Witty Profiles

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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. swimmergirlrox27 swimmergirlrox27
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 8:25pm UTC
    >>Young Love<<

    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 8:25pm UTC
    && I just LOVE how MTV went from My Super Sweet 16 to 16 and Pregnant

  4. crazy4ketchup crazy4ketchup
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 7:53pm UTC
    Witty stalking...
    it's possible.

  5. crazy4ketchup crazy4ketchup
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 7:55pm UTC
    Playing a song, but not even remembering hearing it...

  6. dreamed of paradise* dreamed of paradise*
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 12:15pm UTC
    I want someone to
    love me
    like Jack loved Rose in the Titanic
    and like Noah loved Allie in the Notebook.

  7. lose_yourselfx lose_yourselfx
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 11:25pm UTC
    && you‘re the reason why ,
    -------------------------------------------» i wear waterproof mascara ♥♥♥
    *no credit

  8. ms01 ms01
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 8:11pm UTC
    GIRL: Can i ask you something?
    BOY: Yeah anything, what's wrong?
    GIRL: Out of all those girls out there that you'd make a cute couple with, why did you choose me?I mean like I love you more than anything in this world but it just makes me wonder why me? I'm not like one of those girls who wake up early in the morning just to dress up for that one boy, I'm not like one of those girls who wake up early just to straighten their hair and put make up on just to impress that one boy or just even for her own boyfriend. I wake up in the morning and come to school all scrubbed out, wearing sweat pants and a hoodie, my hair up all the time other than when im in a good mood, I never tried to impress you or anything, even now I don't do any of this stuff so why?
    BOY: You just gave yourself the answer
    FAVE if you get it =)
    I think it's really sweet

  9. soccergirly2873 soccergirly2873
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 8:44pm UTC
    It's only when I'm crying
    when my parents need to talk to me

  10. christieinthehouse christieinthehouse
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 9:52am UTC
    &I never thought;
    that crying myself to sleep
    would become a regular occasion.
    - - - - - - - ♥ - - - - - - -
    not my format

  11. Soccerbaby13xoxox Soccerbaby13xoxox
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 12:29pm UTC
    >> those really long
    car rides with your
    family and you just
    blast you ipod, look
    out the window, &
    block out the world.

  12. katesky6677 katesky6677
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 12:39am UTC
    If you can't choose between two people,
    ALWAYS choose the second person. If you truly loved the first person, then
    you never would of noticed the second. ♥

  13. xxBestDressFearlessxx xxBestDressFearlessxx
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 11:14pm UTC
    I wanna wake ♥ up next to
    you and see your beautiful face
    __ next to mine
    every single morning
    / / / / / / / and think to myself,
    How did I get so lucky ?

  14. brokenwings brokenwings
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 10:44pm UTC
    I remember us together
    with a promise of forever.

  15. Mojoxx Mojoxx
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 9:17am UTC
    Boy: want to hear a joke?
    Girl: sure!
    Boy: knock knock.
    Girl: who's there?
    Boy: marry.
    Girl: marry who?
    Boy: marry me?
    saw it on tumblr.

  16. EmotionalTrickery EmotionalTrickery
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 8:32pm UTC
    While I was walking I heard an old lady say;
    "I've been in love with the same man for almost 50 years."
    I was touched, but then she said;
    "I wish he knew."

  17. brokenwings brokenwings
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 10:16pm UTC
    I'm done trying.
    If you want me in your life, let me know.

  18. EvilAngel EvilAngel
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2010 12:08pm UTC
    That awkward moment when..
    You try to type "I'm good",
    And you accidentally write "I'm god".

  19. Hailea Katherine* Hailea Katherine*
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 8:18pm UTC
    you think im annoying?!
    oh! im sorry. Im sorry that i actually care about you. Im sorry i don't want you to leave my life. Im sorry that I want to be talking to you constantly. Im sorry that im too much in love with you. Im sorry that I dont give up on you too easily. Im sorry that you're all i ever wanted. IM SORRY, you can't see that the girl who loves you more than she loves herself & is BEYOND perfect for you is standing right in front of your eyes! oh yeah, my bad ; im sorry you can't see that!

  20. EscapeTheFate EscapeTheFate
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 9:06pm UTC
    My milkshake brings
    all the boys
    to the yard.
    Justin Bieber,
    what are you
    doing here?


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