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Status: I love Trevor, 11/11/11

Member Since: 10 Oct 2011 10:00pm

Last Seen: 6 Jun 2015 01:30pm

Birthday: September 27

Gender: F

user id: 225883

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  1. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2013 2:39pm UTC
    He's the most popular guy in school.
    She's just a "nerd"
    She's completely in love with him, not because he's
    popular, Because he has a heart
    One day she when to go talk to this boy, he was surrounded by all
    of his jock friends.
    Her walking up to him was the hardest thing she's ever had to
    do in her life
    "Just breath and you'll be fine" She said to
    she walked up to him.
    As she Tapped his shoulder
    His friends just started to laugh and point at her.
    "What do you think you're doing" "Dont even try,
    you're to ugly""He doesn't like you!!"
    She ran away crying, Wishing she had never done that..
    She pulled out her razor.. Cutting deeper and deeper with every cut
    going up her arms
    Then She got a call
    It was him,
    He told her nothing was wrong with her. His friends were just
    As she was listening , she herd laughter in the background. Then he
    said thinking she couldn't hear "I can't believe
    she's falling for it!"
    She hung up, crying. Threw her phone then She layed in bed.
    Didn't move an inch. Her phone was ringing over and over, She
    just ignored it
    She Sat up, her pillow stained with tears.
    She wished She had never done that
    She thought to herself
    "why am i so ugly, why would i think i would actually have a
    chance with him.. i don't deserve to live anymore."
    She went and found a rope.....
    The next morning on the news.
    "A girl was found in her bedroom late last night trying to
    hang herself. Luckily this guy(The popular boy) Had snuck out of
    his house and looked into her window. He broke the window and cut
    her down."
    *At the hospital* "Why'd you try to save me ?" She
    said with tears rolling down her face.
    He whipped her tears away and said
    "That wasnt me on the phone, that was my "friend" ,
    He took my phone and called you. Thats why i snuck over to your
    house. I wanted to make sure you were okay you wouldnt answer any
    of my calls"
    She Sat there in confusion "Whyd you try to call me. I thought
    you hated me"
    "What made you think that beautiful, because my d!ck of a
    friend told you? Honestly.. I'm in love with you, when you ran
    away i felt horrible. All i wanted to do was this.."
    He kisses her softly, then pulls away takes her hand
    He sees the cuts..
    "Why'd you do this, ? He said is Shock
    "I..i..i felt unwanted. I love you. And when i herd your
    friends say that i was hurt" She Stuttered.
    "This was because of me?" He said while rubbing the
    He looks at them then kisses them
    "Dont worry .. you wont have to do this ever again, because
    i'm never leaving your side. Will you be my girl
    She looked at him teary eyed "Yes, i will"
    They grew old together and two beautiful kids who looked just like
    They died together in their sleep on her 80th birthday. They were
    holding eachother
    --All mine.

  2. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2013 9:33pm UTC
    It's not the goodbyes that hurt but that flashbacks that follow..

  3. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2013 8:31pm UTC
    Plot Twist: You're the attractive person who everyone wants to be

  4. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2013 10:41pm UTC
    Never be ashamed of yourself.
    Because you are born into one skin. You can scar it, stretch it, burn it, mark it, tan it, peel it.
    But you are always in it.
    So you might as well learn to love it.

  5. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2012 2:47pm UTC
    I CA n't do this anymorRE

  6. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2012 7:23pm UTC
    Josh: 3 words
    Josh: Keep... The Pajamas!

  7. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 12:41am UTC
    Ever Depressed?
    Put your headphones in.
    Turn the Volume up.
    &Ignore the world.

  8. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 12:37am UTC
    Who else
    Isn't witty famous?

  9. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2012 6:41pm UTC
    Now that i have your attention.
    Suicide is a real thing and it does happen. It can happen from bullying and from hurt on the inside.
    Help prevent suicide. Don't make it happen.
    But Suicide is never the answer. I'M ALWAYS HERE YOU GUYS. No matter what. I bet everyone that is on here is here for you. Don't ever let someone tell you you're not good enough.. Because you are. You're beautiful. Also you're not alone in the world. Everyone goes through it at one point.
    I'm sorry if you're being hurt. I really am. But i've thought about it many times. Then i thought again. What would my family think, my bestfriend, my boyfriend? What would they do?
    Ever need someones help?
    Comment on my profile. Call me. Email me. Somthing.
    never take you're life away because of people, don't let them win.

  10. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2012 12:36pm UTC
    MeGood morning babe c:
    BoyfriendGoodmorning my beautiful and amazing girl friend, Happy 11 months and 1 day ;,)
    Me; Awuh babe♥ I love you:')
    BoyfriendLove you too♥

  11. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2012 11:50am UTC
    We got together
    on 11-11-11


  12. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2012 11:43am UTC
    I'm Taken By My
    bestfriend Trevor. He's a h u g e part of my l i f e
    And I'm never EVER going to leave him
    ((b e c a u s e he's a l l i've ever wanted I Really c a n ' t lose him))
    11/11/11 Forever&Ever
    I love you Trevor♥

  13. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2012 3:52am UTC
    You can run a red light
    Give up at a red light
    You break the mold
    When running through the tolls
    Speeding through your whole life
    You can run a red light

  14. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2012 11:40pm UTC
    *Watching olympics & one direction comes one*
    Me yelling at the T.v; NO, GO THE HELL AWAY. NOOOOOOOOO
    Mom: i'm not changing it.
    Gee, thanks mom.-.

  15. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2012 1:20pm UTC
    Plot Twist: You're the attractive person who everyone wants to be

  16. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    I can't believe its already been 9 months
    It seems like just yesterday that we got together
    I love you Trevor♥
    Forever and always, :')
    Happy nine months boo♥ :)

  17. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 2:10am UTC
    "I love you"
    "Love u"
    They're all the same to me. Wanna know why? Because i know that he loves me, no matter how he spells it (:

  18. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 2:07am UTC
    I Know I'm not witty famous
    but most of my quotes are written from the heart..

  19. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 12:15am UTC
    When someone asks you what's wrong..
    && Every tear you have been holding in comes rushing out.

  20. ChelseaMarieDennis ChelseaMarieDennis
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 1:05pm UTC
    I used to think beauty was based on how my hair looked, or if my make up was perfect.
    But really, its how you treat yourself, if you think you're beautiful, then you're beautiful.
    &girls. Don't let anyone tell you different♥
    My quote/Nmf


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