Witty Profiles

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  1. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2011 4:19pm UTC
    Ell. Oh. Vee. Eee.
    Part 5
    I was dazed for a few seconds. Live. With me?! She'd need food, and a school, a room, and other stuff. What if I said no? What if I said yes? What would Danny think? "Sure." I blurted out, without thinking. Lane smiled wide. Her father walked over to me and stated, "When would you like her to start living here? We've already enrolled her in a school around here. She can start whenever you feel ready. The school is Charles Cane Middle School." He handed me a notebook. I opened it up. It was filled with her allergies, her favorite foods, her least favorite foods, the things she likes to do, etc. "Thank you. Umm, she can start living here... umm... tomorrow. You guys can swing by... umm around lunch time." I said, still flipping through the book. Her IQ is 112. Wow. Lane reached over and gave me a hug. "I missed you." She said again, quietly. "We should be going now." Her father took her by the arm and led her out the door. "Goodbye." I called out. I got up quickly and went to the door. Lane gave me a hug, and I hugged back. "Bye. See you tomorrow, Paxie." My jaw dropped and I fought back tears. I haven't hear that nickname in years. "Bye."
    witty messed up spacing >.<

  2. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2011 10:24am UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 13
    Cole put his arm around me as I watched in disgust. Why is he trying to make a move on me?! It isn't working. -_- "C'mon Jess. Just kiss me, and I'll leave you alone." He said quietly. I looked him in the eyes. They were orange. "Only if you tell me one thing." I protested. The orange in his eyes got more intense. He picked up his free hand and put it on mine. "Anything." His voice was so dreamy. I hesitated, then stated "Earlier today... your eyes were orange, then they changed to green," As I was telling Cole this, his eyes kept getting darker, and darker until they were black. Then they lightened up to green. "And you're doing it right now! What is going on?!" I pulled back and ran down the stairs. He chased after me. "They are green! G - R - E - E - N! Where are you getting this orange stuff from?!" He yelled after me. I ran into the kitchen and shut the door. He started pushing, so I had to push back. After about two minutes, he finally gave up. I heard Cole sigh on the other side. The air was still, and there wasn't one sound in the house other than the TV. I sighed and sat down at the table. I saw scratches in the wood of the table and remembered how me and my friend Terry would carve our names and shapes into it. Same with the chairs. I started smiling like an idiot, remembering all that.
    ideas for part 14 ? thanks

  3. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2011 1:59pm UTC
    Ell. Oh. Vee. Eee.
    Part 4
    "Oh. My. God. Lane?!" I shrieked. I couldn't believe that Lane was here. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you: Lane is my sister. You see, our parents divorced when I was 8 and she was 2. Mom took both of us, then one year later, she put us up for adoption. We went to different homes. I came into a house with a mother and a father, with no children. They were very nice, but they died eight months ago. It was their anniversary, and dad wanted to take mom to dinner and dancing. I thought it was soo romantic. But some drunk came around the bend as they were leaving the house and crashed, killing all 3 of them. So I live in the house by myself, but Danny comes over pretty much every day and spends the night here a lot. That's why he has his own room in my house. And here was Lane, right in my doorway, and I haven't seen her since she was 3. How did I realize it was her? I. Just. Did. Also, she had a necklace that said "Lane" on it. "Paxton!" She gave me a hug. She was about the same height as me, maybe 2 or 3 inches shorter. She was 12 now. Lane was very, very pretty. Straight brown hair, blue eyes, and freckles. Just like me. "Oh my god, what're you doing here?!" I asked. I was tearing up. I wiped away the tears and noticed a man standing over her. He looked very stern. I pulled back and looked at her. I smiled. "Lane." I choked out. "I missed you." She smiled at that. She had a tear dripping down from her chin. I could see that she had braces. "Missed you too." I got up and introduced her to Danny. Then I invited her in, including the man. He was her adoptive father, as it turns out. I told her how my parents died, and how Danny practically lives with me. We sat down on the couch and began to talk. We talked for about 2 hours before Danny finally said, "I got hockey practice, Pax. I'll come back around five and bring back Chinese food. Sound good?" I nodded. "So how'd you find out where I live and why did you come by? No offense or anything." I said. "We searched for you .. on the internet for about a week. We went to so many houses before this." She smiled a cheeky smile and pushed her hair behind her ear. "'Kay, so, uh, why'd you stop by? Did ya miss me?" I playfully punched her in the arm. She laughed, then her expression changed. She sighed then looked at her father. "My dad can't afford to take care of me anymore. So he's .. leaving me with you. That okay?"
    witty messed up spacing >.<
    tell me what you think .. ?

  4. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2011 10:41am UTC
    Ell. Oh. Vee. Eee.
    Part 3
    Danny made us some pancakes as I read the Sunday Comics. I like reading those. "Breakfast is ready, Pax." I put the comics down and grabbed two pancakes. "Blueberry?" I asked. "Yeah. You don't like blueberries?" He asked. "No, I like blueburries." I sat down and ate them. Yum! After we ate, we went into the living room to watch Friday the 13th. "Sure you won't be scared?" Danny jokingly asked me. I punched him in the arm. "Not if you're there to protect me." I cuddled up to him and put my head on his shoulder. During a commercial, I went and got us some popcorn. Just as it was about to beep, the doorbell ringed. "Danny, could ya get that?!" I yelled from the kitchen. "Yeah." I heard him open up the door. I was pouring the popcorn into a bowl when I hear Danny yell, "Paxton! Come here!" What? I asked annoyed. I walked over to the door.
    witty messed up spacing >.<

  5. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2011 10:03am UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 12
    Cole looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" "Well, you just put your arm around me. What the hell." I walked over to the other side of the room. He followed. "Well yeah. Don't you like me, Jess." Cole looked into my eyes. I avoided him and looked to the left of him. This can't be happening. "Because I like you." He finished. I turned on my heel and ran up the stairs. "Jess! Jesse!" Cole called out. "What?" I leaned over the cold, hard railing. I'll just wait in my room until Zack came home. Wait, would I tell him about this? Would he get mad? I hope he won't break up with me! While I was lost in my train of thought, I hadn't noticed that Cole had walked up the stairs and was right beside me. "Oh!" I screamed and stumbled backwards. Where's Zack?! I thought to myself.
    sorry it sucks .. ideas for part 13 ???

  6. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2011 9:46am UTC
    Ell. Oh. Vee. Eee.
    Part 2
    I woke up the next morning, nearly off the bed. Danny's hand was on top of my head. I laughed quietly and put it on my shoulder. That's better. :) I closed my eyes and thought of perfect movie scenarios of me and Danny. We could go to a 5 star hotel, go swimming, then on a romantic picnic, where he could carve our names into a tree. Awwwwh. A few minutes later, I could tell he was up because he pulled me closer. "Hey you." I turned to him. "Hey babe." Danny kissed my nose and I smiled. "I'm hungry." I complained. The blankets were on the ground and pillows were all over the bed. The only thing we had were the sheets. The room had a beige carpet and white walls, with a few posters of Bob Marley, the Beatles, and some other artists. It was Danny's room. There were two windows in the room, each on opposite sides of the room. I could see the neighbor's house in one window, and the street in the other. "Me too. Let's make some pancakes." Danny stood up and walked over to me. He bent down and I jumped up on his back. He took me to the kitchen and set me down in a chair. "Aunt Jemima?" He asked while pulling out a red box from the pantry. "Sure."
    witty messed up spacing >.<

  7. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2011 9:31pm UTC
    Ell. Oh. Vee. Eee.
    Part 1
    "Tell me why you love me." Danny whispered into my ear. I liked the feeling of his warm breath onto my ear. He was amazing, his voice could lull me to sleep. "I love you... because you're wonderful. You're kind. Smart. Funny. Handsome. You're like my knight in shining armor. You're my Romeo. I always feel safe when I'm with you. You may think you're worthless and unloved, but you're loved by me. I find all of your imperfections beautiful. You're amazing. That's why I love you." I replied. We ask each other this all the time. Why? Because we love each other. "Now tell me why you love me." I grinned and put my head on his chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. I loved listening to his heartbeat. "Because you're absolutely 100% beautiful. You're my little pwincess who I will always protect." He flexed his left arm and put it around me. I looked into his deep green eyes and pushed his hair back. "You're nice to everyone, and... well... the same thing you said." We both laughed. "Geez, that's the best you can do? Way to be original!" We laughed some more. I gently closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms.
    witty messed up spacing >.<

  8. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2011 9:42pm UTC
    Ell. Oh. Vee. Eee.
    Well, just to fill you in, my name is Paxton Denise, and I am 17 years old. I have straight brown hair and bright blue eyes. I have a few freckles here and there, and I would call myself pretty, but not drop-dead gorgeous. I am pretty short, only 5"1, and I'm just your average teenage girl. My boyfriend of 3 years, Danny Fever, has dark brown hair and green eyes. He plays on the school Varsity hockey team and had just turned 18 last month. He is average height I guess... 5"8. So yeah. He was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I loved him with all my heart. ♥
    witty messed up spacing >.<
    this is my new story ..
    tell me what you think please !!!

  9. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2011 8:24am UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 11
    Cole followed me all the way to the kitchen. I wasn't sure if he saw me look back or not. As I was getting a glass from the cupboard, I turned around to talk to him. I screamed when I noticed he was right beside me. "Cole!" I dropped the glass and it shattered everywhere. I jumped up on the counter, and Cole stepped away. He put his arms around me and carried me to the other side of the room. "Why'd you just do that?" I asked quietly. "Because it would be hard for you to get down from there with glass all around..." He replied. I meant about the him-following-me thing, but okay whatever. I hopped down and got another glass from the cupboard, but I had to be careful about where I was stepping. I got me some orange juice and drank it in about 10 seconds. I was leaning on the counter when he came over to me. "Hey Jesse." "Hi" He leaned against the counter too. Then Cole his arm around my waist. "Uhhh... what are you doing?"

  10. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2011 9:45am UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 10?
    I could tell he really didn't want to go, because he grudgingly got his keys from the table and put on his jacket. "Bye." I said. He nodded, as if to say 'bye' back. After he left, I turned on the TV and Full House was on. I could hear foot steps coming down the stairs. "Cole, what are you doing?" I yelled. He came in the room and sat down next to me. "Nothing... this Full House, right?" He asked. "Yup." He scooted closer to me, I think, which made me uncomfortable. I shifted away. He came closer again, and I just let it slide. When it was a commercial, I decided to get up and get me a drink. As my footsteps padded on the hard wood flooring, I could hear other footsteps behind me. I peered around my shoulder. Why is Cole following me?

  11. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2011 9:46am UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 9
    "They were orange..." I silently told myself as we were leaving Cole's bedroom. Zack must've heard me, because he replied with a "Jess. Calm. Down. They were green." He took my hand and we walked downstairs to find out what was for lunch. "We got... pasta?" Zack shook his head. "Burgers?" Zack shook his head. "Soup?" He once again, shook his head. "Then what do you want?!" I said in frustration. "Pizza..." When he said this, I instantly got hungry for pizza. "Me too. Hey, let's get Cole to get it for us. My legs are tired." I said. He smiled at that idea. Zack got up and went to the bottom of the stairs. "Hey Cole!" He called up. Cole came out a few seconds later. "Yeah?" "Can you go get us some pizza?" Zack asked. "Pizza? Wait, do you want me to drive?" Cole said. I looked up at him. "Yeah, it's like 10 miles from here... so like... 15 minutes or something, I dunno." I replied. "Oh, well, I've never driven a car before..." He blushed. Me and Zack exchanged glances. I held on to the railing. "Um... Zack can you go?" I asked him. I ran my fingers through his hair. "Uh, sure." He responded after a few seconds. "'Kay."

  12. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:09pm UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 8
    I looked back over at Cole. "So, you like, have a place to stay right?" He looked at me, sort of like this ---> :\ "Well, um, yeah, I guess. Me and my dad share a small house and when he sleeps on the bed, I lay on the ground and cover myself with a pillow..." I looked at him in awe. "Oh my. Oh...well, um, you're..." I looked over at Zack to see what he would say. I guess he finally gave in. "You can stay here, I guess..." I finished. Suddenly, a huge smile swept across Cole's face. "Really? Thank you." He walked over to give me a hug, but I stopped him. "Woah what are you--" I was caught off guard. "Do you-- are those-- orange eyes?!" I stammered. He looked down and hid his face from me with his hands and hair. When he came back up again, they were a different color. "B-- b-- but ... they were just orange, I swear! How are they green now?!" I kept rambling on like this for another minute before Zack interrupted me. "Babe. Calm down." I silently mumbled to myself about the orange-green eye thing. I absolutely swear to God they were orange!

  13. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:09pm UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 7
    "Zack, how could you say that?" I turned to him. Zack glared at me. His eyes darted between me and Cole for about 10 seconds before he finally spoke. "Jesse, how could you believe him? He might be lying, for all we know. About everything." He whispered to me. I looked up at the ground, then the ceiling, then straight into Zack's eye. When I knew I couldn't do that, I stared at his ear. "Zack. Baby. I love you. And I know he's telling the truth. I know when people lie. Trust me." This time, I stared into his eyes, and I didn't look away. I ran my hands through his soft hair. Zack shot an angry look at Cole, then looked at me in a sweeter way. "Do you, Jesse?" Zack said. He raised one eyebrow. "I do. Like when you lied to me about not being able to go to my friend's soccer game." Zack opened his mouth a little. I raised my eyebrow now, and smiled, for I knew I won here. "B-but how?!" He asked. I could see Cole in the corner of my eye trying not to laugh. "Because I do." I grinned bigger now. "Well that's no fair, because you know me and Becky used to date in 6th grade, and ... umm ... I didn't want you to get jealous." I knew he was lying again, but I didn't say anything. I just smiled.

  14. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:08pm UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 6
    We walked all the way home, hand in hand. Zack kept looking off into the distance, as if he was looking for something. "Something wrong, baby?" It took him a while to respond. "What? Naw." I nodded my head. "Okay." I said sweetly. We made it to my house, and I shivered again as I got out my keys. I really felt like there were eyes watching me! I tried to ignore it, but it changed as soon as we came inside. The same guy was in my house! And he was holding my necklace! I screamed while Zack took out his cell phone and began dialing 911, but the guy in my house picked up a stone we had in my house and threw it at us. It hit Zack's phone, knocking it out of his hands. And I had to admit, THAT really took ninja skill! "Wh- who are you?" I asked. I began backing up. We had a decoration knife in my living room. Maybe I could grab that? "My name...?" The stranger asked. I nodded. Zack looked like he was more afraid than I was! "It's Cole. Look, I-" He was cut off by Zack. "Look, get OUT of my girlfriend's house or I will slit your throat!" I looked at him. I've never seen him so angry. "Let him ... speak, Zack. He might have something important to tell us." I reasoned. Zack looked at me like I lost my mind. "Are you crazy?!" His voice got harsher but quieter now. "Jess, you don't even know this kid! He could be on FBI's most wanted!" Clearly, the guy across the room heard him. "Um, I'm not on FBI's most wanted. And as I was saying, my name is Cole Weston, and I was hear just to return this girl's necklace!" "Why did you steal it in the first place?" I questioned. "I'll get to that. Okay, look here." He took off his mask. He was REALLY cute! "I only stole the necklace because it was really valuable. And my dad got really sick two weeks ago, so I took him to the doctor and they said he needs surgery. And it will be REALLY expensive! I've seen this girl," He pointed to me. "Around town, so I sort of followed her around. I saw that you gave her a necklace, so I said to myself 'I need that necklace!" So I took it. But I knew it was the wrong thing, so I ... you know ... tried to return it." "And that was your whole plan?" He nodded. "Yeah, I guess." Zack rolled his eyes, "What a filthy liar."

  15. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:08pm UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 5
    I threw on my red converse and my blue jacket. Zack put on his black DC's and a white jacket. We walked down my stairs and he opened the door for me. "After you, milady." I blushed and smiled. "Why thank you, my prince!" I giggled as I hopped down the stones. "I love walking on these stones." I said as I jumped off into the snow. "Haha, me too." Zack jumped right behind me and his toes hit my heels. I fell began to fall, but Zack tried grabbing my ankle. That just made me fall faster and I hit the snow face first. "Ouch!" I cried out. Snow covered my entire head, except the back, and I could feel my face getting warm. I picked my self up and pushed Zack down. "Good. Now we're even." I grinned and wiped the snow off of my forehead and hair. "Love you, too." Zack sarcastically. I laughed. He got up and held my hand. His hand was cold, but I liked the way it felt, his fingers interlocked with mine. We walked down my driveway, and into the road. We started talking about our mean English teacher, Mrs. Jerris. She gave us a 5 page assignment that's due the day we get back from winter break!!! Seriously, what the f●●k?! After a while, we came across a neighborhood that I've never seen before, but it looked sort of dangerous. So we headed back. I shivered again. I felt like someone was watching me again. I tried forgetting about it, but every 5 minutes, I would shiver. Zack thought I was cold. He put his arm around me and held me close. I put my head on his shoulder. It was so warm. "Jesse," He said to me "Do you still love me? Even after the necklace was stolen?" I stopped walking. "Of course, babe! I love you, and I always will! Why do you ask?" He looked down. "I thought you'd only like me if I bought you stuff..." Zack looked back up at me with his big, blue eyes. "Oh, Zack, you know that isn't true! I love you... for you." And I kissed him. We started making out on the sidewalk for about 2 minutes. I pulled myself back, even though I still wanted to make out with him, and grabbed his hand. We kept walking. He is the most perfect boyfriend!

  16. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 4
    When I woke up, I heard the sound of Zack brushing his teeth. He walked out of my bathroom and looked at me. I smiled and he tried to smile, I think. I don't know, it was sort of hard to tell because he was brushing his teeth. He went back in, spit, then rinsed his mouth. "Morning, sleepy head." He said softly. I pushed him away jokingly. "Shut up." I couldn't help but laugh. It was a beautiful day outside. Gold light entered the room and bounced off of me and Zack's hair. It looked like the perfect scene for a movie. But I shivered again. I could feel eyes on me. Zack took the disc out of my DVD player, and put it back in its box. "I'm hungry." I complained. "Then we'll get some food." Zack replied. We both walked down the maroon carpetted stairs. "I'm so glad my parents took a vacation to Hawaii for the holidays. Now we have the entire house to ourselves." I grinned. We made our way into my all white kitchen. He got out some cereal and some milk, and we just had that for breakfast. Nope, no special omlette or gourmet pancakes. Just plain cereal. After we ate, we went back upstairs and got dressed. I shivered again. I looked out the window to see if anyone was watching me or something. I closed the curtains, which made it really dark in my room. But who cares! I'd rather it be dark than having some perverted stranger looking at me while I'm getting dressed. Zack came out of the bathroom as I was putting my top on. "Wrong time?" He asked as he bit his lip. "Naw." I replied. "Okay, so, um... now what?" He asked as I finally pulled my shirt over my head. "I dunno. Let's go for a walk." "Kay."

  17. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:06pm UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 3
    Two officers stepped out. "Hello, are you," One pointed to Zack "Zack Sands?" He nodded. "Yeah, officer. Um, come inside." He gestured towards the door. The two of them came inside. I showed them what happened: We were out, then we came back, and saw someone standing in my kitchen, hovering over the table. They asked us what he looked like. I answered, "He was wearing skinny jeans, black boots, a black tee shirt, a black and blue jacket, and a black mask. They tried looking for some fingerprints or any clues, but they couldn't find any. Finally they asked us if he stole anything. We didn't check. So we looked all around and found out my 18 karat diamond necklace that Zack bought me for my 18th birthday was missing. They wrote it down on a pad of paper and said they'd call us when they could find some evidence of any sort. After they left, it was too late for Zack to go home, plus, I really didn't want him to go. So he spent the night. We got dressed into our pajamas, then layed in my king-sized bed. I put in one of our favorite movies, Kicking and Screaming. We fell asleep watching that.

  18. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:06pm UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 2
    I screamed. Zack rushed in to see what had happened. The guy that was in my house ran past us, pushing us both onto the stairs. Hard. I started rubbing my side. Zack took out my phone from my purse and called 911. I watched the guy run down my street. I groaned and got up. "Hello?! ... My name is Zack Sands ... I'm on my girlfriend's phone ... Yeah, someone BROKE INTO her house!!! ... No, I will NOT calm down! ... Umm 67 Kender Street ... Nickson Road ... Okay ... Okay, thanks, bye." He hung up my phone. "What did they say?" "They'll be over as soon as possible." "Okay good." I moved my hair out of my eyes and lifted up my shirt. I could already see a bruise where I fell onto the stairs. "Ooh, babe, let's get some ice for ya, kay?" Zack asked sweetly. He looked at my starting-to-form bruise and walked into the kitchen. "Man, that was so f●●king scary. I mean, having a guy SNEAK IN my house?! What if he's done this before?! What if he's been stalking me?! What if-" Zack stopped me. "Calm down, honey." He reached in my freezer for an ice pack and wrapped a paper towel around it. I kissed his neck and put the ice pack on my side. It stinged for about 2 seconds, but then it cooled it down. I sighed. Zack sat down across from me and we just stared at each other's eyes. Finally, we heard sirens outside my door. Zack got up first, and I followed close behind. A cop car pulled into my driveway.

  19. haii_its_elli_stories haii_its_elli_stories
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:05pm UTC
    Orange Eyes
    Part 1
    Zack pulled me in close. "I love you." He whispered gently. I stared into his ice, blue eyes. I could see his breath because of how cold it was. "Love you too, babe." I closed my eyes and kissed him. We kissed for what seemed like forever before I finally let go. "C'mon, let's go to my house." I whispered. He took my hand and we walked down to my street.
    Hold up. You know nothing about me. Here's some information about me. My name is Jesse Allen. I am 18 years old, and have green eyes. I have black, curly hair and a pretty nice figure ... Not good, not bad, but just in the middle. I like wearing sparkly lip gloss, and mascara. I always have a purse with me, which carries my iPod, cell phone, make up, money, and some other stuff. You know, pens, paper, etc. I am pretty short for my age, and really skinny. And as you may have noticed, Zack Sands is my most incredible boyfriend ever! We've been dating for almost 4 years. Sure, we've had some fights, but we get past those in less than a week. I really think that he's "the one". He plays soccer, football, and lacrosse. And no, he doesn't play Call Of Duty. Zack has blue eyes and black hair. He is also one year older than me. He has great muscles and abs, I'll tell you that. ;) We'll be going to the same college this year. Well, um, back to the story...
    We walked down the dark street, and the only light we saw was from the lamposts, which 3 of them were broken. As we got closer, I began to shiver. Not because I was cold, but because I felt I was being watched. When we finally got there, I used my keys to open the door. "Hey honey, wh-" I stopped in mid sentence. Someone was in my kitchen.


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