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♥Real Life and Fairy Tales♥

Chapter 4
Christina's outfit

I walked through the door of my house and threw my North Face backpack on the chair by the door. I went to the pantry and grabbed my bag of flammin’ hot chips and a Gatorade. I plopped myself down on the couch. I decided to watch all the recent episodes of Glee I reordered until it was time to get dinner together. I was in the middle of the first show when my little sister, Sarah, came in. “Sissy you home?” She called after closing the door. “Ya, in the living room,” I answered. Sarah came skipping in with a joyous look on her face. “Guess what, guess what,” Sarah shouted enthusiastically. “What is it girl,” I answered back trying to sound equally excited, but it just sounded fake. “Well…” she held out a dramatic pause trying to build excitement and anticipation yet it just got on my nerves. I love my little sister to death, but sometimes she just got kinda annoying. “Today we got the bestest project ever from Mrs. Kelly!”
“Really? What did Mrs. Kelly assign?” I asked. Man, I really missed those days in third grade when the teacher assigned fun projects like my little sister Sarah. “We get to read fairytale stories every night with our parents and,” she started to clap and get really excited like she hadn’t told me the best part yet, “I asked Mrs. Kelly if it was ok and she said yes so you can read them with me instead!” Sarah ran over and gave me a big hug and buried her head in my shoulder. Her curly hair got in my face and I smelled the same shampoo I used every day in her luscious locks. My sister is the cutest 3rd grader you will ever meet. As a baby she was a model for a local baby store here in town. She had the cutest outfits since she was a model and she still does. She is way cuter than I was and even to this day she still is. Sarah is so sweet too. She always makes you smile and laugh at the things she says and even though she is only in third grade we share our secrets like my giant crush on Sam and one time in second grade she got in trouble and made me promise not to tell mom. Sarah is the best little sister ever. Sarah lifted her head off my shoulder and stared at me through her giant green eyes waiting patiently for my response. “Really chica? That’s great! We are going to have so much fun!” I said with mouthfuls of her thick hair that were still on my face. It actually sounded like a fun project for me and my sister to do together, it would bring us closer and let me play a bigger role in her life, but I would have to make even more time for her and give up some of my precious homework time since I am now tutoring Rachel and possibly Sam. My heart sped up little bit faster as I thought back to English today. I glanced at the clock and saw it was going on 4:30. “Hey Sarah how about you tell me more about this project as I start making dinner.”
“Ok,” and we walked into the kitchen with her chatting frantically about all the fairytales we would read.

*Hey everybody! sorry i haven't written in forever been super busy :/ but things r dying down so I'll be able to write more :) Well let me know what u think of this slower chapter plz! Isn't Sarah cute?? :)

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♥Real Life and Fairy Tales♥ Chapter 4 Christina's

3 faves · Apr 30, 2011 3:37pm






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