Witty Profiles

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  1. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 6:33pm UTC
    Escaping Fate
    I ran, faster than before- faster than the time a stampede of sheep had ran free in the village central. I saw my home- the home I was leaving. Loud noises filled the hearing space- I had to be fast. I ran through the door, searching for my family- “Grandma! Keith! BOYS!” I said as I scurried around the house searching for them. Footsteps- ‘Oh footsteps, because last time I’d heard some of them everything turned out brilliant!’ I thought sarcastically. Grandma and the boys were at the bottom of the stairs, bags in hand. Without a doubt, they would of forgotten it. I ran to the kitchen and swooped up a picture of my parents- That was the last of them I had to cling on to. The shooting sounds sounded closer, Time was not on our side. Screams. They filled my head- screams of a baby. ANNIE. Grandma found herself seeing me kick through a door to retrieve a baby who I had no relation to. I found her, scooped her up and ran. I ran for my life.
    We’d ran miles, all the way through the forbidden forest, and eventually found Grandpa and Elijah- Elijah had even prepared sleeping bags for us all, “One of the perks of working in a Outdoor store” he said. Silence except the sound of the crickets was the sound of the night. This whole day had basically been silence. Stupid, Infant deathing-Wendlecarthe Attacking silence.
    Dawn came before I had even stopped thinking. I knew with the baby that we had to get more food, and make sure she was quiet, as if she crys- we die. I went back, which wasn’t the smartest of ideas, to retrieve my weapons.
    When I got to the log I could see it. Wendlecarthe had basically been slaughtered and turned into a military base. Guards were all around, I had to be slick. I hid behind a rock, and slid my body across the grass. I could smell the dewy grass, I was so thirsty that I began to consider licking it off the grass, but being a civilized person kicked in. I got them, and began to sneak away, unnoticed. Running was a priority now, I had to be ready as there had been so many sticks on my way, one crack and i’ll be hunted. Surviving was key to this new life of ours.

  2. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2012 5:39pm UTC
    Long gone
    I stared around me- silence. Dead silence. Something was wrong, New Troilus is a loud place, even when I escape to the forest, I cant at least hear the buzz of the talkative voices of Wendlecarthes villagers. Cracks of twigs, loud footsteps approach. I know I shouldn’t be here, nobody should be here, this is where Freedom dies, and fearless spirits become worried. I hide- First place I can find would be better than anything. I see a hollow log- I hide the catch there, my family’s food. Its long enough for me to be covered, but small enough that I slither down so I can move. Familys of bugs will infest my hair- I might not of thought this through, but that wasn’t my main problem. Camouflage is key- Hot Pink jogger bottoms are not suitable for ‘Blending in’, and with more and more footsteps approaching, I keep still and watch. “FOUND HER!” Screams one, I recognise his voice, He’s one of Muriel’s sons- Everyone in Wendlecarthes is talkative, but not as loud as Muriel’s lot. The young woman had something in her arms wrapped in a blanket, possibly something she poached- That could be me up there. My parents were slaughtered two years ago, leaving me and my brothers, Alron and Keith to our grandparents. But our grandparents were quite poor- and as a result soon we began to poach to keep our family alive. My grandpa would come out with me- I’ve been here alone, and I already know the area, yet today It doesn’t feel right, like I have forgotten the route back home. By now I can hear the voices of the villagers back home- all oblivious to what I can see here now. “Poaching is illegal. Put down the goods, and put your arms behind you back. NOW!” Anougher demanded. Tears fell from her eyes, she placed the blanket on the ground. At first, all you’d think it was was a goat, or anougher small, tight skinned animal. Looking closer at it, One of them yelled, tears dwelling from his eyes, “Sarge!” he said, holding them back, “Its a baby and its dead.”. The mother broke down. One of the men gave a blanket to her, and she explained how she had no money, the father and his family had been killed, and how they were starving to death. I, now was also in tears, but partly because it would be hours before they’d leave now, and if I didn’t leave now, my grandfather would come down to the forest, and without a doubt, killed.
    Luck was on my side, as they all gathered around the corpse in a darkened van. Secretly sliding out, I quietly made a run for it. I ran- faster than I had the last time I was also caught, with two beavers and a couple of fishes slipping through my hands and banging against my leg. One creak- thats all it would take, a single crak and I would be killed. The fence,left wide open when the guards left- Usually I’d have to use the tunnel network. I slipped the meats into my bag, and made my trip back home. “Laulyn!” Screamed Elijah, my best friend, “Laulyn!” he said a little quieter. “What? You looked like you were running a marathon!” I joked, but I silenced my laughing when I gazed his serious face, that only came out when someone he loved was in danger. “Did they find you!” He said, infuriated-yet-quietly, “Did they even hear you?!”. He knew- I took his hand, and took him to the roof – our private sanctuary. I told him of the woman and the child, how I ascaped, and how I was lucky my grandpa hadn’t gone there. “Oh!” a voice shouted, a familiar comedic voice- Grandpa. I felt like I should of recorded myself- I, again, told grandpa about everything. His care-worn face dropped at the bombshell of the dead baby. Silence filled the next few minutes, then bashing followed, screams, it was the darkened van, and the men i’d seen before were now slaughtering the townsfolk. “DUCK!” I screeched to them both. I got my guns and my bow. I was prepared for anything, I was well trained, yet I doubt that a gun could stop these mad men. “Stay safe” I tell them, “I will meet you with grandma and the boy in the forest with our stuff”, and I’m gone.

  3. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 12:17pm UTC
    Carlton: She's Cool...
    She's Hot..
    fave if you remember this<3

  4. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 12:48pm UTC
    I held it in for so long, but now your irritating me...
    Its 'Thanks' or 'Thank you'
    Not 'fanks'

  5. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 2:46pm UTC
    just think...
    your the lucky one.
    Others let the bullies get inside their heads.
    you didn't.
    You had friends and family,
    some didn't
    Bulling is one of the reasons under eighteens commit suicide.
    Feel lucky you decided to breath

  6. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 2:35pm UTC
    My cooking is fabulous,
    even the fire alarm is cheering me on!

  7. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2011 7:45am UTC
    Everygirl has5 personalities.
    1. How she acts at school.
    2. How she acts around her friends.
    3. How she acts around her family.
    4. How she acts when she's with him.
    5. How she acts when she's alone.
    Everygirl has 6 personalities.
    1. How she acts at school.
    2. How she acts around her friends.
    3. How she acts around her family.
    4. How she acts when she's with him.
    5. How she acts when she's alone.
    6. How she acts when she's on her period.

  8. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 6:32am UTC
    When on a quote of yours, that no one fav'd
    It says 'So sad, one ones favourited your quote'
    Who else thinks its Witty's way of saying
    that you have no imagination?

  9. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 6:22am UTC
    Your Name!
    Your Nickname
    All about you, all about you, al about you, all about you, all about you All about you, all about you, al about you, all about you, all about you

  10. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 6:00am UTC
    *This is for stardoll presentations.
    PRES 1
    “Put your quote here”
    all about you, all about you all about you all about you all about you all about you
    blah blah blah blah blah

  11. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 12:07pm UTC
    Earthbound Sun.
    Chapter two
    “Put the pencil dow, Mr. Caine!” said Ms. Kennedy, our history teacher. “Now your seated, name this monarch” . I raised my hand and said “Lady Elsie Rhodes of Birmingham”. She looked shocked, I was the first person to ever get anything right in the class. “Ermh.. Yes. Now-“ she said, “Why was she known for?”. I raised my hand again, “She had a ‘demon’ daughter”. Everyone laughed. When they quietened down, mrs told them I was correct. The end of lesson bell rang, and off to Science I went. “Lex!” she shouted, and ran towards me. “How do you know so much? Did you know her?”. “Yeah. She was my mom.”
    The room was silent. I was the only person in my Science room, even the teacher wasn’t there. “Urh, sorry i’m new. Is this Mr. James’s class?”. The voice sounded like someone I knew. “Yeah-”-I was cut of by myself. It was Lucas. “Lex?” he asked. I nodded, walked towards him and pulled him out of the room. “You’re supposed to be dead. My dad put a whole tub of poisen in that food!” I exclaimed, gaining the attenting of some freshman. “Eh. Rehearsing for the school play.” Lucas said, as they awkwardly walked away.
    I walked away. I was obviously angry, He’d let me believe he was dead. He awkwardly stared at me in class, while I just ignored him. But, he wasn’t gone from my mind. All I heard was ‘Lucas’. We had been inlove, All the memories we’d shared, and that I had tried to forget.
    He was in my dreams. His face. Him, exactly.
    How was I supposed to let go? It was like.. I was still inlove with him?!

  12. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2011 9:14am UTC
    Anything that has a ‘*’ before it is just Stardoll roleplay.
    Rory Flanagan
    or Irish?
    Hello, i’m Rory Flanagan. I’m fifteen, an exchange student from Ireland, and I attend William McKinley High School. I’m Catholic, Yeah- Catholic and Irish. So typical.
    I lived in Ireland before I came to America. I lived with my mommy, my dad, and my brother Seamus. Seamus used to get lost, so dad put some bells on him so we could find him. Now, whenever I hear bells, I get a little bit home-sick.
    When I first came to America- Well, Lima, Ohio- I thought that people would accept you for who you are. WRONG!!. I got pushed around by jocks for everything- from my accent to my clothes. I’m staying with the Pierce family. Brittney believed I was a leprechaun. I liked Britt, and I was told I had to give her three wishes and then I would get her ‘Pot of Gold’. So guess what I did,
    I granted her wishes!
    I awkwardly befriended Finn Hudson. He saved me from getting my butt kicked by the Hockey team. He convinced me to join his glee club, ‘New Directions’. I managed to let Santana manipulate me into making Britt join ‘The Troubletones’.
    I played Indio is the schools production of ‘West Side Story’.
    I attempted trash talking (Which I don’t know of) Santana, Trash talking champion. Finn revealed to the school that she’s in love with Brittney!
    I actually inspired Kurts ‘Anti- Dodgeball’ stance for school president. Santana and the Troubletones ganged up on me.
    I was so shocked when Rachel revealed she stuffed the ballot box in Kurts favour.
    Me and Britt could be friends again, I don’t know.
    I got home sick. Especially after my mommy couldn’t afford a plane ticket to come over here. I sang “Blue Christmas”. Sam said I could spend Christmas with him. I was supposed to read “Frosty the Snowman” but I read a few verses from the bible.
    *I’m confused with my relationshio with Lindsey Berry. I love her, but she only sees me as a friend. Her friend Cam likes me, but I don’t like her.
    Rachel : RachelxxBerry, Rachel99Berry
    Finn : .Finn.Hudson.
    Quinn : Quiney_glee, SmileyMiley911
    Sam :
    Artie :
    Tina :
    Brittney : Realgleekgirl, Britt.S.Pierce.
    Puck :
    Santana : Santana.Lopez.
    Mercedes :
    Kurt :
    Blaine :
    Mr. Schuester :
    Ms. Pilsbury :
    Ms. Sylvester :
    {MINE!!} Leah : Lexia.C
    Camille : langgam

  13. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 5:13pm UTC
    Hi i’m new to Witty, and i’ve read great stories. On Stardoll, I’ve been roleplaying my own character to the twilight saga for nearly two years. If you wanna rp, my name is Lexia.C .
    If no one fave’s it, i’ll wont stop.
    ^Thats how commited I am.^
    Earthbound Sun.
    Chapter one
    “Tell us what your are?!” he screamed at me. I was handcuffed to a chair, in a celler – Kidnapped. “I’ve told you, I don’t know. My mother was a human, and my father is a vampire!” I yelled back. Both of us were getting more raged. Silence filled the room, everyone was quiet. I tried to look casual, lady-like- But only one eye catched mine. Lucas. He was one of them- a shape-shifter – but he was different. When everyone was asleep, he’d stay up late with me; let me eat, give me a blanket. I loved him. At first, I wanted to leave, but once Luke came along, I’d of done anything to stay. Months went by, no interruption. He’d said he loved me, and I’d said the same.
    They’d let me feed, animals only. I was allowed to roam there tiny cottage, and even treated like family. One morning, me and Lucas walked together, down through the door, I’d spent the night in his room. No one suspected. “Boys? Who made the breakfast?” asked Indina, who was the mother. “Urm... You?” said Logan, Lucas’s brother.
    “No, I didn’t”
    “Mom, I feel drowsy”
    Everyone collapsed. And that included Luke. I got dragged back by My dad.
    That was in 1912.
    Now? Or then my story began.
    For years, I believed he was dead. Until 2009.
    It was Monday. My vampire family had been hunting in a new place as a shape-shifter family had moved to town. "Keep Lexia away." I heard my father say. I was confused, I wasn't going to break down, "Lets go!" Brooke shouted. "Okay" I agreed, "But if you scratch my car, your gonna regret it. Brooke, Lily, Alyson, Samantha and Theo all hopped into my lime green car a sped off. I laughed, and slipped my motercycle helmet on. And he was there. Lucas was in my eye sight. I opened the eye space, and he was gone. Was I hallucinating? Today was the day he supposedly passed away. I decided to forget it, hopped on my bike and left.

  14. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2011 2:52pm UTC
    Its your birthday in November?..
    All I know is, your mum & dad really enjoyed Valentines Day

  15. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2011 2:51pm UTC
    I bought the gum for me.
    Not the whole damn school!

  16. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 10:54am UTC
    Four-to-Five months ago...
    "Twitters sh*t"
    "Lol, follow me on twitter!"

  17. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2011 2:19pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 5:17pm UTC
    Who still doesnt know what
    stands for?

  19. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 11:10am UTC
    My mum and dad split up when I wasn't young enough to remember.
    Soon after he started going out with a woman named Sharon.
    She already had a daughter, Angel.
    I hardly ever see my dad.
    Same goes for my elder brother, Christian.
    I've just seen the video for 'Read All About It' by professor green.
    It opened my eyes...
    In the video; the dad has moved on with his new 'family', same for me.
    the other children have bedrooms and the little boy doesn't, same for me.
    The dad has a new wife, same for me.
    I seriously needed that video.
    Because for years, I thought I was the reason my daddy never saw me.
    And now, as im writing this, tears are flowing... tears of joy.
    Joy that I dont have to see him again, and that I can finally live with it.

  20. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 11:15am UTC
    Have you noticed, in
    Rachel desperatly wants to be popular,
    but has never tryed out for the cheerios?! :L


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