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Status: My Twitter is "@bl0ndil0cks"

Member Since: 10 Nov 2011 10:37am

Last Seen: 24 Jul 2012 09:01pm

Birthday: August 24

Location: Narnia, TW

Gender: F

user id: 236469

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Haii thurr my little whxres,
Tamsyn/Lexia here. My
other account is Lexiax3.
My lifestyle revolves around
summer, music, professor green,
one direction, and maybe a
few things that i shouldnt do;)

Im single :(
But to be fair i'm quite ugly.
I pretty much will hate you if your:
-A B*tch
-A fxcking spammer
-a stalker

I like to write stories and stuffz

My Tumblr:

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My Twitter:

  1. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 4:58pm UTC
    Wasn't it easier in
    your lunchbox days?

  2. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2012 2:25pm UTC
    Okay Wittians,
    If anyone here
    has a twitter,
    follow me:
    and tell me
    that your from
    Witty, and I'll
    follow you back

  3. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2012 12:11pm UTC
    My name is Tamsyn.
    I recently moved school
    and everybody gave me a
    nickname- Tarzan. It's not
    funny, then it was "tampon"
    But no, my form joins in.
    I am the only girl in my year
    group to be in my form and
    the teacher sees it as a joke
    but I don't. She's not the one
    who spent an hour doing her
    hair and make up just for that
    form. They said I was ugly.
    I tried to strangle myself with
    my school tie, but saw a picture
    of my little sister and stopped-
    she has downsyndrome.
    Icherish her so much and she's
    the only reason i'm living.
    But I don't live with her,
    so all I want to do is run and hide,
    s i l e n t l y c r y
    this is my plea for help. Help me. Please?
    I only ask because.. I need to..

  4. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 10:51am UTC
    I have a new account;

  5. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2012 6:09am UTC
    Anara - Chapter Three
    "It's plain english!" I exclaim, and yes, it is, but to them it must be some kind of.. Jibberjabber language. "So.. Again, what does-"Dylan begins to ask, but I cut him off as I already know what he's going to ask. "It says 'The Luka is old and known, the Lexia is new and fragile', pretty simple"I say, smiling, "Let me go back to sleep" says Delilah, and she walks off, leaving me alone with Dylan. It's silent for a few minutes, and then the walls start closing in. The door/wall was closed by Delilah, and possibly by accident- Were trapped.
    (Sorry its so short)

  6. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2012 10:41am UTC
    Anara - Chapter two
    The assembly hall is only filled with a hand-full of people when we arrive, but I see more people arriving. "Shut Up!"says a finely aged man, who i'm assuming is the head teacher. I see others- Some in sailor-inspired uniforms, and some in, what seem to me, like cheerleader + and football uniforms. We're guided to tables, all with beautiful ivory table cloths, and meals are set infront of us. "I thought you said this was an assembly!" I whisper to Dylan.
    "I also said it was a classic one'"
    The teacher takes to the podium, and begins talking,
    "Welcome students. Now a few notices- We have a new head girl, Charlotte please stand up.."
    I dont stand up first. Only after Dylan reminds me that he's talking about me, I awkwardly stand, raise my hand in a slight wave, and take my place again"
    After a few more announcements- Later sleeping times, dining hours, etc- we are allowed to leave. I go to find Dylan and see him whispering to a girl- who i'm gonna assume is his either girlfriend, friend, or sister, because he seems close to her- and I walk over. "Hi Charlotte! i'm Delilah"she says, in a sweet voice. "Hi Delilah! Thats a beautiful name"I say, with a smile. After a little conversation with her, I go to my dorm to unpack. I spread a sheet across my bare bed, choosing the top bunk because the bottom has already got a spread on and a duvet. As I put my books on the empty desk, Delilah walks in, "Oh! I think were dorm mates!"she says, as she walks to a draw and pulls out a nightgown. "I'll be right back."she says, walking into the bathroom. A few minutes later, she walks back out and climbs into bed. "If your gonna be setting things out now, it'd be best to do it tomorrow- you'll have more time!"she says, closing her eyes. And I do so, putting a box on the table, pulling a nightgown out, and walking into the crystal white bathroom. I settle in my bed and fall asleep.
    I don't know what happened next, just woke up by banging my head against the railing. 'Agh!'I repeat on-and-on, until I fully open my eyes to see Dylan. "Delilah. She's awake"
    "She's apart of this room, she'll figure it out anyway.."
    "Fine. Get up!"he orders me. He holds out his hand, I take it and jump off.
    I only just stand there, because what they want to show me is against the wall where our beds are. Dylan pushes them, and them pushes against the wall to reveal a dark room. From what I can see, its only got a few items:
    A table with a scroll on, a snowy rose + a chester draw. I get on my knees to read what it says on the chester draws. "We don't know what it is, or what it sa-"Dylan said as he began to speak, but I couldn't help reading it out aloud- it helps if it doesn't make sense in my head:
    "The Luka is old and known, the Lexia is new and fragile"
    "How did you read that?"I'm asked by a confused sounding Dylan and Delilah.

  7. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2012 2:27pm UTC
    Anara - Chapter One
    And as I cluch the key on my necklace, I bite my lip- The whole school is old, as if were once a castle. I imagne having to sleep where someone was killed and a chill runs through me. Anara, a private school off the coast, overlooking the sea. Not many know about it, but thats because you'll only know if your invited. I remember the day I got my letter completly- My mother opened the letter and let out a terrified squeal, shortly after, my gran hugged her. Since then, I've imagned this place as prison. "Darling.." my grans voice said softly, and as I look into her light shade of brown eyes, I know that i'll always have her. I give her a fake smile, and pull in my blazer nervously. According to the letter that I recieved, everyone has diffrent 'houses', and diffrent uniforms. I have a white shirt, black skirt, and a navy blazer with red lines. I've not seen anyone else in this uniform, but thats because todays leaving day - but for me, its moving in day. My family decided that i'll get to know the place before I officially start the school. Apparently some other kids do too, but I havent seen anyone else - excpt for a graduation. I hear a man say 'graduates of Anara!' and they all throw their caps up in the air. Cheering, hugging- they look so happy to get away from this place. I sigh, pulling out my necklace and laying the charm on my tie; I dont like the feeling I get when I think of the years ahead that I have at this place. We walk up towards a member of staff, who says he is the deputy head, and he shows us around. After classrooms, the lunch room, and fire exits, I am shown to my dorm. Its a small room, but a big enough space for a bunk bed, two desks- one at the end of the bed and one against the wall- and two wardrobes. I put all my stuff on the floor, wave my family off, and explore. The place is actually rather dull, and only a hand-full of students have stayed behind. I feel.. awkward for the fact i'm one of the only people I have seen so far in this uniform. People look, whispering. "Yeah. That happens Alot!" I hear from a deep voice. I turn to see a boy- koal coloured hair, dark skin, Probably from a Pakistani decendent. "I'm Charlie- well Charlotte, but.."I say, awkwardly.
    "call you Charlie?"he says, laughing.
    "You can call me Dylan- Its better than Alexander!.."
    "Didn't you ever think of being called 'Alex'?"
    "Shut up, or you wont even have me as a friend." he says, sharply, as he walks down from the stair case. He now starts flaunting his uniform, identical to mine, as a joke. I burst out laughing as he jokes about, even involving the passing students in his laughter. "Okay.. okay!" I say once I have caught my breath, still having an odd laugh pop up.
    "How come we are, like, the only people I've seen with this uniform?"
    "Because we are the Head girl + Head Boy"
    "Wait- What?!" I say, turning to face him.
    "Yeah- they don't even tell you. They just call you up in dining time".
    As we get into an enjoyable chat, a bell goes off, and even once it stops off, i can still hear it. Ringing in my ears.
    "Classic Assembly for the staying." says Dylan..

  8. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2012 12:58pm UTC
    Anyone else think it was un-realistic of J.K Rowling
    to not of had fire ascape doors at Hogwarts.

  9. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2012 4:00pm UTC
    "Like a cheesegrater. Up your bum"

  10. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2012 12:13pm UTC
    that awkward moment,
    when you've never had a boyfriend,
    and you've only just realised why...

  11. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2012 11:32am UTC
    Drop everything Now
    Meet me in the pouring rain
    Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain

  12. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2012 6:09am UTC

  13. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2012 6:05am UTC
    That moment when you've supported
    a band since the start
    A N D Y O U R T H E R E L I K E
    "Sit down b*tch"

  14. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2012 6:00am UTC
    Guys, yesterday i couldn't access witty,
    so I sat there for an entire day,refreshing with no luck.

  15. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 12:36pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2012 11:33am UTC
    Glee just wont be the same...
    without Finchel or Brittana.

  17. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2012 6:09am UTC
    Everybodys waiting to see the fall out,
    even when you're sleeping
    (sleepin') Keep your E-Eyes Open
    ~Taylor Alison Swift
    - Eyes Open, The Hunger Games Soundtrack
    (District 12 + Beyond)

  18. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2012 6:06am UTC
    Teacher Your child is well behaved.
    Me See!

  19. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2012 6:03am UTC
    The site i love, that school forgot to block;)

  20. Tammyx3 Tammyx3
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2012 8:23am UTC
    In the UK,
    There is someone called
    Sergant Dickie Head.
    .NO JOKE.


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