Witty Profiles

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  1. flower626 flower626
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 5:41pm UTC
    so i just posted a quote by ed sheeran and tagged 'praisetheginger' . . .

  2. SingingQueen1996 SingingQueen1996
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 8:27pm UTC
    Don't let her go to sleep upset
    because she'll only toss and turn in frustration,
    until sadness pulls her into sleep, and tears stain her pillow.
    You'll be her first thought when she wakes up,
    and more than anything, she'll wish to go back to sleep,
    back to the silence, back to the empty blackness.
    Don't do this to her, she's worth so much more,
    and if she wasn't, she wouldn't care.

  3. Lady Phantomhive* Lady Phantomhive*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 11:36am UTC
    I pushed a b*tch in the well
    Dont ask me i'll never tell
    I looked away as she fell

  4. ilyhabibi* ilyhabibi*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 3:21pm UTC
    Love means
    that you accept
    a person
    with all their failures,
    ugly points,
    and nonetheless you see perfection,
    in imperfection itself.

  5. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 1:02pm UTC
    i just sucked my dogs tampon for fame.

  6. HometownHero HometownHero
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 2:35pm UTC
    My brother just tried to twerk but he farted by accident and now hes crying
    he said he's “disgraced the whole family”

  7. EmilyxLovesxU EmilyxLovesxU
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 3:27pm UTC
    Sleepless nights,
    Those nights where you just toss and turn in bed trying to get to
    sleep, but your mind won't let you. So you just lie there and think.
    You think about every single thing that is going on in your life. You
    think of your friends, your family, you problems, your feelings and
    your worries. Or maybe you just think about the things from
    the past. About the people who walked out on you, who
    dissapeared on you, who broke your heart and who changed the
    way you are.
    In those moments where you can't fall asleep,
    That's when you do all your thinking and you know what?..
    ..It's scary.

  8. distantmemory distantmemory
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2013 12:27am UTC
    chaper four.
    Later that night I was rushing around the house, trying to figure out what I should wear for my date with Finn, I didn't really know why I was so fussy, it was just Finn. Melody wanted to hang out tonight, I just told her that I had homework, I felt guilty, I really did, and I didn't know why I was so keen to see Finn, maybe I was just going through a rebel-stage or something, I was unsure, I had been different recently.
    I pulled out one of my sweet floral dresses, it was rather short but I didn't really mind, I then put on cream-coloured wedge-heels. I had my hair in loose curls which came to my waist and had applied a little eyeliner, masara and lipgloss. I smiled gently, I actually looked rather pretty, I hope he thought so too.
    My parents thought I was going to Melody's house, I couldn't tell them about Finn, they knew what he did to Melody, my father would kill him, my mother would kill me before she killed Finn honestly.
    The doorbell went, my eyes widened, I smiled joyfully and rushed down stairs, "Bye!" I called out to my parents before rushing out the door to see Finn. He sat on a motorbike, he tilted his head and smiled.
    "Wow. You look great." he said, causing me to blush lightly, he chuckled, "C'mon Alice."
    I bit my lip and smiled sweetly, I got on the back of the moterbike and smiled lightly "Thank you."
    "Hold on tight." he smirked as I wrapped my arms around him.
    We sped off, my hair seemed to flow back perfectly, just like in the movies, I giggled a bit, he smiled.
    Eventually he pulled up at a sweet little cafe, it was basically empty. He got off the bike and helped me off.
    "Its my mothers, she said we could borrow it for the night, food and drinks are inside, but its just us." he smiled gently, he seemed so calm and sweet, like he was the most innocent person on earth.
    He took my hand as we walked in, he even pulled the chair out for me before bringing over drinks and sitting down. He had brought over coke, I loved it.
    "This is really sweet of you." I said gently, sipping my drink.
    "You like it?" he asked, he smiled, looking proud of himself.
    "Love it." I nodded, playing with my hair.
    "You're really beautiful, you know that?" he questioned me.
    I looked down and laughed quietly, "Nobody has ever really told me."
    He placed his hand over mine, "People must be blind." he smiled.
    comment: for notifications, opinions, suggestions.
    NOTE: Yeah, I thought I'd do a longer chapter here. So do you think Finn
    is serious about this? or is Alice just another girl to him? Lets wait and see.
    comment: for notifications, opinions, suggestions.

  9. AnotherAverageTeenageGirl AnotherAverageTeenageGirl
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 6:56pm UTC
    Today at school a group of students and I had to do a skit for the elementary students on what bullying is. So we showed them that bullying is something that happens everday and not just once or twice on accident. We made signs with the days of the week on it to show that it happens over a period of time and each time the sign would change the "bully" would say or do something to the "victim"
    I was the "victim" in one of the skits and the "bully" was making fun of me, calling me names, you know. The entire time he was calling me stupid, said I smelled, and told me my clothes were gross. During this time maybe one or two kids would laugh, but not realy any reactions.
    And then the bully said. "You are fat and ugly. You shouldn't come to school because no one wants to see your face."
    After he said that there was a moment of silent and then every little kid there went "Ooohhhhhh!"
    Afterwards we were standing off to the corner talking about how it went when a little boy, maybe a kindergartener came up to me.
    "I just wanted to let you know that you aren't fat or ugly. You are really really pretty, and that boy shouldn't of lied to you." He then turned to the guy that way being the bully. "You do not call a girl fat or ugly! All girls are beautiful! You should be put in time out!"
    I told the little boy that he was just pretending and would never really call a girl fat or ugly and the little boy looked at me and said. "Okay but he does it again let me know. I'll get him to stop." And then he walked away.
    I hope that little boy never changes.

  10. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 1:21am UTC
    his love for me is bickering and shin-kicking, awkward hugs and weird texts, messing up my hair and teasing me about everything under the sun. my love for him is sneaking glances when he's not looking and going out of my way just to touch him, checking my phone just in case it's him and saving the notes he passes me in class so i can stick them into my diary later.

  11. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 12:17pm UTC
    waiter: have i kept you waiting long?
    me: no, but did you know that there are 3,269 tiles on the ceiling?

  12. distantmemory distantmemory
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 6:51am UTC
    chaper three.
    Everything seemed to be going so fast, school either dragged out or when by quickly.
    I sat with Melody at lunch break, she was looking around the yard, her new purple hair standing out in the sunlight, it really brought out her large green eyes which were surronded by dark make-up.. She had been wearing a lot more make-up since the break up,
    I guess I only just noticed.
    Out of nowhere a rugby ball came flying over to us, hitting Melody right in the head, she cursed and let out an irritated sigh, before looking back down at her half-eaten apple; she hadn't been eating much recently either, I didn't really understand why, but you never really knew with her, she was unpredictable honestly.
    Her eyes seemed to narrow when she turned to see Finn, picking up the ball and saying sorry.
    "Maybe you should watch what you're doing." she snapped, giving him a glare as she fixed her hair.
    "C'mon, its not like we meant to." Finn said firmly, shaking his head.
    Melody scoffed, standing up, and then storming off, I guess she was all moody again, I didn't know.
    "Well isn't she just a big ball of sunshine?" Finn laughed weakly as he threw the ball back to the guys and sat down next to me. I gave him a confused look, he made my friend mad, and now wants to be friendly?
    "Obviously." I said sarcastically, I gave a pathetically weak laugh and shrugged, looking down.
    "Could I ask you something, Alice?" Finn said, he looked all serious now.
    I just shrugged and nodded a little.
    "I know this is a little weird, since you and I rarely talk, and your best friend basically whats to murder me, but could we go out some time?" he asked gently, his voice was quiet.
    I froze for a moment before responding, "You're Melody's ex boyfriend, Finn.." I began.
    "C'mon, she doesn't have to know. Just between us, nobody has to know. Give me a chance." he butted in.
    I looked down, I don't know what took over me, or what took over him, we were far enough away from everyone, nobody could see us, nobody could hear us either. I nodded.
    "Fine. One date." I responded, I instantly felt guilty, but I couldn't take it back now.
    "Great. Tonight. Pick you up at eight." he seemed to smirk, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek before rushing back to the guys.
    I placed my hand on my cheek, my eyes widened. The guy that majority of the girls at my school want, just asked me out. I'd have to lie to friends, family, classmates. Is this really happening?
    comment: for notifications, opinions, suggestions.
    NOTE: What do you guys think of Alice saying yes to going out w
    comment: for notifications, opinions, suggestions.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. distantmemory distantmemory
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 5:54am UTC
    chaper two.
    "But you know you love me for it." Finn laughed, running his fingers through his hair.
    "Oh don't flatter yourself, Finn." I rolled my eyes and let out a light laugh, trying to act casual.
    Finn suddenly went quiet and just stared at me for a moment, I tilted my head "What?".
    "You're just different, thats all." he said smiling gently.
    "What do you mean?" I asked, staring back curiously.
    "I'm still trying to figure that out, he shook his head, picked up his books and left.
    Different? How was I different? Maybe thats just his way of getting people interested, that guy was bad news, I've been told, I've been warned; he had dated Melody before and broke her heart, there was no way in hell that I was going to go there. Guys were never interested in me anyway, why would he be different?
    The rest of the day went by quite quickly, I was sitting down at the dinner table with my mother, father and older sister, we all seemed to be small talking, but my mind kept flicking back to Finn, it was as if whenever I closed my eyes I'd see him, those brown eyes, that smile with the dimples. I couldn't stop think about him calling me 'different', I just couldn't stop and I didn't understand why, I just kept reminding myself of when he broke up with Melody, he did it for no apparent reason and then got with another girl in the same week, I recall having Melody stay over and she cried for hours, he hurt her so badly, I need to remember that. Not that I'm falling for him, but just so I didn't get friendly, I shouldn't be kind, right?
    "So whats up with you?" My sister, Denise asked, she sounded so obnoxious as she pushed her plate away and lent her elbows on the table, my mother shot her a look, she was all about manners.
    It took me a moment to realise that she was speaking to me, she hardly did.
    "Nothing. I guess school is tiring, its just zoning me out." I lied.
    I guess thats one thing I liked about myself, my ability to lie so well, I guess it sounds bad when I say it, but its true; Sometimes you're better off lying, because as people say,
    the truth hurts, right?
    comment: for notifications, opinions, suggestions.
    NOTE: Sorry it was kind of short. Things are really going to start happening
    in the next chapter. I hope I've got some readers, its kind of sad if its just me
    writing all of this for no reason, haha. xx
    comment: for notifications, opinions, suggestions.

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. horserider99 horserider99
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 3:31pm UTC
    Alicia Keys: THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE!
    Rihanna: Just gonna stand there and watch me burn?

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. Raymatts Raymatts
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 3:13pm UTC
    I'd say about 90% of my conversations go like this:
    Person: This bagel tastes nasty.
    Me: You taste nasty.
    Person: My shoes are covered in mud.
    Me: You're covered in mud.
    Person: I ordered Coke. This is Pepsi.
    Me: You're Pepsi.
    Person: That sunset is beautiful.
    Me: You're beautiful.
    Person: Thanks.
    Person: I'm hungry.
    Me: You're hungry.
    Person: Yea, I said that.
    Me: Oh...

  19. EmilyxLovesxU EmilyxLovesxU
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 4:48pm UTC
    Me in the morning: I'm tired don't look at me.
    Me during school: I'm tired don't touch me.
    Me after school: I'm tired don't talk to me.
    Me at bedtime: Who wants to swim to Africa and back?

  20. soccerloverx03x soccerloverx03x
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 6:23pm UTC
    Sometimes I just
    want to slap you hard and say,
    "HI, I EXIST!"


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