Witty Profiles

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  1. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2012 9:12pm UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Chapter 2
    Andreas P.O.V
    We had been talking to Jesse and Ryan for about an hour about nothing in particular. "Here, give me your Facebook," Ryan said to the three of us. Now, I wasn't one of those girls to give everybody my name and was hesitate.
    "Diana Jake is mine,” Diana said. “Crystal Want is hers,” she said and pointed to Crystal. “And Andi Jones is Andi's.” I could've interrupted her so she didn't tell the boys but for some reason, I didn't want to. I didn't want to never hear from Jesse again. And Ryan, of course.
    “Hey Andi, what's your skype?” Jesse asked, smiling slyly.
    “I don't have skype,” I lied. “Girls, c'mon, lets get off now. The laptop is going to die.”
    “Andi, there's still like 40 percent...” Crystal said, glancing at me.
    “Oh right, I uh... thought it said 4.”
    “Her skype is Andi.Jones,” Diana said and I love her and all but right now, all I wanted to do was stab her. Does she not know how to keep her mouth shut?
    “How boring,” Jesse said playfully. I glared at him but wasn't able to glare for that long, after all he is adorable.
    “Psh... I'm sure yours is much better.”
    “It is,” he declared. I rolled my eyes in reply.
    “So, Diana, do you have a boyfriend?” Ryan asked, winking.
    “No, I don't. What about you, Ry?” I was tempted to interrupt and say they have never actually met each other and live on either sides of the world but didn't.
    “No, no girlfriend.”
    “You guys planning on visiting Australia?” Crystal asked, twirling a piece of her beach blonde hair that I envy.
    “Maybe. After we finish school.”
    “Aren't you 19?” I asked, looking at Jesse.
    “Yeah, I repeated a grade,” he said dismissively. We all fell into comfortable silence and we faintly heard a door opening.
    “Babe, your mum let me in,” a girl said. We couldn't see who it was. I was hoping the 'babe' bit was directed to Ryan.
    Why? I asked myself. Because you like him, that taunting voice in my mind said. Ryan put his finger to his lip, signalling us not to say anything.
    “Hey,” Jesse said. I felt a pang of jealousy. Maybe it was his... mum? No, it couldn't be. Maybe it was his sister! Yes, that was it. What kind of sister calls her brother babe?
    Hopefully this one.
    “I missed you. Are we still on for tonight?” I was imagining the girl. I could see a girl with beach blonde hair, flawless skin and a small figure. I imaged a cheerleader. A perfect cheerleader. I was kidding myself if I thought this girl was his sister, this girl was obviously his girlfriend or something along those lines. And much to my dismay, I hated it.
    “Yes, of course.”
    “What are you doing on your computer?” the girl asked.
    “Nothing,” Jesse said. I heard foot steps and I saw Jesse looking at the computer screen for a moment before it came up as, Your conversational parter has disconnected.
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: Jesse was kissing her cheek and she was smiling.
    Hey lovelys! c: I hope you all are well and enjoyed this chapter. xx

  2. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 10:06pm UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Andreas P.O.V
    Chapter 1
    That accent could make any girls knees weak. He was utterly beautiful. "Wel aren't you guys sexy," Diana winked. Where she got the confidence to say so, I had no idea.
    “Are you girls British?” Blondie asked.
    “No, Australian,” I told him. “What's your name?”
    “Cool.” There was an awkward pause, none of us said anything.
    “So girls,” Jesse started. “How old are you?”
    “Eighteen. What about you?” Apart from the fact that these guys were hot, this whole chat thing was boring.
    “He's nineteen and I'm eighteen,” Ryan said. I sighed, getting up from the floor and lying down on my bed ignoring Crystal and Diana who were flirting with the boys. Crystals phone rang and she smiled immediately.
    “I'll be back,” she walked out of my room. Thankfully my parents weren't home to lecture us about being up late.
    “I'm going to go get food,” Diana said leaving me alone with the laptop. Jesse whispered something to Ryan and he left the room.
    “You know, Andi, you're really pretty,” Jesse told me, a smirk tugging at the sides of his lips.
    “I bet you say that to every girl.”
    “I do,” he confessed. “I'm not going to lie but your one of the only girls whom I've said it to and it's been true.”
    “Sure...” my voice trailed off.
    “Anyway, what part of Australia are you from?”
    “Tasmania,” I lied. In all honestly I was from New South Wales but I wasn't telling him that.
    “So princess-”
    “Don't call me that.”
    “Why not? You look like somebody who'd think they are a princess. Let me guess, your favourite colour is pink, you love shopping and you read sappy love stories.” Was Jesse bipolar? The other second he was telling me how pretty I was and now he was telling me this?
    “That's not true,” I said through gritted teeth, clearly getting angry.
    “Hey, no need to get angry. I was just stating what I thought.” Either of us said anything for a moment until he suddenly said, “Lets be friends.”
    “What?” I asked, confused.
    “Lets be friends. I promise I won't be a jerk.”
    Rolling my eyes I replied, “Sure.” It's not like I'd ever see or talk to him after tonight. He lived in American and I lived in Australia. That alone is a very large indication that I'll never see him again.
    “Really?” he asked. I giggled, he looked like a little kid on Christmas morning.
    “Yes, Jesse, I'll be your friend."
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: "Here, add me on Facebook."
    This chapter is boring but I couldn't just randomly skip the Omegle bit. Thanks for all the support, you are amazing! If you want to know what the characters look like you can go to my website: http://sugarfreakstories.weebly.com

  3. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2012 8:51am UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Andrea's P.O.V
    I remember meeting him, I still remember everything that happened that day. The date was 18th of August 2012. It was a cold day and I decided to have a sleep over with three of my friends. Never, ever did I think I'd meet a boy.
    “Lets go on Omegle,” my blonde best friend giggled.
    “Diana, I don't know... I heard it wasn't that good.” Diana just rolled her eyes, she was a bad girl of course and she was a player. With her breathtaking golden blonde hair and brown eyes, how could she not be?
    Crystal, my other best friend nodded excitedly. “I went on it with my cousins, it was heaps of fine.” I grin appeared on her pale face, her blue eyes twinkling and she put her beach blonde hair into a ponytail.
    “Fine, whatever.” Diana typed in 'Omegle' in Google and clicked the first option. I had never been on Omegle before so what the hell. Diana clicked on the video option and set my laptop down in front of the three of us. I looked at the right corner to see the time, it was 2:30am. We had spent the evening watching movies and eating. Now, we were waiting for somebody to come up on the screen. I looked at the page, it said 23, 678 strangers online. Up the top in black writing it said, Talk To Strangers. Nobody came up on the screen in the end though somebody did type things. We went to the next chat and we saw a guy jacking off. The hell is this?!
    “Ew!” Crystal cried out, covering her eyes.
    “Oh, please, c'mon. You're not that innocent,” Diana sneered going on to the next person. It was a man, with dark skin and he looked about 40.
    “Hey,” he said.
    “Next, next, next,” I chanted. Diana laughed and clicked next. The next few were basically naked men, which was really disturbing. The next chat we went to there was two guys sitting in front of the screen, fully dressed. They looked like models. Oh my gosh. My eyes immediately went to the boy on the left with brown hair and bright, blue eyes. He looked at me, smirking.
    “Well hello there, aren't you all just beautiful,” the guy on the right with short, dirty blonde hair said. They were American... that accent. Wow. He was good looking as well but there was something about the boy with blue eyes.
    “I'm Diana,” Diana said eyeing the boys on the computer screen. “That's Crystal and Andi.”
    “Hi,” I said.
    The brunette started smiling, showing me a lopsided grin and his dimples. In his very sexy American accent he said, “Hey, I'm Jesse.”
    I met him on Omegle.
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: He was utterly beautiful.
    Hi, so you're probably really annoyed that I keep doing this but I couldn't continue writing Bad Girls Do It Best because I didn't enjoy writing it so it had become more of a chore. Uh... I hope you liked this and hope you will read it. It starts off boring but I promise it'll get better. Make sure you comment, I love feedback c; I love you all, thanks for being amazing.

  4. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2012 4:15pm UTC
    No matter how hard you try
    to get over someone you once loved,
    you’ll still have feelings for them,
    remembering the way things used to be
    and how they are now.
    And sometimes, you still want everything to be
    how it used to be and time is supposed to ease the pain
    but it’s not that easy when it comes to love.
    This is precisely why even though we’ve been apart
    for a while, I still can’t help but wonder how your life is
    because we used to be so close and I can’t help but wonder
    if your heart beats a little faster, like mine does,
    everytime I think of you.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2012 11:28pm UTC
    ♥ Silence Is Golden, Speaking Is Priceless ♥
    Avalaya's P.O.V
    "Lets go for a ride on the horses," Carson said to me. I had got out of the hospital a month ago. We were now at his
    parents house.
    “Alright.” I got on Lacy and Carson got onto Ashes. We are dating now, Marco and I still spoke. I even met the guy he was with. We ended up going into the forest, the place we went when we first kissed on the cliff. I smiled, he had a blanket on the floor, candles and a basket. “Awh, Carson! This is so sweet!”
    “Do you remember our first kiss?” he asked.
    “Of course.”
    “Was it something like this?” he leaned forward and gently put his lips on mine. Our kiss lasted about ten seconds.
    “Yep, except this time I'm still here.”
    “And hopefully you're not going anywhere.”
    “I'm not,” I grinned.
    “Now come on, let's eat.” We ate talking and smiling.
    “Did you think we'd end up together?” I questioned.
    “Yes,” Carson answered automatically.
    “You did? Even when I was with Marco?”
    “Yes, I still thought we'd be together when you were with Condom brand.”
    “Why do you call him that? I thought you two were friends.”
    “We are but I realised his name sounds like something a Condom would be named.” I rolled my eyes.
    “Whatever, the name Marco does not sound like something a condom would be named.”
    “Sure, princess, whatever you think.” We fell into comfortable silence. Out of nowhere Carson asked me, “Do you love me?”
    “Yes, I do.”
    “Good,” Carson smiled. “Because if you didn't then I wouldn't be doing this.” He got down on one knee, holding a beautiful ring in his right hand. “Princess, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He paused.
    “So will you, Avalaya Keepers, marry me?
    Comment for a reemmmiinnnddeeerrr for my next story c;
    Teaser for my next story: The sign said, 'Do Not Enter,' in big bold writing. It's not like I ever listened to it anyway because lets face it, bad girls do it best.
    {A/N: Hi! I wasn't going to upload this today but because I love you, I was like what the heck! So, this link is the link to a picture of Avalayas ring: http://weheartit.com/entry/18548941 I am going to miss writing about Carson and Ava but there isn't anything else to write about (: Thank you so much for all of you who have supported me, it means a lot and I hope you stick around for my next story, Bad Girls Do It Best. I'll upload the prologue when I can but for now, you can go to my website (the link is on my profile) and see the characters and blurb and what not. }
    *Sequel to I'll mouth, "I love you."*
    © sugarfreak

  8. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2012 9:35pm UTC
    ♥ Silence Is Golden, Speaking Is Priceless ♥
    Avalaya's P.O.V
    "Please, get him to come in," I said. "Please."
    “I'll try my best.” Emilee went outside, no longer then five minutes later Carson entered the room. He looked horrible, he looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks.
    Carson said my name at the same time I said, “Carson.”
    “You go first,” we both said at the same time.
    “I'll go,” I quickly said. “Carson, I'm sorry. I am sorry for being a b/tch, I'm sorry for thinking I loved Marco when I didn't, I'm sorry for running after sleeping with you and I'm sorry for killing our baby.”
    “You didn't kill our baby,” Carson told me. “If anything it was my fault.”
    “What? How?”
    “If I hadn't been a jerk none of this would have happened.”
    “I was the one driving the car! I could have protected our baby!” I cried out.
    “No you couldn't have.” With that he wrapped his arms around me and I let out a strangled sob. “Princess...”
    “I am so sorry.”
    “You did nothing wrong,” he cooed.
    “I did everything wrong.”
    Carson sighed, “Princess, everything's going to be alright. Do you want to know why?”
    “Why?” I managed to say.
    “Because I love you.”
    “You love me?” I repeated.
    “I,” he kissed me. “Love,” he kissed me again. “You.”
    “No, I love you. I want to be with you, I need to be with you because I'm in love with you and nobody else. I want to marry you, I want to wake up every morning next to you, I want to have kids with you.” I grinned.
    Carson just shook his head, “I'm not promising because wasn't I the one who said promises are lies in disguise?”
    “You're right, do you cross your heart and hope to die?”
    “Yes, I cross my heart and hope to die.”
    “Good,” I said.
    “Do you love me?”
    “Yes Carson.”
    “Can you say it?” he smirked.
    “I love you Carson,” I told him.
    Comment for a reemmmiinnnddeeerrr c;
    Teaser for the epilogue: "Do you love me?"
    {A/N: Wooahhh, so uh... that was the last chapter! I'm not done with Avalaya and Carson just yet so there is the epilogue (: }
    *Sequel to I'll mouth, "I love you."*
    © sugarfreak

  9. subtlysam subtlysam
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2012 9:46am UTC
    how many fingers am i holding up?
    um 10.. why?
    multiply that by 1000000000000000
    ok, what does this number mean?
    that's how much i love you.
    you made me do math to fin out how much you love me(: i love you that times 100000 more
    format jimmy365

  10. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2012 3:56pm UTC
    Telling someone you like them.
    It’s the hardest thing you can do because
    you have that fear of being rejected
    or having them tell you that they like someone else.
    I find it hard to tell someone that I like them
    because I know that if I tell them that I do like them,
    they will tell me something that I won’t like.
    I just can’t face them telling me that they don’t like me,
    that they like someone else,
    or that they see me as a friend.
    It’s really something heartbreaking.

  11. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 2:36pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    When I was a kid,
    I always thought the moon followed our car everywhere.

  12. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 2:48pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    Standing up for what they believe in.

  13. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    Hey autocorrect.
    Stop tampering with my swear words you mother forklift.

  14. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 3:05pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    When texting a girl:
    1. Don't take an hour to reply
    2. Use good grammar
    3. Ask questions
    4. Use the ":)" face

  15. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 3:07pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    Dear hair:
    I'll stop burning you, drowning you, and pulling you if you
    just automatically look gorgeous every single day.

  16. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 3:46pm UTC

  17. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 3:50pm UTC
    Why not be yourself?

  18. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 3:54pm UTC
    ''DON'T GIVE UP.

  19. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 3:57pm UTC
    I'm broken.
    But nobody is trying to fix me.

  20. Organicgirl Organicgirl
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2012 11:18pm UTC
    Those crushes that make you go crazy, and won't let you think.


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