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  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2013 10:09pm UTC
    you guys don't understand. witty in 2011 & 2012 was sick.

  2. lovecrazy lovecrazy
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2013 10:45pm UTC
    I actually like a little bit of PDA.
    You know, holding hands, hugging, maybe a little kissing. But, if it gets to the point where you're trying to slide your D into my V, uh uh no siree you gotsta go.

  3. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 12:33pm UTC
    My name is Juliet Capulet, I'm 13 years young, and I luv my bf Romeo so
    much! We're gunna get married! I luv him so much & we just met hehe XD I wuld give my life for him!

  4. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2013 2:19pm UTC
    Maybe this is what
    the Mayans predicted.
    Not an asteroid or a solar flare,
    but the end of what we are.
    We no longer cherish life,
    or the other people,
    or even the earth or the animals
    or the resources put on it.
    Senseless mass murder.
    Animal cruelty.
    And waste.
    Look around you,
    the end of the world is already here...

  5. lovecrazy lovecrazy
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 3:11pm UTC
    "Where are all the good guys?!"
    They're out there, they're just hiding from you, cause you're a hoe.

  6. kristabff kristabff
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2013 4:36pm UTC
    This actually happened in science class today.
    Girl: ~talks loudly to her friends during a video on hurricanes~
    Woman Substitute Teacher: Excuse me but do i need to come sit next to you??
    Girl: No thank you i'm straight!!
    Oh my god.

  7. Pluto* Pluto*
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2013 2:39pm UTC
    The word 'sexy' is no loger censored.
    I guess you could say,
    Steve just bought sexy back.

  8. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 8:52pm UTC
    Sometimes, when I'm taking a shower, I lean forward and let my hair
    dramatically fall in front of my face and pretend I just had some kind of heart shattering moment in the rain. And, other times, I collect water in my mouth and spit it at things like squirtle.

  9. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2013 9:42pm UTC
    when i turn 69, i'll probably
    laugh for the entire year.

  10. Eli22b Eli22b
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2013 10:03pm UTC
    Just because I don't have an eating disorder,
    doesn't mean I don't mentally cringe every time I eat,
    and that I don't try and limit how much I eat. It
    also doesn't mean I don't stare in the mirror, disgusted
    by what I see.

  11. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 8:41pm UTC
    I passed a real gentleman in Boston a few weeks ago.
    Dude (into cellphone): I'M GOING TO BREAK YOUR F//CKING JAW. THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, DO YOU HEAR ME? YOUR F//CKING JAW. I'M GONNA BREAK--hold on, give me a second. There's a lady walking by.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. hopetrustbelieve01 hopetrustbelieve01
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 7:37pm UTC
    My head says no, but my heart says yes

  14. hopetrustbelieve01 hopetrustbelieve01
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2012 7:20pm UTC
    A school in Minnesota was on lock down because a student got a call from someone saying, "Your school is next." And at another school, a staff member had a gun hidden in their locker.
    What is happening to the world?

  15. Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2012 6:52pm UTC
    2012 is almost over..
    Woah. It seemed like it was only 12 months long.

  16. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2012 6:33pm UTC
    Listening To Jesse McCartney
    My brother: I Don't want another pretty face
    Me: I don't want just anyone to hold
    My mom: I don't want my love to go to waste
    My Brother2: I want you and your beautiful soul
    My Brother3: You're the one I wanna chase
    My cat: You're the one I want to hold
    Me: What?

  17. magenx15 magenx15
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2012 11:28pm UTC
    my mom: Go to Jewel and buy some milk.
    me: What if someone kidnaps me!
    my mom: They'll bring you back.
    me: What if they dont?!
    my mom: Then i'm gonna miss you.
    true story .

  18. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 9:18pm UTC
    do you ever just want to gently place your hands
    on someones cheeks and hold their head
    there in your hands, and looking into their eyes
    and then violently jerk their head
    on a right angle and snap their neck?
    bet you didnt see that plot twist coming.

  19. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 8:48pm UTC
    daughter: "mom, i love this band--"
    Me: "Do you want concert tickets? Posters? CD? Merchandise? DO YOU WANT TO FANGIRL TOGETHER?!?"

  20. xashleyx01 xashleyx01
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 8:17pm UTC
    ~• ~•
    ~• ~• ~•
    ~• ~•
    First known picture of Michael Phelps.


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