Witty Profiles

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  1. amybabe24 amybabe24
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 7:49pm UTC
    Distrct 12
    Peeta & Katniss♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  2. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2012 10:39pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    I'm so sick
    of being single.

  4. bizzlebelles bizzlebelles
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2012 10:04pm UTC
    lock the shower door:
    fall and break your head and can't get help
    unlock the shower door:
    psychopath breaks in and kills you

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. sbona123 sbona123
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2012 8:46pm UTC
    On a math test , it said "Find X - 2x+64=168" so my friend circled the x & wrote "Found it !" I love her <3

  7. ImmaBeWitty ImmaBeWitty
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2012 7:57pm UTC
    2011: Let's go planking 2012: Let's go choke on some cinnamon

  8. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2012 10:21pm UTC
    Dora: All right , let's go on an adventure ! Boots: Oh no ! It's swipper the fox ! Boots&Dora: Swipper no swipping ! Swipper no swipping ! Swipper: What? Oh for christ sakes - Okay, that's it. I've had enough of this. Look kid, I know you're trying to do the right thing and all, and that's fantastic. You're a real stand up little girl, but look at me. My name is Swipper ! I swipe things ! That's just what I do. Imagine you're walking down the street, and some kid starts yelling 'Dora stop exploring !' How would that make you feel Dora? Dora: It-it would hurt... Swipper: That's right Dora, it would hurt.
    --Not mine

  9. ShesInLove ShesInLove
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2012 7:29pm UTC
    He took a sip of my drink,
    then i took a sip, that counts right?

  10. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2012 8:26pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    Chapter 4
    I nibbled on my turkey sandwich, as I reviewed the notes I took this morning in chemistry.
    The library was pitch quiet, as usual, since I was the only one who stayed in the library during lunch hours.
    I didn't see a point in eating in the lunch room, since I would sit alone, as everyone pointed and whispered things about me.
    Suddenly, the chair across from me scrapped.
    My eyes flickered up cautiously, as Hunter leaned agaisnt the table, giving me a sly grin.
    I was still pretty flushed from our intense moment this morning.
    I could still feel his hand burning on my wrists, as he pressed his body agaisnt mine, forcing me to look up at his blazing blue eyes.
    Immediately, my eyes narrowed away from his.
    "I was looking for you at lunch." he spoke.
    I felt my palms getting sweaty, as I gulped.
    "O-oh." I stuttered, still avoiding the sharp look in his eyes.
    "Why do you come to the library during lunch?" he pressed.
    Because of your idiotic friends.
    "I-I just need to study. I'm falling behind in my classes." I lied.
    It wasn't true, honestly.
    Not that I was trying to brag, but I had a perfect 4.0 GPA.
    But, I needed a good excuse to tell Hunter.
    "I should join you more often. I'm not so good in chemistry, either." he smiled, taking a short glance at my notes.
    I twisted my lips, sighing in defeat.
    "Yeah, you should." I muttered, trying not to sound too sarcastic.
    Suddenly, his hand came in contact with my cheeks, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ears.
    "Why do you put your hair up all the time?" he said, gesturing towards my messy bun.
    I swallowed, as I I blushed from insecurity.
    "I-I didn't mean it like that!" he suddenly defended, noticing my flushed face.
    I bit my lip, as I shook my head. "No, don't apologize. I understand."
    Hunter shook his dark hair out of his face, smacking himself on the forehead.
    "What I meant was," he paused, "you have really nice hair. I'm just curious to see what it would look like if it was down."
    That didn't help, at all.
    I could feel my cheeks becoming into an unpleasant shade of scarlet red.
    Hunter groaned. "I should shut up now, shouldn't I?"
    A small smile appeared from my face, as I bit my lip down to avoiding it from spreading wider.
    "Yeah." I softly spoke.
    Hunter's rosy lips curved, as his eyes began to light up.
    The warning bell suddenly rang, as my eyes glanced towards the clock.
    I began to gather all of my stuff, pushing myself off the chair.
    "Are you going to class now? Do you want me to walk you?" Hunter offered.
    I shook my head. "No, thanks."
    Hunter frowned, as his eyebrows furrowed together in disappointment.
    The class bell started to ring, as I began to speed walk out of the library.
    My next English class was two floors up from here!
    "I've got to go." I muttered, as I brushed by Hunter swiftly.
    Hunter held my wrists, as he turned me around.
    A familiar burning sensation shot up my spine, as my cheeks turned bright red.
    "Do you think we could hang out after school today?" he smoothly asked.
    I tensed, as my shoulders went stiff and square.
    "M-maybe." I stuttered.
    Hunter gave me a small smile, before releasing my arm.
    "I'll wait for you out at the parking lot." he said.
    I hesitantly nodded, as I began to sprint to class.
    I weaved my way through a crowd of people, as they all turned and gave me dirty looks.
    As I took a seat in English just in time, the teacher began her lesson for the day.
    Midway through class, chatter began to fill the room while the teacher was out printing worksheets.
    A few girls who I recognized stormed up to my desk, placing their manicured nails flat out.
    "Hi, Hayden, right?" a fiery red head asked.
    I stared up at her, trying to hide my fear, as I nodded weakly.
    She snickered, tossing her hair over her shoulder.
    She smiled, as her over glossed lips stretched across her face into a fake, and painful smile.
    "Nice you meet you, I'm Maddi.So, we were all just wondering," she pointed to her two followers behind her. "What were you doing with Hunter this morning?"
    I stared at her blankly, before giving her a slight shrug.
    I saw her icy blue eyes twitch, as they became full of envy and rage.
    "Well, whatever it was, I want you to stay away from him. Or, you'll pay the consequences, okay?"
    I removed eye contact with her, as I sulked down in my seat.
    The teacher returned, as she urged the girls to go back to their seats.
    Maddi threw me a smirk, before sitting down with firm posture in her seat.

  11. VolleyballCrazy14 VolleyballCrazy14
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2012 3:58pm UTC
    Leggo Patriots!

    © ThatsSoMeee :)

  12. soccerloverx03x soccerloverx03x
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2012 11:19am UTC
    When theres a car in the middle
    of the mall and you're just like "How the heck did it get in here?"

  13. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 3:29pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    “ I’m home! Where are you rotten kids?!” my father shouted, sweat dripping down from his flushed red face.
    My brother clamped a hand across my lips, as my eyes widened with fear. “Be quiet. Don’t let him hear us.” Cameron whispered, as he peeked through the closet door.
    I gulped, as a tear spilled from my eye. It rolled down my cheek, landing slowly on the side of my brother’s hand.
    Suddenly, the closet door swung open, revealing my drunken father, whose bloodshot eyes were filled with rage and anger.
    He pulled me from my neck, as I choked from his tight grasp on my throat. “You two idiots are trying to hide?! You should be punished for hiding from your own father!”
    My abusive father pulled me up, holding my by the neck, tightening his grip by the second.
    He slammed me against the chipped wall, as my breath shortened.
    My eyes watered, as black dots began to come to my vision. I could no longer breathe.
    “Dad, please let Hayden go.” My older brother begged, appearing on his knees.
    Immediately, I was dropped.
    I landed flat on the floor, clutching my newly bruised throat.
    I watched with wide eyes, as my father hovered over Cameron. “If your disgrace of a sister should not be harmed, then you shall.” He slurred.
    I shut my eyes tightly, as I helplessly heard the sound of my father’s hard knuckles coming in contact with Cameron’s face.
    I heard a few more nasty cracks, but not before the front door swung open.
    Standing in the doorframe were four policemen, all holding guns to my father’s head.
    I backed up to the corner, as my father took out a gun from his back pocket.
    “Step away from the child!” an angry policeman roared.
    My father was too useless and drunk to listen.
    With one pull of the trigger, my brother was lying in his own pool of deep red blood.
    Another gun shot went off.
    My father lied motionlessly beside Cameron.
    I sprang up from my bed, as I panted.
    I then noticed that there were tears rolling down my temples, and sweat forming on my forehead.
    It was just another bad dream.
    Another bad dream that included my psychopathic father.
    And of course, my brother who was now dead because of me.

  14. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 9:33pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    Chapter 1
    “How was your sleep, darling?" my adoptive mother asked, settling a plate of pancakes in front of me.
    I poked at the pancakes with my fork, watching as they deflated.
    "Fine." I moodily grumbled.
    My adoptive mother frowned, as she twisted her lips, turning to the sink to wash the dishes.
    I gulped, feeling guilty.
    I knew I shouldn't be so cold towards her, since she did get me out of the orphanage a year ago, but it was just a bad habit of mine.
    She tried to enter her way into my life, but it was hard for me to accept and trust her.
    I ate the pancakes silently, as the sweet liquid of the syrup drenched down my throat.
    As soon as it was time to start heading to school, I rinsed off the dishes.
    I started walking to school, as my old beaten up Converse shuffled on the cement.
    I dreaded going to school, since I was, sterotypically, the school's outcast.
    I was declared the schools outcast, just because I was so shy and quiet all the time.
    "Loser coming through." the brunette witch snickered, as I walked by her.
    I cringed, as I tried my best to ignore the giggles that filled the atmosphere.
    I quietly staggered to my lockers, as I dialed my combinations lock.
    I grabbed my books, as I placed them firmly in my hands.
    I began to speed off to class, to avoid anymore confrontation from anyone who had a higher status than me at this school.
    Just as I was about to head to class, a tall, masculine jock bumped his shoulder agaisnt mine.
    My textbooks went flying, as they piled on the floor one by one.
    "Oops, sorry." the jock sarcastically smirked.
    I grunted silently, bending over to pick up the books.
    As I looked back up, I noticed that one of the jocks had turned back to me.
    His eyes stared at me with pity, as I narrowed my eyes away in disgust.
    Being bullied was a daily routine for me, and I didn't need sudden sympathy.
    Especially from one of them.
    I entered class, as I dazed out the window, not paying any attention to what the teacher was saying.
    I had already read ahead in the lesson, so listening was just going to be a waste for me.
    My eyes became heavy, as my breathing grew slow.
    My eyes suddenly shut, as I went off into a nap.
    Immediately after closing my eyes, my father's bloodshot eyes appeared in my dark vision.
    A shriek escaped my lips, as my eyes snapped open.
    The classroom became silent, as everyone's eyes stared at me.
    I face flustered as I stared down at my desk.
    "What a freak." a rude boy snapped from the back of the class.
    I sniffled, feeling my heart calm down slowly.
    "Is there something wrong, Miss Monroe?" my teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.
    I breathed in and out slowly. "May I go to the bathroom?"
    My teacher briefly rolled his eyes. "Take the pass."
    I scurried out of my seat, as I grabbed the pass, shooting out of the door.
    I went in the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face.
    The picture of my fathers angry eyes kept staring back at my reflection through the mirror.
    I grasped the counter of the sink.
    "Everything will be okay." I whispered to myself.
    I stepped out of the bathroom, as I began heading back to class.
    Just as I was about to make a turn at the corner, my head bumped into someone.
    "Crap! Watch where you're going!" the jock that pitied me retorted.
    I stared up at him with fearful eyes, brushing by him swiftly.
    "Are you okay?" he suddenly asked.
    I stopped in my tracks, not bothering to turn around.
    When he figured that I wouldn't reply, he asked again. "I asked, are you okay?"
    I turned back to him, almost scared.
    I nodded.

  15. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 9:44pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    Chapter 2
    "Hey, do you need a ride home?"
    I was midway down the school corridors, nearly reaching the exit of the building.
    I turned around frantically, spotting the same jock who pitied me earlier today.
    Why wouldn't he leave me alone?
    I shook my head, spinning back around, walking a tad bit faster this time.
    I heard footsteps catching up to me, as the brunette jock suddenly appeared over my shoulder.
    "Are you sure? It's raining hard outside." he gave me a gentle smile. "I would hate for you to have to get soaked in the rain."
    I clenched my jaw with uncertainty, as I stared at the jock with disbelief.
    As we reached the double doors of the exit, he turned to me, once again.
    "Well, come on. I won't hurt you." he assured.
    A shiver sent down my spine at his choice of words.
    If only this stranger knew how much those words just meant to me.
    After not replying, he took a hold of my hand.
    I immediately flinched, pulling my hand away quickly.
    He frowned with concern filling his perfect features.
    "Just follow me." he whispered, holding the door for me.
    I was a bit hesitant, but I stepped outside.
    He led the way towards the school parking lot, which was pretty much empty by now.
    He approached an expensive looking BMW, clicking the unlock button on his keys.
    The car made a beeping noise, as he gestured for me to sit in the passenger seat.
    I gnawed on my lower lip, entering the car.
    The car looked so nice on the inside, with fine, black leather seating.
    I almost didn't want to touch it, since I was afraid of ruining it.
    He started to turn on the engine, pulling out of the parking lot.
    The sweet sound of Coldplay quietly blared out of his speakers, as he bobbed his head to the rhythm.
    "I don't think we properly introduced ourselves to each other yet. I'm Hunter." he spoke.
    I stared up at him, as he looked at me through the corner of his eye.
    Was he expecting me to say something back to him?
    I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, staring out at the window.
    The rain wasn't getting any better, in fact, it was pouring down.
    "If you don't feel comfortable, I understand." he said. "I know your name already, Hayden, right?"
    I gulped, turning my head to face him.
    I nodded at him briefly.
    His lips twitched upwards into a sly smile.
    "Hayden is an interesting name, you know. It think it suits you."
    I stared down at my feet.
    I hated my name.
    One of the reasons why my father hated me so much was because he didn't want a daughter, he wanted another son.
    And his second son was suppose to be named Hayden, but he got stuck with me.
    I remember the angry look on his face when I use to cry.
    "This is the reason why I wanted another son! Not some immature girl who cries over everything! You're a mistake!" he cursed.
    I was a mistake.
    "Hey, Hayden? Are you okay?" Hunter asked.
    I snapped out of my thoughts, staring at him.
    The car had stopped, and Hunter was staring at me curiously.
    "We're at your house." he said.
    I stared out the window, recognizing the egg white house that we were parked in front of.
    I reached for the handle, opening the car door.
    Before I closed it, I turned back to Hunter.
    I nodded at him as a signal to thank him.

  16. basketball24 basketball24
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 5:25pm UTC
    That Walk Of Shame
    to the trashcan when you
    get caught with gum♥
    not my format or quote.

  17. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 8:09pm UTC
    Catch Me if You Can
    Chapter 32
    I couldn't help but hold in my breath as I looked in his gorgeous sea green eyes.
    A knot began to tighten in my throat, as I realized how much I missed Harry.
    I waited and waited for his gaze to connect to mine, but I was devasted when they never did.
    I sucked in a deep breath, gnawing on my lower lip.
    Why wasn't he acknowledging my existence?
    Had he forgotton about me, and moved on to some beautiful tanned model in Florida?
    "Harry! Come join the party!" Gerald grinned, handing him a can of beer.
    I watched emotionlessly, as Harry popped open the can, chugging down the beer.
    I stood alone like an absolute idiot, as Harry brushed by me, without even taking a short glance at me.
    I frowned, as I turned around, just to see him walking away further towards the bonfire.
    My eyes began to prickle with tears, as I clenched my fists tightly.
    Harry had forgotten about me.
    To avoid creating a scene, and killing the mood of the party, I spun on my heel.
    My sandals slid against the sand, as I began to sprint away from the beach.
    The further I ran, the smaller the blazing fire appeared to me.
    My vision was blurry, as I dug my nails into my skin.
    How pathetic was I to hold on to Harry, while he forgot about me?
    I didn't even run further than a block, when I heard footsteps catching up with me.
    I turned around, as my hair whipped in my face.
    I watched, as Harry jogged towards me.
    I gulped, as my heart began to beat faster.
    "Excuse me, miss." he panted.
    I blinked back a tear, as I croaked out, "Yes?"
    Harry reached in his pocket, as I held in my breath.
    He took out a necklace, the one that I was wearing tonight.
    "You dropped your necklace." he smiled gently, dropping the silver necklace in my palm.
    My heart dropped to the bottom of my gut, as I clutched onto the necklace tightly.
    "T-thanks." I stuttered out, staring at Harry with disbelief.
    Harry gave me another award winning smile, as he ran a hand through his mop of brown hair.
    "I should go back to the party now. Do you want to come?" he asked.
    I swallowed. Harry really didn't recognize me there before.
    I took in a deep breath, almost too mesmerized by his matured looks to speak.
    His muscles were a bit toner, as his face became much more manly and muscular.
    I shook my head, as I backed up from Harry. "No thanks."
    I watched as a worried frown appeared on Harry's face.
    Harry licked his lips, before biting down on one.
    "Um, would you happen to know someone named Colby around here?" his husky voice spoke.
    I felt my eyes slightly widening.
    I was glad that he was taking the time to look for me, but I was disappointed that he hadn't recognize me, after everything we had been through.
    The moment I saw Harry, I recognized him right away.
    But, I guess he never liked me enough to do the same for me.
    I sighed, as I shook my head.
    "No, I don't know anyone named Colby." I quivered.
    Harry shrugged, before giving me a small smile.
    "Thanks, anyway. I'll see you sometime."
    I nodded, as I watched him turn around and walk back towards the party.
    Gerald's Point of View:
    I took a sip of beer from my red cup, as Harry jogged back up on the beach.
    "Hey man, where were you?" I asked.
    Harry grabbed a cup off the table, taking a sip himself.
    "I was just returning some necklace a girl dropped."
    I wiggled my eyebrows jokingly. "Really? Who, was she hot?"
    Harry punched my shoulder playfully. "I guess she was. I didn't catch her name, though."
    I frowned. "What was she wearing?"
    Harry shrugged. "Some white dress?"
    My eyes began to widen, as my eyes roamed around the party.
    Colby was wearing a white dress... and as of now, Colby was no where in sight.
    I groaned, narrowing my eyes at an oblivious Harry.
    I slapped my forehead.
    Harry, you're so stupid.

  18. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2012 7:24pm UTC
    Catch Me if You Can
    Chapter 27
    It was mid August now, and everything had been going perfectly fine.
    The weather was starting to cool down, but it was still warm enough to swim during the afternoon.
    The sad thing was that school was going to begin in just two weeks.
    Addison had already dragged Gerald and I to the mall several times, buying everything she wanted for the start of school.
    I haven't seen Harry much for the past week.
    We were suppose to go to the movies and hang around the beach yesterday, but he had to cancel for some family emergency.
    The only time we spoke was through the phone, and those didn't last too long.
    I was beginning to worry if Harry had been trying to ignore me, but Gerald and Addison assured me he wasn't.
    It seemed as if they knew something about Harry that I didn't.
    It was now a Thursday night, and I had just finished up washing the dishes.
    My phone vibrated agaisnt the kitchen counter, as I rinsed the soap off of my hands.
    I headed over to my phone, as Harry's name lit up on the screen.
    My heart began to beat faster, as I quickly pressed the green answer button.
    "Hello?" I asked casually, trying not to seem to eager to hear his angelic voice.
    "Hi, Colby." Harry said through the phone.
    "Hey Harry, what's up?" I asked, leaning my back against the counter.
    I heard a distant pause, before Harry spoke up again.
    "I know it's pretty late now, but could you meet me at the beach in fifteen minutes?"
    I bit my lip, not liking the urgent sound in his voice.
    "I've got to go now, but be at the beach at nine-thirty, okay?" he clarified.
    I gulped, but nodded. "Alright, I'll see you later."
    Harry hung up quickly, just as I groaned.
    My dad suddenly appeared into the kitchen, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
    "What's wrong, kiddo? Turn that frown upside down." my dad winked.
    I faked a gag, as a smile appeared on my face.
    My dad's dry and sour humor was amusing to me.
    "Dad, I'm going to head out to the beach, okay?" I smiled sweetly, already stuffing my phone in my pockets of my black hoodie.
    "Did you finish the dishes?" he raised an eyebrow.
    "Yes." I chuckled, giving him a peck on the cheek.
    It was ten o'clock, and I was wondering if Harry was going to show up.
    I've been waiting at the beach for him for thirty minutes already.
    I kept checking over at my phone, wondering if I should call him or not.
    The sky was almost pitch black, and it didn't help that it was so windy tonight.
    Suddenly, a finger jabbed against my shoulder, as I spun around.
    Harry gave me a grin, but I noticed dark circles forming under his sea green eyes.
    "Sorry I'm late." he apologized.
    I shrugged like it was no big deal. "Psh, you aren't that late. I was thinking that you were going to cancel on me, again."
    Harry's face turned dark and blank, as my heart dropped to my gut.
    Had I really just said that out loud?
    I bit my lip. "Uh, I didn't mean it like that, Harry. S-sorry."
    Harry shook his head, as his brown locks sprang away from his face.
    "It's no problem. It's my fault, anyway."
    We spent a moment staring at each other intently before I looked away.
    "So, uh, what's so important that you had to call me out this late?" I asked.
    Harry let out a sigh, before surprising me.
    He took my hand, interwining our fingers.
    "I'll tell you later. For now, I just want to have fun."

  19. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 7:20pm UTC
    Catch Me if You Can
    Chapter 28
    I watched as Harry held the last tennis ball in his hand.
    He adjusted his aim, as the ball released from his palms, shooting swiftly in a cup.
    "We have a winner!" the teenage boy announced.
    "Which one do you want?" Harry asked lowly, with his low breath trickling on my ear.
    Shivers sent down my spine, as I pointed to the big, lime green frog with wide cartoon eyes.
    The teenage boy handed me the stuffed toy, as I clutched it in my hands securely.
    "Thanks." Harry nodded to the boy, as we walked off.
    It was almost mid night now, and the fireworks would start to explode by now.
    Harry tugged my arm, as he guided me out of the boardwalk.
    We headed to the beach, the exact same spot where we first met.
    "H-Harry? Why are we here? It's freezing." I shuddered, holding on to my new plushed frog for warmth.
    "I know, but it's really nice here." Harry smiled, staring out at the dark waves.
    I bit my lip, as we took a seat on the cool sand.
    "Thanks for the frog, by the way." I blushed, tucking some hair behind my ears.
    Harry grinned. "Why did you pick the frog?"
    I smiled to myself, as I ruffled the head of the frog.
    "It reminds me of you." I admitted.
    Harry's face went blank, as he shook his head. "You mean that toy frog reminds you of me?"
    I laughed, throwing my head back at the wind.
    "I didn't mean it like that." I paused. "It's just that its... cute."
    Harry went silent, as I turned my face away.
    My face was burning up, as I hid behind my mass amount of hair.
    Why did I just say that? Was I going insane?
    I suddenly felt a pair of warm fingers come in contact with my cheek, turning it to face Harry's gentle face.
    "I think you're really cute, too." he said with all seriousness.
    My eyes widened, as my heart began to leap away from my chest.
    "But." he sighed. "I don't want to get attached to you."
    His hands dropped away from my face, as I swallowed the gulp that was forming in my throat.
    "W-what?" I stuttered.
    How stupid was I? Just admitting to Harry that he was cute, and ultimately getting rejected on.
    Harry removed his sea green eyes from mine, and stared out at the ocean waves.
    "I really like you, Colby." he whispered.
    I stared up at him with surprise, but I didn't say anything.
    "I've been liking you, actually. I've liked you ever since I saw you walking on the shore earlier this summer. There was just something about you that I really found interesting."
    I dug my fingernails in my palms to prevent myself from crying.
    If he was telling me all of this, then why didn't he want to get attached to me?
    "Do you remember how I told you I needed to tell you something earlier tonight?" Harry asked.
    I bit my lip, and nodded.
    "Well, that was one of them. There's something else." Harry sadly smiled.
    I frowned. "Tell me."
    Harry sucked in a deep breath, before opening his mouth to speak.
    "I'm moving."
    My heart dropped to my gut.
    I knew immediately that those two words were going to haunt me for eternity.
    Harry was moving, leaving me behind.
    "You're moving?" I breathed. "I've barely been here for a few months and you're already leaving?"
    The tears flowed down my cheeks by now.
    How pathetic was I? So weak and vulnerable.
    Harry wiped a tear from my cheek, as he gave me a small smile.
    "I'm sorry, Colby. I would stay, if I could. But, my dad got a new job with a great pay... in Florida."
    I shut my eyes tightly, pinching myself to wake up from his horrible nightmare.
    "F-Florida? That's so far away." I quivered.
    "That's why I didn't want to get too close to you. I didn't want to get attached, because I knew I would get my heartbroken. But, I couldn't resists, Colby. You're just... everything I've ever wanted in a girl."
    (Too long, need to continue on next chapter.) :)

  20. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 7:17pm UTC
    Catch Me if You Can
    Chapter 29
    My heart was suddenly overpowered with warmth after Harry had just confessed into liking me as much as I liked him.
    I small smile spread on my tear stained face.
    "When are you leaving?" I asked, croaking my words.
    Harry grinned playfully, reaching his hand out to interwine with my fingers.
    "Why? Are you eager for me to leave so fast?" he joked.
    I rolled my moist eyes teasingly. "Harry, how do you manage to make a joke out of the most serious moments?"
    Harry started to play with my fingers. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just like that with you. You bring out my good side."
    My face flustered into a scarlett red, as Harry smiled amusingly at me.
    "I'm leaving tomorrow." he said, answering my previous question.
    I gasped, as my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.
    Harry was leaving... tomorrow?
    That was less than twenty four hours away!
    I bit my lip to prevent from bawling my eyes out in front of him.
    But, it wasn't easy. I mean, how do you stop yourself from crying, after hearing that the guy you potentially love is moving so far away?
    Harry noticed me struggling, as he gripped my hand tighter.
    "Don't worry, Colby. There's always texting and calling." he assured, pulling me close to his chest.
    "That's not enough." I sighed.
    Harry placed his chin on the top of my head.
    "I know it's not." he whispered. "But, I promise we'll see each other in the future."
    I smiled at the thought of that.
    He said there was going to be a future for us.
    I looked up at his gorgeous blue green eyes, which were full of hope.
    We just laid on the sand for what seemed like hours.
    When it was midnight, we watched the firewords together, like we had on the first night we had met each other.
    Eventually, we both knew it was time for the both of us to go home.
    My father would start to worry if I stayed out too late.
    Harry's parent's relied on him to come home and help them pack the rest of the stuff.
    Harry and I walked hand in hand back to my house.
    I sighed to myself, wondering how long it would be before I got to feel the warmth of his hands against mine, again.
    We got up to my front steps, as Harry let go of my palm.
    He used that hand to brush my hair away from my face, a small smile appearing on his lips.
    "Colby." he muttered.
    I was so mesmerized by the glint of sparkle in his eyes. "Harry."
    "This is the last time we're going to see each other for a while." he breathed.
    "I know." I sadly admitted.
    Harry took a step closer to me, filling in the space that was between us.
    The world had no longer existed to me anymore.
    It was just Harry and I right now.
    He was so close to me, I could smell his spearmint breath, and feel his warm breath on my neck.
    "There's something I've wanted to do for a while. I want to do it before I leave." he said.
    I took in a small breath.
    "Then do it." I simply said.
    Harry bit his lower lip, as his gaze shot down to my lips.
    My heart was beating faster by the moment.
    Harry leaned forward, as his nose brush agaisnt mine.
    I closed my eyes slowly, just as a pair of familiar soft lips landed on mine.
    The kiss was simple, but long and passionate.
    Harry pulled away soon, but sadly enough.
    "Thank you for everything, Colby." he smiled weakly.
    "Thank you, too, Harry." I said, as my voice trembled.
    He opened his mouth to say smoething, but ultimately shut it.
    He smiled at me one last time, before turning on his heel, and walking away.
    I'm so stupid. I should've said those three words.
    I love you.
    As you all know, Steve posted up a message about the swearing and cursing on Witty.
    I'm going to avoid swearing in my stories from now on, and please don't leave any comments with swearing in it.
    We all know none of us could live without Witty; it's our second home!
    Thanks (:


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