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i remember being a little girl
and dreaming about that boy.
the one who treated me like gold,
even when i knew damn well i didn't deserve it.
the one who texted me every morning saying 'good morning beautiful :)'
and every night, 'sweet dreams. i love you'
the one i would think of when i heard someone talk about love,
or heard a cheesy love song on the radio.
the one i would hate to be away from,
no matter how mad i was.
and if one of us was mad,
we could work it out and wouldn't stay mad.
the boy i thought about was one that i could talk to,
and knew i could trust with anything.
the one i wanted to just be happy,
no matter what that meant for me (even if i couldn't have him)
the one that i loved, truly loved,
more than myself.

well babe, i think that sounds a whole lot like you :)

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i remember being a little girl and dreaming about that boy. the

3 faves · Sep 23, 2010 4:02pm






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