got on my nerves. I love my little sister to death, but sometimes she just got kinda annoying. “Today we got the bestest project ever from Mrs. Kelly!”
    “Really? What did Mrs. Kelly assign?” I asked. Man, I really missed those days in third grade when the teacher assigned fun projects like my little sister Sarah. “We get to read fairytale stories every night with our parents and,” she started to clap and get really excited like she hadn’t told me the best part yet, “I asked Mrs. Kelly if it was ok and she said yes so you can read them with me instead!” Sarah ran over and gave me a big hug and buried her head in my shoulder. Her curly hair got in my face and I smelled the same shampoo I used every day in her luscious locks. My sister is the cutest 3rd grader you will ever meet. As a baby she was a model for a local baby store here in town. She had the cutest outfits since she was a model and she still does. She is way cuter than I was and even to this day she still is. Sarah is so sweet too. She always makes you smile and laugh at the things she says and even though she is only in third grade we share our secrets like my giant crush on Sam and one time in second grade she got in trouble and made me promise not to tell mom. Sarah is the best little sister ever. Sarah lifted her head off my shoulder and stared at me through her giant green eyes waiting patiently for my response. “Really chica? That’s great! We are going to have so much fun!” I said with mouthfuls of her thick hair that were still on my face. It actually sounded like a fun project for me and my sister to do together, it would bring us closer and let me play a bigger role in her life, but I would have to make even more time for her and give up some of my precious homework time since I am now tutoring Rachel and possibly Sam. My heart sped up little bit faster as I thought back to English today. I glanced at the clock and saw it was going on 4:30. “Hey Sarah how about you tell me more about this project as I start making dinner.”
    “Ok,” and we walked into the kitchen with her chatting frantically about all the fairytales we would read.
    *Hey everybody! sorry i haven't written in forever been super busy :/ but things r dying down so I'll be able to write more :) Well let me know what u think of this slower chapter plz! Isn't Sarah cute?? :)

  3. livelovewrite livelovewrite
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 4:19pm UTC
    ♥Real Life and Fairy Tales♥
    Chapter 3 Part 2
    I broke down in tears and slid to the floor. Here I was, thinking I had a chance with the coolest kid in the school when reality finally kicked in and showed me I couldn’t. Of course Sam would want to go out with Nikki instead of me, just plain Christina. Nikki is cool, all the boys like her, and she is actually nice to the guys she likes. Why couldn’t they see the true her? It’s SO frustrating. I wiped my tears and pulled myself together. I was getting up off the floor as the door opened yet again. Crap I can’t let anyone see me like this. I made a mad dash to the nearest stall. “Hey, Christina are you still here?” It was the voice of Rachel. She sounded apologetic, but I didn’t want to give her another chance to crush my already fragile emotions. I decided not to answer. “Christina are you?” Ugh I couldn’t be mean. My emotions may be fragile, but I have a big heart and it sounded like she needed to talk. “Ya,” I whispered as I walked out of the stall making sure my bangs were in my face so she couldn’t see I had been crying. There was an awkward moment of silence before Rachel started talking.”Ummm Christina I know we aren’t the best of friends anymore and I truly am sorry for what just happened with Nikki. I know you didn’t deserve that because you were only helping Sam with R&J, but Nikki really likes Sam so she just kinda got mad. But that’s not what I’m here for.”The whole time Rachel was staring at the floor, I guess too scared to look me in the eyes. I waited for her to go on, “Well, as you know I’m not in your English class, but we are reading Romeo and Juliet too….” She trailed off a little until she finally finished. “But the reason I came to talk to you was that I need help depicting Shakespeare. My mom thinks I need a tutor, but I don’t want people to think I’m stupid and the lady I have now does not help at all. The reason I chose to ask you was because I know you’re really really smart and today Sam came out of English saying how you helped him understand it so much better. He also mentioned how you guys compared R&J to real life and how that really helped him and he talked about how much fun he had. He said he had never had so much fun in English class,” Rachel stole a glance at me and found me blushing profusely. “I see,” I said slowly. I knew what Rachel was asking, but I didn’t know how to reply. “I guess I could help you,” I finally replied after considering what she was asking. I mean why not help out an old friend even though she hurt me. “Are you for real?!??!”
    “Ya I am.” Wow did she really think I wouldn’t help her. She may have broken our old promises, but I still kept mine of always helping her. “Wow, thanks so much. I promise I can pay you back some way. Well, I’ll text you soon with more info.”
    “Do you have my number?” I asked and pulled out my phone so I could give it to her.
    “Ya, I actually do if you didn’t change it from 8th grade.”
    “Yepp it’s still the same,” I answered with a smile. Did she really keep my number? I felt a leap of joy. “Well I’ll see you around Christie, Nikki is waiting for me so see ya.” As quick as that joy came it left as I remembered we weren’t best friends anymore. It was her and Nikki.
    * Bet u didn't see that comin :) Well keep on readin and favin! New chapter will be comin out shortly. Let me know wat u think so far also would yu guys prefer fewer longer chapters or more shorter chapters??? Just let me know in the comment area thx :)

  4. livelovewrite livelovewrite
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 11:58am UTC
    ♥Real Life and Fairy Tales♥
    Chapter 3 Part 1
    I packed up shocked after Sam left. Before heading to my locker I practically ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. My thoughts were racing, heart hammering. ‘Was Sam really meaning what he said? Did he really think I was cool?’ I took a few breaths to calm myself down and walked out of the stall to a sink. I turned on the cold water and started splashing my face to calm me down. The water felt so good on my clammy skin. I heard whispering outside the door as I dried my face off with a paper towel. The door opened and two girls walked in. One of them was talking frantically and it sounded like she was annoyed. I turned back around and I froze in terror as I came face to face with Nikki and Rachel. “Well, well, well, look who it is. Little Miss Smarty-pants that thinks she can talk to the populars. Well think again! I heard about English class and reading the romantic fairy tale of Romeo and Juliet with Sam. I know the story is about two people who can’t be together because of a family rivalry, but it’s not about a jock and the nerd that can’t be together because of their social status so keep dreaming! After all it’s a fairy tale for a reason, so back off because Sam is mine!” Shouted Nikki fiercely. I was so scared, I had never been confronted by her before and never planned on it. I guess Nikki didn’t want an answer because she let out a groan of annoyance and shouted at Rachel for her to follow as she left the bathroom. They filed out and I heard the door slam close and the last words I heard from Nikki were “Who does she think she is?”
    *Hope you liked this drama filled chapter :) be sure to keep reading for Christie's reaction and what happens betwen her and everybody else. Plz continue to give me feedback and feel free to share ur ideas bout wat u think should happen or wat u liked and didn't like so much. U guys rock so thx again SOOOOO much!!!
    <3 ya - livelovewrite

  5. livelovewrite livelovewrite
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 1:45pm UTC
    ♥Real Life and Fairy Tales♥
    Here is Sam's outfit again so be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!
    Chapter 2 Part 2
    I was unpacking my bag as Sam took his seat next to me and the scent of his cologne drifted into my nostrils. I know it may sound creepy, but he was wearing my favorite cologne today. “Hey,” I whispered barely audible as I kept my gaze on the board. He flipped his gorgeous blonde hair and replied in his deep voice, “Hey there.” My heart skipped a beat and I inhaled sharply at the sound of his voice. That was usually the extent of our conversation for the rest of the class. Sometimes we wouldn’t even say “hey” but sit there in awkward silence. I had a feeling today would be different though. “Today we will be discussing the Queen Mab monologue from your reading homework last night in Rome and Juliet. You will have to paraphrase and summarize the text,” the whole class moaned,” and you can work with the person sitting next to you.” Relief swept around the room. Sam looked over at me and motioned for me to move my desk closer. “So could today get any more boring,” said Sam absent mindedly. “Nope, this is as boring as it gets,” I said plopping my book down next to him. My hands felt sweaty all of a sudden and my heart started to race. “So I read the assigned pages last night, but didn’t get it at all. So just a fair warning, I may not be that much help,” Sam said with his quirky grin on his face. I was feeling flirty so I decided to make a joke. Jokes were usually out of my comfort zone, but I felt daring. “Lucky for you I am a Romeo and Juliet master.” He smiled and shook his head with my comment.“Good cuz I need all the help I can get.”
    “Well what did you think the Queen Mab monologue was about?”
    “An evil queen who drove across people’s mouths?” Sam said unsure with the cutest look in his eyes I’ve ever seen. “Close, very close,” I said and we just laughed.
    That English class was the best I’ve ever had. The whole time we were joking around while I explained to Sam about Queen Mab and how she made the lover’s dream of love and got mad at the ladies for their sweet breath so she gave those ladies blisters. I grew kinda quite when he made a connection with Queen Mab and the lady’s blisters because he started talking about his ex who was an amazing kisser, but she always got blisters so he had to end it. After that I said a silent prayer that if I ever had a boyfriend like Sam that I would NEVER get blisters. Then we discussed some of the craziest dreams we ever had. I was way more talkative than usual and other people noticed too because I kept getting strange stares and some people started whispering. Just as Sam was finishing another crazy dream about a talking dog on Mars, the bell rang. “Thanks again for all the help on R&J. I actually get it now.”
    “No problem, anytime Sam,” I said with a smile on my face. His name tasted so good in my mouth. “I may take you up on that offer sometime so be prepared if you get a random call from me at midnight or ask to meet up,” he said quietly while he stared into my eyes,” You seem really cool too.” My heart literally dropped when the words came out of his mouth and with that he swiftly left the room.
    *Hey everybody! I wanted to thank everyone who is following, favin, and commentin! it means a lot to me so keep it up. So this chapter i think is really cute since they r readin romeo and juliet! Next chapter boy is there drama with nikki over sam! but i dont want to give too much away so keep on readin and doin wat u do! Lots of luv!

  6. livelovewrite livelovewrite
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 11:01am UTC
    ♥Real Life and Fairy Tales♥
    Before you read this a link to Sam's outfit. He enters near the end of the chapter, but the next chapter is more centered around him so I'll add the link to that chapter as well But here it is, hope u like :)
    Chapter 2 Part 1
    My first classes went by so slowly, like a turtle on slow-mo. Finally freedom came as the lunch bell rang. I was last of the math room as the lunchroom stampede quickly trampled out the door. I gathered my things and headed out. I took my usual seat at my usual table with my usual lunch and waited for Ian to come sit down. I took out my peanut butter and jelly sandwich (I know pretty boring) and began munching on it daydreaming about Sam and his long blonde hair he flips, his gorgeous blue eyes, and his smile. Oh his smile just makes my heart melt. I was slowly planning out how he would start talking to me and where our relationship would go from there as Ian took a seat clearly annoyed. “Can’t they all just get a life? I mean do they really just sit there at lunch and put everyone else down?” I shrugged and got my precut apples out. “And do they mind keeping their comments to themselves!”
    “What did they say this time?”
    “ Oh you know the usual, backstab anyone that goes to throw their trash away, comment on all the ‘hot guy bods’,” Ian said with a smirk on his face, “Especially that Sam Wellington kid. I don’t get what everyone fancies him for.”
    “Oh that’s nice, “I said not meeting his eyes secretly begging that my cheeks weren’t turning bright red. “Ya I mean what’s so great about him? Sure he is a star soccer player, but so what. I can kick a ball into a goal any day.”
    “Sure you can Ian. Just like one day I will be the most popular girl in school,” I said jokingly and we both laughed because we knew how unlikely both of those things were.
    The rest of the lunch passed in a blur. Before I knew it I was headed back to class. My last class was here before I knew it. I walked in and took my seat. This is my absolute favorite class because not only is it English, my favorite subject, but Sam is in my class and neither Nikki nor Rachel are in my class to flirt with him. Just then Sam walked in and I couldn't help but stare.
    *Ok ik this chapter is a lil slow cuz all of mine usually r when i introduce chacters but the next one is better. I promise! Sam is in the entire thing AND it stirs up lots of DRAMA! well keep reading, faving, follow, and commenting its greatly appreciated! :)

  7. livelovewrite livelovewrite
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 1:43am UTC
    ♥Real Life and Fairy Tales ♥
    Here are some new character's outfits. They are the populars hope u like them :)
    Chapter 1 Part 2
    I looked up and saw the clique walking down the hall. It consisted of Nikki, the leader, Rachel, the head cheerleader and second most popular girl at my school, and other girls who all wanted to be just as popular as those two best friends. Nikki is the leader of the group and one of the meanest girls on the face of this earth. If there was drama she was usually at the center of it all. Then there was her right hand girl, Rachel who was the nicest, sweetest girl until she met Nikki. We used to be inseparable since the age of 3. She was popular, pretty, and funny while I was nerdy, a nobody, and preferred not to be noticed unless it had to do with academics. It was such an unlikely pair that it just seemed to work. We never fought, we shared thoughts, and we were always at one of our houses every weekend. We were so close that I called her parents mom and dad too. That all changed when Rachel started dating Jeremy the year of eighth grade. Jeremy was quarterback for the Jr. Pirates and Rachel was a cheerleader. She felt she had to be in the popular crowd with the popular girls now that she was dating Jeremy. That’s when she and Nikki met up. It seemed like they loved each other from the start, but I knew differently because Rachel was always telling me how she hated Nikki and some of the stupid things she did. At least I thought I knew differently because when I got on the bus on the first day of school I found her sitting with Nikki. I knew we didn’t hang out as much as we usually did the summer before eighth grade but we swore in first grade that we would always sit together. Guess that promise was broken. Now as I stood at my locker with Ian I remembered all the other promises she broke. I looked away quickly and finished unpacking my bag hoping Rachel didn’t see the one tear in the corner of my eye. I know it is stupid to cry over something so stupid that happened last year I just can’t help it. What happened really hurt me. What Rachel did hurt me. I grabbed my books for first hour and shut my locker and walked with Ian to first hour trying to leave all of my pain locked up in my locker.
    *Hey guys! Hope ur r liking the story :) plz comment, fav, and follow. Also I would love some feedback so let me know! I know this chapter is a lil slow but trust me its goin be good:) theres some drama bout to boil over in a chapter or two so keep readin!

  8. livelovewrite livelovewrite
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 1:10am UTC
    Hey witty!
    livelovewrite here. This is a new story I have begun and it's my first one I'm putting up (with hopefully many more to follow :) if u like it!) So let me know what you think so fav, follow, and comment cuz it will be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Lots of luv my witty sisters <3
    ♥Real Life and Fairy Tales ♥
    So I decided to use polyvore to show my characters' outfits and give everyone an idea of what I'm seeing so I hope it helps and let me know what you think!
    Christina's School
    Chapter 1 Part 1
    I walked through the hallway with my head down, hoping to not draw any attention to myself. My dirty New Balance shoes stared back at me through my geeky classes and greasy, stringy hair. I may not be the most stylish person, but those things don’t really matter to me. I mean sure I would love to have boys worship the ground I walked on and beg for me to go to prom with them like Nikki, the gorgeous, snobby queen bee of our school, but I’m just simple, nerdy Christina Holly. I spun the dial on my top half locker and opened it up to unpack my things from my bag. “Hi-a there Christie.” I jumped at the sound of my name. “Gosh Ian, you scared me half to death!” Ian Cheveri is my best friend. We aren’t exactly “best friends” because we don’t hang out on weekends or share deep dark secrets, but he is one of the only people who actually talks to me and not just about what answer I got for number 12 on test or anything about academics. Besides always getting in trouble and being the class clown he was actually pretty cool. “So how was homework, reading, studying, and getting a perfect ACT score go last night?” he asked sarcastically.
    “Not funny Ian,” I said rolling my eyes, “I actually watched a movie, and for your information it was not a documentary.”
    “Well then what was it if it wasn’t informing you on the solar system?”
    “The Notebook.”
    “Ooh little Miss. Brainiac does have a soft spot. Looking for love then I take it miss.” I knew this was going to be his response. Many think Ian’s side comments are rude, but I grew use to them and joke around with him myself. “Actually I was simply listening to the wonderful words of Nicholas Sparks.” Ian rolled his eyes to show his disbelief. In fact he was right, I was daydreaming of love. Throughout the whole movie I thought of one guy, Sam Wellington, star soccer player and definitely on the hot side. “Watch out Christie here they come,” whispered Ian.


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