Witty Profiles

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  1. bye* bye*
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2012 5:32pm UTC
    i was in a hospital today and i saw this cute boy with a cast on his leg and my first thought was
    hey this one can't run away

  2. erinstaley erinstaley
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 1:17pm UTC
    God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve or Madam and Eve

  3. myboys myboys
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 6:17pm UTC
    oh im at a hotel hi

  4. BlissfulDisease* BlissfulDisease*
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 7:36pm UTC
    I GOT JUST DANCE 2014!!!

  5. Ninja918 Ninja918
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 7:47pm UTC
    This year I'm gonna get some much D
    Tention slips for never being on time.

  6. modelsareoverrated modelsareoverrated
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 7:56pm UTC
    don't be fooled by that rocks that i got,
    i'm still jenny from the block.

  7. Diam0nd Diam0nd
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2013 7:35pm UTC
    Do you ever wonder,
    how you're gonna look
    like when you're older?

  8. Miss_Maddie_500 Miss_Maddie_500
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 5:57pm UTC
    IT'S OCTOBER 11...
    So can we say happy birthday
    to hallie parker and annie james from the parenT trap ♥

  9. HelloDepression* HelloDepression*
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    “He is bad news…”
    Chapter 1
    *Past – 6 years ago*
    Most of the girls talk about their first kiss at the age of 14 to 15, right? Well, my first kiss was a little earlier… Let me explain. Everett and I were friends during primary school. He was really nice but loved trouble. We were good friends, though he never visited my house, and I never visited his. No one knows why, we just didn’t. My parents knew about him and they liked him, as well as his parents about me. Until… I’ll explain later, hold on.
    “Everett!” I shouted, looking at him as he ran away. “Give me my pencil back!”
    He looked back at me as he walked away playfully. “Come and get it!”
    Ugh, I SO hated this boy. I stood up and walked to the desk. Everett started laughing and looked at me, running round the desk. I rolled my eyes and chased after him quickly. He got out of the classroom and ran to the yard. I walked slower, since I felt tired. He didn’t, though. I watched as he ran around a tree, being all proud he stole my pencil. I rolled my eyes and ran outside the school building, looking for him. I walked slower, till I felt someone knocking me down.
    “Everett! You’re dead, I swear!” I shouted so loud, it made him close his eyes. I laughed in his face before escaping his tight grip. He was still laying on the grass when I took my pencil. He stood up and grabbed my arm.
    “Hey, Evelyn?” he called, looking at me shyly.
    “Yes Everett?”
    He looked down, releasing my arm. “You know I was wondering…”
    “I always see Kyle with this girl, Alice, “kissing” all the time. What does kissing feel like?”
    I laughed. “How would I know, Everett?”
    “You know everything” he said, giving me a bright smile.
    I giggled. “I don’t know this one”.
    “We can try” he breathed out. “Right?”
    I nodded. “We could…”
    “Come on, please?” he begged.
    I laughed. “Okay, if you show me how”.
    He took a step closer to me. I looked around, checking if someone is here. I looked into his blue eyes, smiling. Yes, I so hated this boy but I don’t know, there’s something that keeps pushing me closer to him. Who knows, I’m just 11, I’m stupid.
    He looked at me. I looked back, half–smiling. That’s when he awkwardly pressed his lips against mine. It was an angry kiss, a weird kiss. Not like the ones we see in the movies, where the boy kisses the girl with so much passion. We knew nothing. This…“kiss” lasted for three seconds only, before Everett decided to pull away. He looked at me and blinked, before smirking.
    “It’s not that good”.
    And he walked away.
    *Present – Age 17*
    I walked into the school. Teens everywhere. More freshmen this year. I looked pretty old compared to them. Nah, just kidding. I was just 17, geez. Yes, I’m officially a senior now. Joy.
    I unfolded that paper they gave me with my entrance, so I can find my locker. I wandered around the hallways till I finally found it. I got my key and opened the locker. There, I found my books and a schedule, along with the names of the teachers. Damn, why did summer have to end? I always hate Septembers. I do, they’re the worst month of them all. It’s when summer ends. I would like them more if it wasn’t for the song of Green Day, “Wake Me Up When September Ends” or the song of All-Star Weekend, “Blame It On September”. Yes, everybody loves Septembers, no kidding.
    Nudge. Nudge. Nudge.
    I turned around, just to face two curious eyes looking at me. New girl? Ugh, more trouble for a 17-year–old, I can’t take it. “Excuse me, are you new here?” she asked.
    I smiled. “No, I’m an old student of Westchester High. You?” I asked the girl back.
    “Yes, I came here today. New York seems cool” she mumbled.
    My eyes widened. “That’s where you live? That’s twenty minutes away –– or more!” I said, surprised.
    “No, I don’t live there. I visited New York yesterday and it was awesome” she explained. “I’m from Indiana”.
    “Cool” I nodded.
    “Yes, I miss my friends so much. Hey, we could be friends!” said the girl, all happy.
    “Sure. I’m Evelyn” I introduced myself, smiling gently.
    “I’m Sienna” the girl said, shaking my hand. I giggled, feeling a pair of eyes on me. I gulped, turning around. No one. Weird.
    “So, how did you end up here?” I asked kindly.
    “My mom’s getting married and we moved in with my stepdad and his son” Sienna explained fast, eyeing her schedule.
    “I’m sorry” I mumbled, nibbling at my bottom lip.
    Sienna looked at me. “It’s all good, Evelyn. Oh, the wedding is next week. You can come, bring your parents too!” she said excited.
    “Sienna, come on. No one knows us” I murmured.
    “I do! I’m gonna be so alone there, please!” she begged me.
    I gasped. “Ugh, FINE!”
    She hugged me. “Thanks! You’re the best friend EVER!”
    I laughed. “I’m really not”.
    The bell rang, calling us to gather to our classes. I glanced over at Sienna, who was now walking to her class. I shot a glance at my schedule, noticing I had Physics with Mr. White. Damn it, damn it, damn it. So boring. I turned on my heel and began to walk there, when I caught his eyes from the other side of the hallway looking over at me. I gulped. My head turned automatically and I looked at him, holding his gaze. Everett.
    We haven’t talked since 6th grade. He decided to be the “bad boy”, and I was just too good for his taste. Every week, he would get into trouble; he just couldn’t live without it. He was hanging out with Bryan and Jake, who were also like him. We used to be friends, yeah, but that ended. Maybe too harshly. The point is that it ended and to this day, he wouldn’t even bother to look at me. Until today.
    He was leaning against a wall of lockers, his usual smirk on. He gazed into my eyes playfully. I felt my spine trembling. He stood up and walked to me, but rudely passed by me, as if I didn’t exist. I looked at my feet, confused. I turned my head and glued my eyes on his back as he walked away. He turned and returned my look, still smirking. Then he lost inside the empty hallway.
    Okay, what was that? What happened to Everett? He wouldn’t even care to even look at me and now I caught him staring at me. Oh my gosh, he looked at me. Yes, it was a shock since he was my crush I have no chances with. I smiled. What a bright day, really. I can’t believe that Everett Randers, known as the bad boy of all time, actually LOOKED at me, known as nobody.
    God, help me get through this.
    Hey everyone! That's my first story so I'm a bit nervous haha. I hope you like it so far! I'll be posting again next week so commend if you want to be notified! Still nervous haha. Tell me what you think (:
    Xoxo, Fay x3

  10. HelloDepression* HelloDepression*
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 3:07pm UTC
    "He is bad news..."
    Chapter 35
    I was lying on my bed, hands covering my face, eyes closed. I was so scared; I knew Zach could tell Sienna everything. The problem is that she would believe him. She was my best friend, yeah, but she wouldn’t trust me over Zach. I knew that. I was so afraid, though; God knows how terrible things he’s gonna tell her about me.
    I was about to sleep when my phone vibrated. I grabbed it lazily from the nightstand just to see I had received a text message from Everett. I opened it.
    I missed you. Leave your window door open, I’m coming over.
    My heard beat fast. He’s coming here? Like, here here? No he can’t, if my dad bursts into the room, we’re both screwed. I couldn’t reply to his message since I heard noise coming from the garden.
    “Hey” I heard a voice.
    I pulled my head outside my window. “Hello? Everett?”
    I got no answer so I turned my head back inside. A second ago, he jumped inside my room. “Surprise”.
    “Hey” I beamed, feeling happy.
    “Hey” he replied, smiling.
    “You’re here”.
    “Indeed” he said, keeping on smiling.
    I giggled a bit, still keeping the distance between us.
    “Come here” he murmured, holding his arms out.
    I took a step closer to him and flung myself into his arms. I loved cuddling with him; he just made me feel better. I know I should tell him about what happened today, but I didn’t have the courage to. I didn’t wanna ruin this moment. I wanted to stay like this forever.
    “What’s bothering you?” he asked, almost whispering.
    “Nothing” I mumbled, burying my face on his chest to avoid starting a conversation.
    “You seemed pretty troubled and shocked this morning” he stated.
    “I did not” I denied it.
    “As you wish”.
    His hands slid to my neck and his fingers locked on my chin, lifting my head up. I looked at him as he leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips, so soft I thought it wasn’t true. He pulled away and I blinked, confused. He grinned and pulled me in for another kiss, more passionate this time. His lips were pressed against mine and I wrapped my arms around him, kissing back. He grasped on my waist and pulled me closer. I could feel the kiss growing deeper, as he bit my lower lip. My breath hitched and my body froze. I don’t know why; it was really confusing.
    He lifted me up slightly and leaned me against the closest wall, brushing my hair off my face. I put my hands on his chest as he kissed across my jaw line. Just then, a sound on the door freaked us out.
    “Ev? Everything all right in there?” my dad asked, knocking on the door.
    I pushed Everett away and took a deep breath. “Of course dad!” I answered quickly.
    “Want me to check?” he asked.
    “No, no! It’s fine!” I said, my voice pitched a little.
    “Okay, take care!” he called. I let out a sigh of relief when I heard him walking down the stairs.
    “That was close” he breathed out, grinning.
    “Sure was” I agreed, sitting down on my bed.
    “I’m bored to go home” he pouted, sitting down next to me and lacing his arms lazily around my waist.
    I rolled my eyes.
    “You can find clothes in my parents’ room”.
    Hey cupcakes! Aww that was close haha :3 This and the next chapter will be *kinda* cute because something happened and I'm *kinda* better now! *cough cough still depressed cough* I met someone special I guess haha and now I'll be all dingle dingle blu blu (sorry my words, it means cute and excited and stuff :P) Anyway, as always, comment if you wanna be notified! And now that I got my laptop back I might start posting more often (;
    Xoxo, Fay (:

  11. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 6:33pm UTC
    I always laugh when people say that public school aren't as bad as people make them out to be. Like, my school doesn't even have walls in half the classrooms, we have curtains. So if you think public schools are fine you need to check yourself.

  12. ThatWeirdGirl* ThatWeirdGirl*
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2013 9:19pm UTC
    Scariest 6 word story:
    I like him. He likes her.
    We ran out of good food.

  13. beary0630 beary0630
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2013 11:13am UTC
    One Direction Update
    10/6/13 11:15 AM EDT
    Hey guys! So again, I didn't realize it but the boys had two shows in Sydney, one matinee and one at night! Other than that not too much went on today. Niall went to a game in between shows with his cousin whose birthday was today. The boys now have 3 days off until their next show in Christchurch, New Zealand on Thursday!
    Rumors: None
    This Day Last Year: The boys had their Radio 1 takeover! (I was just talking to someone about this! Isn't that a coincidence! You know who you are!) They also performed on XF UK and had Teen Award Rehearsals.
    Links: Zayn washing his hair today: http://t.co/wbUV5XiPJO
    The boys on stage today: http://t.co/GCLhNlw3zi
    Louis on stage: http://t.co/u5me0oJxFW
    The boys singing the Friends theme song: https://t.co/dwn11U5871
    Louis skateboarding today: http://t.co/evi5rB07Jd
    Zayn, Liam and Niall backstage: http://t.co/JUbcCtDvlH
    Niall outside the arena: http://t.co/83L8MFQTOa
    Zayn outside the arena: http://t.co/uJqHaIkkek
    Niall and his cousin: http://instagram.com/p/fHruuBMyHG/
    Here is an article explaining the entire story of what happened to Liam's friend Andy. Just to warn you, there's a few graphic pictures of the burns. http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/andy-samuels-burn-pictures-interview-2342907

  14. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 11:32pm UTC
    I'm still scared that when I get to
    my first class in college I'll have someone come up to me and say "are you yourcool from witty profiles? omfg."

  15. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 11:34pm UTC
    miley cyrus is releasing a new fragrance
    it's called "twerk" and it's just billy ray's tears in an expensive bottle

  16. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 11:37pm UTC
    i just wanna see what macklemore drew
    in the 3rd grade that was so good it made him question his sexuality

  17. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 11:39pm UTC
    if you're attractive please don't like
    the things i like because i will like you

  18. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 11:41pm UTC
    i'm the kevin jonas of my family

  19. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 11:45pm UTC
    bob is one of the most stereotypical
    names out there but tell me how many bobs do you actually know?

  20. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 11:48pm UTC
    i'm not saying i deserve to be rich
    and famous i'm just saying i feel like i was supposed to be


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