Witty Profiles

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_crannberry_happy witty anniversary!

  1. gucci prince* gucci prince*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 3:07am UTC
    Drop everything now
    And meet me in the pouring rain.
    Kiss me on the sidewalk,
    take away the pain.
    Cause' i see sparks fly whenever you smile
    give me with those green eyes baby as the lights go down
    something that'll haunt me when you're not around
    cause' i see sparks fly whenever you smile.

  2. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 4:49pm UTC
    "What you must understand about me is that I am a deeply unhappy person." -John Green

  3. KeepFighting KeepFighting
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 2:35am UTC
    let's be honest, you'd go for a skinny girl over a not so skinny girl any day.

    ■ Anonymous
    Let’s be honest. People love to put pressure on me and pretend I’m the most perfect guy and you guys do want me to say exactly what you want to hear and then when I don’t you will judge me and make me feel like sh/t. You will edit and change the colour of my eyes and say ‘omg please get blue contacts’ like I’m your f/cking barbie doll and you can dress me up to your idea or perfection. So how do you want me to answer this question? Do you want me to say that everyone is beautiful? Or no, did you want me to say I prefer a curvy girl over a skinny girl. Or do you expect me to answer it another way? What do you want from me? Many of you guys forget that we are 5 normal teenage boys. Our personal life - none of your buisness. Let us keep making videos for you guys and we’ll let you watch them and give us feedback. I’m so sick of the pressure that people put on us. People think its wrong that me and Jai dropped out of school? Mind your own f/cking business and concentrate on your own education. Many of you wouldn’t even think about why or know why or have any idea why we don’t attend school anymore, but you just judge us from what you see. We weren’t strategically put together by a judge and chosen as the 5 most ideal, best looking people. So no, we’re not perfect. You want me to get blue contacts? Well I suggest you go start dressing up another man. I was born this way, it’s either you like me for who I am or you don’t. I’m not changing for any single one of you. Sorry I’m ranting so much and I probably look like the biggest as/hole but I’m in a really bad mood for personal reasons and I come on Tumblr and I’m put under even more pressure every single time trying to be your perfect guy. .
    Ask lukebrooks a question 394 notes

  4. Mischief_Managed_ Mischief_Managed_
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 6:22pm UTC
    England: Someone go call America for me.
    France: How?? He's probobly sleeping like a log-
    Canada: Hold up I got this.
    Canada: Ahem...
    Canada: WHAT TEAM?
    *Stumbling and footsteps going down the stairs*
    America: *Busts through door*
    America: WILDCATS!

  5. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 10:06pm UTC
    Welcome to America, where women are welcome to engange in lesbian
    p.ornography for men's sexual pleasure. But God forbid they want to get married.

    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 12:49pm UTC
    Me:​ Oh my God. You are so stupid!
    Brother: I'm not stupid, I just ain't that clever.
    Me:That makes you even more stupid for not knowing that you're stupid!
    Me: And that makes you even more stupid for using 'ain't' when it's not a real word!
    Brother: Shut up.
    Me: That make you even more stupid for thinking I'll shut up!
    Me: Oh my God, I am so annoying.
    Brother: You just realised that now?
    Me: That makes you even more stupid for thinking I just realised that when reality is I've known that since I was five!

  7. dolph* dolph*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 10:46am UTC
    kanye west im happy for you and imma let u finish but beyonce had one of the best children of all time

  8. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 5:43pm UTC
    a baby's laughter is one of the most beautiful sounds you will ever hear
    unless it's 3am and you're home alone and you don't have a baby

  9. Infinity on high* Infinity on high*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 1:40am UTC
    I can almost see it,
    T h e r e ' s a v o i c e i n s i d e m y h e a d s a y i n,
    you'll never reach it
    Red cups and
    H a n d s i n t h e a i r

  10. rebecca* rebecca*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 1:38am UTC
    I wish more people would compliment strangers.
    Today I went ice skating with some of my best friends. At one point I stopped to fix my skate. My friends kept going but a girl who was, at the most, two years younger than me stopped skating to say hi and told me I'm really pretty. That's the first time in my life someone other than a family member/friend/boyfriend has complimented me. And I can honestly say, a compliment from a complete stranger means so much more than one from someone you're close to. That girl had nothing to gain from saying that to me. She doesn't know me. She could've continued skating and I wouldn't have noticed. Our lives would have never crossed paths and I would have been none the wiser, but she took the time to stop and be nice. It stuck with me for the entire night and I have a feeling it's going to stick with me for a long time to come. A simple act of kindness can go such a long way. I wish I could find that girl right now and thank her for it again because it means so much more to me than even I realized at the time.
    So I have a challenge for everyone.
    Next time you're walking down the street or next time you got to the mall, try smiling at everyone who makes eye contact with you. Try to say good day to at least three people. And, the best part, try to find at least one person to compliment. Notice at least one thing about them that you like and tell them. Anything from the colour of their shirt to the way their hair falls. Just as you're walking by say to them "You have a lovely smile." or "I love your hair/shirt/shoes/whatever."
    A smile, a wave, a compliment.
    Some of the easiest, smallest things in the world to do,
    but the impact they have is far from small.

  11. kristabff kristabff
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 5:50pm UTC
    Me at age 11: I'm sometimes get crushes on boys at my school. They're better than celebrities at least, there aren't ANY cute celebrities. Ew. I don't even like boys really.

  12. *Elena;~ ♥* *Elena;~ ♥*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 2:25pm UTC
    If I were a therapist
    I would have Soulja Boy as an assistant and everytime a patient asked a question
    that was too emotional like 'Why did my dad leave me' I would just turn around
    and be like 'Soulja Boy tell em'
    Then he'd look at them and scream 'YOOOOOUUUUU' and then they'd cry.
    I'd be an awful therapist..

  13. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 12:24pm UTC
    No matter what happened yesterday, or even five minutes ago, God is
    waiting for you with open arms. Don't let the enemy condemn you and lie to you, today. God is not mad at you. He loves you and longs to restore everything in your life. Confess your sins to God and allow Him to cleanse you, today. Choose to forgive others so taht you can receive God's forgiveness. Ask the holy Spirit to keep you close so that you can live a life pleasing to Him. As you draw close to God, He will draw close to you and show ou His great love and blessing all the days of your life.

  14. lovecrazy lovecrazy
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 3:48pm UTC
    Here's some future parenting tips:
    1. Never and I mean ever tell your child they are fat. It's great to want to help them lose weight, eat healthy, and exercise, but do not make jokes about their weight, or make them feel self-conscious.
    2. If you and your husband/wife fight a lot, and it's just not working out, stop trying to make it work. Yes, divorce is hard on kids, but you're ruining their childhood and possibly their lives because they have to listen to you fight constantly.
    3. Don't talk at your child, talk to them. They're not stupid, so stop talking to them like they are. They can understand what's going on, you just have to tell them.
    4. Trust them. Trust them until they give you a reason not to. By that, I mean a real reason, not some stupid reason like they said they were doing their homework but they were really on the computer.
    5. Be someone they can count on. You know how hard it is to be a teenager, and feel like you're alone. Show them that they can talk to you, that you're going to be there for them.
    6. No matter what, you love those kids. They are a precious gift that you were blessed with, love them. Protect them, cherish them, and love them.

  15. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 2:46pm UTC
    Drake: that's when you're the prettiest.
    One direction: that's what makes you beautiful.
    Big time rush: i don't know why you always get so insecure.
    Jonas brothers: you're beautiful, but you don't even try.
    Kids at school: what is that omg get back to the zoo.

  16. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 1:31pm UTC
    I arrived at my house today with a package. Inside were the books: Freedom Writers, Safe Haven, Beautiful Creatures, and Best of Me. And there was a note in his handwriting:
    I know you'd like these more than flowers. Have a wonderful day.
    He's making not falling in love with him very difficult.

  17. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 3:37pm UTC
    adele: i set fire to the rain
    adele: watched it burn
    me and adele: AS I TOUCHED YOUR FACE
    mom: please get your hand off my face i'm driving.

  18. Cammie Cammie
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 1:08pm UTC
    *when i was at mcdonalds in the mall food court*
    *girl takes spoon from counter*
    employee: hey! you have to buy something to take the spoon!
    girl: *takes one lick from the spoon and slowly backs away*
    me: wtf just happened.

  19. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 12:28am UTC
    it started snowing when we were all in class and i tried to alert everyone but instead of saying "it's snowing!" the words that came out of my mouth were, "tHE SKY IS DOING THE THING, YOU GUYS!!!"

  20. dolph* dolph*
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 9:22am UTC


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