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Member Since: 29 Mar 2009 11:02am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 71773

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STATUS: 'well i'm definitely going to worry about you babe. its not about the energy i expend but the way it helps you when you see i care' i have the best boyfriend in the world <3

So my name's Lexi and I just turned 16 in August. My likes: sunsets, rain, freshcut grass, beaches, best friends, inside jokes, staying up late and texting. Dislikes? Liars, cheaters, fakes, bitches, drama, jealousy over stupid things, spiders and thunderstorms.
I have an amazing family.  My mom and dad? They're pretty cool. My mom and I tend to fight, but I really do appreciate her and what she does for me. Koner, my brother, yeah, he's a little brother, what else can I say? But if anyone fucks with him, they answer to me. The little assholes in his grade have learned quickly.
My family does include my closest friends. Kaylee is the sister I never had. CJ, you're a great little broski. Ash and Lyd, what can I say? You're my favorite sophomores. I love you two to pieces, you have no idea.
I'm in a relationship with prettyyy much the best guy I could ever imagine :) His name's Sydney, and yes, I love him. I can tell him everything. He's seen me at my lowest lows, highest highs, held me when I needed someone, laughed and cried with me and I can trust him with anything. But I digress.
Music is my first love. Taylor Swift is basically the best thing ever for me. Without here, I probably wouldn't have survived my freshman year. Besides her, I like basically all country, rap (yeah I know, total contradiction) some alternative (We The Kings, The Maine, All Time Low? Oh yeah) But I'll listen to pretty much anything if I like it.
I've been backstabbed by people I considered to be true friends so many times, I've lost count. Needless to say, its mad old by now. So now, if you choose to fuck with me, it'll get ugly. I frankly just don't care anymore. If you've got a problem, say it to my face instead of spewing it all over facebook. Grow up or at least grow some balls and deal with the problem for real. I'm sick of the bullshit and am no longer putting up with it. Kaythanksbye.
What else.. I'm a loud mouth. period. No other way to describe it. Everyone in my town is born with a big mouth and all anyone does is run it. Our mouths usually get us in trouble wherever we may be. haha. I love sleepovers, texting, staying up late and talking. I guess that's it. Comment if you ever want to talk!

  1. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 9:08pm UTC
    me- do whatever you want i don't care anymore.
    him- please don't say that. i know you care. please care.
    me- i really don't. you want to be with me, but you want to be her friend. then again, you could just continue the whole double life thing. we both know how good you are at that.
    him- because that's not what i want babe. i want you and nothing else. i love you.
    me- then make the damn decision, because i can't wait forever.
    him- its not even a decision babe. i choose you. i always choose you. i love you.

  2. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2010 12:49am UTC
    So here it is, my soul laid out on the screen of my computer.
    I hurt myself. I dig my arms up with the point of a compass I use in math. I pinch myself until I have large, ugly, purple and green bruises. I pick and bite my nails until they bleed and I'll bite my lip until my teeth almost go through.
    I hate going home. My mom and I don't get along, and I try to stay out of her way. Its not that I don't come from a loving, good family, because when it comes down to it, I do. But she and I can't get along. We fight, scream and yell at each other, until I'm crying so hard I can't breathe and have no feeling left.
    No one listens to me when I ask for help. My mom put me in one counseling session when she found out I was hurting myself. My counselor recommended regular appointments, but my mom never made time for me to get help. Now I'm worse off than before.
    I used to be outgoing and love to talk, but I've shrunk so far into myself that the thought of speaking in front of more than a few people terrifies me and makes me sick to my stomach.
    The only reason I'm still here is because I have an amazing boyfriend. He's the only person in my life who's stood by me through everything and has never gotten mad about anything I've done. He's done everything he can to help me through breakdowns and panic attacks and is the only person I can talk to about anything whenever I need someone. He is the sole reason I'm still alive and don't have to hurt myself all the time.
    So Witty Girls, that's my soul, laid out on a tiny computer screen. The next time you see a girl smiling, try and look past the toothy grin and see whats really going on. Those things will hide more than you'd think.

  3. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2010 12:44pm UTC
    its not always the extraordinary moments that will mean the most;
    yeah, that first kiss, the first 'i love you', those crazy nights with your friends,
    those will always be special.
    but its those long talks about nothing, baking cookies with your best friends.
    just sitting on the couch with that special guy, his arm around you, kissing the back of your head.
    playing games with your family.
    the ordinary moments are what's gonna stick with you.

  4. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2010 4:15pm UTC
    &~ on a day like today,
    you're the only person i want to talk to

  5. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 4:02pm UTC
    i remember being a little girl
    and dreaming about that boy.
    the one who treated me like gold,
    even when i knew damn well i didn't deserve it.
    the one who texted me every morning saying 'good morning beautiful :)'
    and every night, 'sweet dreams. i love you'
    the one i would think of when i heard someone talk about love,
    or heard a cheesy love song on the radio.
    the one i would hate to be away from,
    no matter how mad i was.
    and if one of us was mad,
    we could work it out and wouldn't stay mad.
    the boy i thought about was one that i could talk to,
    and knew i could trust with anything.
    the one i wanted to just be happy,
    no matter what that meant for me (even if i couldn't have him)
    the one that i loved, truly loved,
    more than myself.
    well babe, i think that sounds a whole lot like you :)

  6. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2010 4:33pm UTC
    me- i don't know why you put up with this, you don't have to.
    him- yes, i do.
    me- why?
    him- because i love you and i would do anything for you.
    me- you sure?
    him- i've never been more sure of anything else in my entire life.
    :) ♥

  7. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 4:46pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2010 6:23pm UTC
    Life isn't just the big things.
    It's all the little things.
    That one inside joke that you and your friends can't let go.
    The charm on your bracelet your mom got you just 'cause.
    The text from him on your phone that you locked and read just so you can smile.
    Your favorite song.
    The hoodie you've had for ages that's soft as anything and worn in perfectly.
    Sleepovers with your best friends where you stay up all night talking about nothing.
    Holidays spent with your family, laughing and fighting over meals.
    Your favorite candy.
    Pictures you've taken and taped in your journal.
    Your boyfriend holding you in his arms.
    The stuffed animal you've had since you were little, and even though you're a big, bad teenager now, you just can't quite let it go.
    So like I said, its the little things,
    and sometimes,
    those little things build up to the big moments.

  9. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 5:50pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2010 2:05pm UTC
    i love you.
    but you've lied.
    only a few times, but its enough.
    i don't want to wonder all the time if i can believe and trust you.
    prove to me i can.

  11. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2010 5:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2010 4:06pm UTC
    The next time you text me...
    I'm gonna run you over with my car.

  13. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 3:56pm UTC
    Just like that, it's all over.
    All of the inside jokes- gone.
    Our shared clothes- returned.
    Best friend pictures of us on Facebook- deleted.
    The plans we had for our futures together- disappeared, just like that.
    All at once, everything we had together is gone.
    I don't know what I did and you won't tell me.
    But I do know, that I'm done.
    It just makes me really sad to think that I lost my best friend

  14. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2010 3:22pm UTC
    I don't get why my friends backstab me.
    I give them everything I have to offer;
    my house.
    my bed.
    what little advice i can give.
    my heart.
    and then they just turn around and shatter me.
    I'm so sick of it </3

  15. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2010 3:00pm UTC
    Sometimes, all you want is
    someone to ask you
    what's wrong
    but then when they do,
    you can't say anything
    because you have no idea where to begin.

  16. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2010 2:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2010 12:35pm UTC
    it's the best feeling in the world.
    that second where you can't breathe;
    your heart beats faster;
    you get a whole army of butterflies in the pit of your stomach
    and it starts to do somersaults;
    maybe you get a shiver down your spine
    and this big ol' smile smile spreads across your face.
    you can't help it.
    every time you see him or talk to him,
    you get this amazing feeling,
    and its the best in the world.

  18. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2010 3:50pm UTC
    Its funny how life works sometimes;
    maybe you leave that big party a few minutes early because you're sick,
    but end up not getting in trouble when the parents show up earlier than planned.
    or you do all the work on a group project while the rest of your group gossips,
    but then you end up being the only one to get an A on the presentation, let alone pass.
    or maybe its when you like a guy so much, but he has a girlfriend.
    then you get a boyfriend you end up loving
    and then the first guy starts liking you.
    (its called too little too late, pal!)
    so like i said, sometimes its funny how life works out.

  19. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2010 10:39pm UTC
    &~ we'll dance around in the backyard
    under the stars to our song
    your hands around my waist
    and my arms around you
    swaying back and forth
    my head on your chest
    you kissing the top of my head.
    we'll create the perfect moment;
    the kind of memory that lasts a lifetime.

  20. lexiloo1994 lexiloo1994
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2010 8:56pm UTC
    I am living proof.
    Walking, talking, breathing proof.
    That after years of misery,
    wanting to die,
    hating life,
    wishing for everything to get better.
    It does.
    One day, you get it.
    You acquire the true best friends,
    the perfect guy,
    and most importantly;
    this beautiful sense of inner peace and happiness.
    So maybe you don't have it right now.
    Maybe you wish you were dead or hate your life.
    Maybe you use every wish at 11:11, on your birthday cake or on shooting stars
    for things to get better.
    It might be awful right now,
    but one day it'll get better.
    I'm proof of that.


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