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Member Since: 13 Jan 2012 11:27pm

Last Seen: 22 May 2014 03:13pm

user id: 263278

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Hi :)
i miss myself. 


  1. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2014 11:42pm UTC
    Society, Bite Me.
    Who is this "society" that takes the brunt of the blame for half of the things that go wrong in our world?
    Is this society some anonymous group, hidden in the corners of our streets, whispering judgements as others pass?
    Or is this society composed of every living, breathing human who passes judgement on others?
    Yes, it is.
    This "society" is made up of every human breathing the air around us.
    It is made up of every elderly person you pass by, every parent you see, every teacher you have, every child that skips by, and yes, this "society" is made up of every teenager you come across as well.
    Ironically enough, teenagers happen to be the main victim of this so called "judgemental society".
    This must be some sick joke though because teenagers happen to make up a very large portion of this society.
    What a cruel world we live in, where the victims, happen to also be the villians.
    At what point did someone decide to come up with the unanimously coined term known as "society", to blame for everyone elses problems?
    Life gets so much easier when you have someone to blame for your own problems.
    Sure, disregard the fact that you just called that girl a slxut, or used the word "gay" to degrade a boy;
    but wait- then you get called ugly, or fat, or some other commonly used offensive term and and all of a sudden it becomes "society's" fault.
    Did you happen to forget that just a moment ago, you were a part of this "judgement filled, cruel society?"
    One thing I'm sure of, is that there must be a person of greater power sitting above in the sky, looking down at us, laughing at our overused term, "society".
    "What hypocrisy! A world made of monsters, who blame others for being monsters, when they're all monsters! Oh what a 'society' we live in. What a society".
    f o r m a t j i m m y 3 6 5

  2. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 10:47pm UTC

  3. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2012 9:43pm UTC
    Take Me There
    Chapter Two
    After that warm August night, meetings in the woods became routine and regular. But one particular night will stay stuck in my mind forever. It started with Devin slowly leading me into the woods, whispering lovely little sayings into my ears. Before I knew it, Devin's hair was tangled and entertwined inbetween my fingers and he was beginning to take off his Abrecrombie tee. His lips pressed hard against mine as we laid on the warm,hard,grass beneath us. His warm,toned body on top of mine. I could feel the pressure of his fingers digging into the dirt of the earth beside my head. That is when I started to get up. I realized that Devin and I had only been meeting up at night time-when nobody could see us together. He was using me for what he wanted. I reached down and snatched my flipflops off the ground,and started running back to my house. When I glanced behind me, Devin had his green tshirt back on and was staring blankly at me. Oh how I loved how the moon shattered off his eyes; How he looked when he was sitting there. He had a leather-bound book in his lap and one-pointer finger pointed up in front of his angelic face. There was something written on his finger though. I squinted my eyes and could barely make out the word printed on his left finger. I spelled the word out for the world to hear "S-K-Y-L-A-R", I said slowly getting softer as I said each letter. "Skylar?" I questioned him.
    "Reason number one- Skylar Jensen". And just like that, I found myself sprinting back into Devin's arms.
    ---fave for more.comment if you like&want updates----

  4. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2012 8:08pm UTC
    Take Me There
    Chapter Two
    After that warm August night, meetings in the woods became routine and regular. But one particular night will stay stuck in my mind forever. It started with Devin slowly leading me into the woods, whispering lovely little sayings into my ears. Before I knew it, Devin's hair was tangled and entertwined inbetween my fingers and he was beginning to take off his Abrecrombie tee. His lips pressed hard against mine as we laid on the warm,hard,grass beneath us. His warm,toned body on top of mine. I could feel the pressure of his fingers digging into the dirt of the earth beside my head. That is when I started to get up. I realized that Devin and I had only been meeting up at night time-when nobody could see us together. He was using me for what he wanted. I reached down and snatched my flipflops off the ground,and started running back to my house. When I glanced behind me, Devin had his green tshirt back on and was staring blankly at me. Oh how I loved how the moon shattered off his eyes; How he looked when he was sitting there. He had a leather-bound book in his lap and one-pointer finger pointed up in front of his angelic face. There was something written on his finger though. I squinted my eyes and could barely make out the word printed on his left finger. I spelled the word out for the world to hear "S-K-Y-L-A-R", I said slowly getting softer as I said each letter. "Skylar?" I questioned him.
    "Reason number one- Skylar Jensen". And just like that, I found myself sprinting back into Devin's arms.
    ---fave for more.comment if you like&want updates----

  5. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2012 9:46pm UTC
    Take Me There
    Chapter One
    I can remember the day so vividly. The night- like the back of my hand. August 9 2011. The first time we locked eyes, my world seemed so much more beautiful. I can remember my surroundings: all of a sudden they became a blur. All that mattered in that time was him. He appeared just like a dream to me; perfect in every way. As I fluttered out of my daydream, I realized he was staring into my deep blue eyes.
    “Hi, I’m Devin”. His soft palmed hand dropped into mine and I soon felt my heart sink. I felt as though I knew him even though I had just met him.
    I glanced down at our hands and then back up at him. While I looked back up I could feel his hand release from mine and gently push my hair away from my eyes.
    “Has anyone ever told you that you have the most amazing eyes?” I felt my face go red and I threw a smile onto my face.
    “No.. you’re the first. I’m Skylar by the way”. He looked back into my eyes and smiled a little. His dark brown hair and his emerald eyes made him that much more beautiful.
    “Skylar? That’s a name that I think I will remember for a while”. By that time he had grabbed my right hand and brought me into the woods beside my house. He took me into the leave-filled August woods, and gently placed his lips upon mine.
    ---fave for more.comment if you like&want updates----

  6. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2012 6:47pm UTC
    Take Me There
    I lay down in the middle of the grass and start counting the stars above my head waiting for him to come and join me. Waiting for his arms to be wrapped around me, his breath crawling down my back. “You look beautiful right now”, I can hear his voice echo through the woods. Through the weak, bare, branches of the winter and the coldness of the snow. I wait and wait until I can wait no longer and that is when I face reality. Devin isn’t going to come and join me. Devin is dead.
    ---fave for more.comment if you like&want updates----

  7. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2012 9:11pm UTC
    13 Reasons Why.
    And what about you-the rest of you- did you notice the scars you left behind?
    No. Probably not.
    That wasn't possible.
    Because most of them can't be seen with the naked eye.
    Because there was no funeral, Hannah.

  8. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 10:50am UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2012 9:48pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2012 11:19pm UTC
    I've thought of cutting so many times.
    Tonight, my thoughts become a reality.

  11. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2012 7:54pm UTC
    you should really start worrying about me.
    all the things that you are saying and doing...i think im gonna cut.

  12. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 12:23am UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 8:52pm UTC

  14. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 10:05pm UTC
    Razor meets wrist,
    for the first time.

  15. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 9:40pm UTC
    Confession #3
    She doesn't even like him.
    I told him if anyone was going to hurt him, I'd tell him.
    I feel like a horrible friend for not telling him
    But I don't want to hurt him.

  16. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 9:38pm UTC
    Confession #2
    I feel like I never have anyone there for me.
    All my 'friends' say they are there to help
    But I know it's just a bunch of bullshit

  17. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 9:22pm UTC
    Confession #1
    I miss the old me.
    I don't know who I have become.
    I've changed, and this isn't me anymore.

  18. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 9:16pm UTC
    For Every Fave
    I'll do a confession
    Please fave, I need to vent majorly
    Thanks Witty ♥

  19. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2012 11:24pm UTC
    Crying because
    im just so done with everything
    and everyone.
    format ThatsSoMeee ♥

  20. happy_never_after happy_never_after
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2012 9:48pm UTC
    there is obviously a reason you werent invited to go to the mall with me and my friend.
    it's cause i kinda dont like you.


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