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  1. crazybananas crazybananas
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2012 3:53pm UTC
    The Boy Who Changed Me
    Chapter 27
    It's been a week, and it hasn't been getting better here.
    I'm still being taunted, and cutting has become a regular thing now after school.
    Chandler and I haven't spoken, and I don't want to anyways.
    The temptation for cigarettes has grown, and my therapy sessions hasn't been helping, as my anger has been growing and growing each time.
    "Lexi, you have to see this immediately." Megan said urgently while carrying her laptop.
    I looked onto her Facebook page, where there was a status written by Trisha.
    Lexi is just disgusting, ugh, she probably does other drugs too.
    It showed a picture of me smoking, from a couple of weeks ago, before I started treatment.
    How could she have gotten this picture?
    23 likes, 43 comments.
    Some of the comments were no wonder she has wrinkles, What did Chandler ever see in her?!, and I heard that she almost got mouth cancer.
    The last one made my heart race, how did that person know about that?!
    Suddenly, my mother walked in the room and said, "Dinner is ready!"
    We were too focused on the picture, so my mom walked in and saw what we were looking at.
    "I-Is that y-you Lexi?!" my mother said quietly.
    "This was like weeks ago Mom!" I shrieked.
    "Then why would this girl post it now and not weeks ago?!" my mother yelled sternly.
    I looked at her with widened eyes that were tearing up.
    "O-Obvously, the s-sessions at the center have not been w-working, and you are just t-too ignorant to see the consequences of smoking are terrible. I have no choice but to send you the the treatment facility near where your Aunt Carmen lives." she said with her voice cracking.
    I was shocked to hear her say those words.
    "That's all the way in Oregon, you want me to move there?!" I shrieked.
    She looked at me in disbelief. "Of course I don't! You're one of my daughters, and I love you."
    I crossed my arms. "Then why do you want me to leave?"
    "I didn't say I wanted you to leave!" she said with her eyes tearing up.
    She continued, "I'll give you 2 weeks to pack your things and say goodbye."
    I turned to Megan, who was just as shocked as I was.
    "Can you believe her?!" I snarled as I slammed the door.
    "Are you serious?" Megan said in a tone as if she was scolding me for doing something wrong.
    She continued, "She's doing this because she cares about you, and you're upset because you think she's sending you away to get rid of you! You need to stop being so stubborn to realize that this is for the best!" Megan said before storming off.
    Maybe they were right, maybe I do need to leave here once and for all.

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. kelly* kelly*
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2012 1:27am UTC
    I'M THE
    type of guy who
    could fall in love with any girl because I
    love with my heart, not my eyes.
    - Niall Horan

  4. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2012 5:44pm UTC
    Chapter 14
    "This is kidnapping, Travis!" I hissed.
    Travis was pulling my arm my arm, as we sprinted out of the school with security guards on our backs, chasing after us.
    Travis looked over his shoulder at me, as a smirk formed across his lips. "It's not kidnapping if you're enjoying it."
    I bit back a smile, as we ran into the woods just outside of the school grounds.
    I couldn't help but feel a rush a adrenaline from being chased by the school security guards, but I wasn't ever going to admit that to Travis.
    I tried my best to keep up with Travis as we dodged trees and fallen branches.
    When we finally took a turn and stopped running, I no longer heard footsteps running after us.
    Travis had his hands over my lips, silencing me.
    We waited a while, just to be sure that we were not being followed.
    After a moment, Travis finally pulled his hands from my lips.
    Immediately, I took the advantage to turn around and smack him right across the chest.
    "You jerk, what the hell was that for?!" I snapped. "They're probably going to call my parents and I will be grounded for-"
    Travis' laugh cut me off, as I raised an eyebrow.
    Whatever Travis was laughing about wasn't funny.
    "Don't worry, Riley." he chuckled. "I'll just send my dad a text, and he'll take care of it."
    I licked my lips, remembering when Travis told me all about his rich parents and all.
    Travis had the power to do anything, since his parents gave the school half of its fundings.
    "Here, done." Travis shoved his phone back into his back pocket. "Now, what do you want to do?"
    I glared at him, raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you forgetting that you're the one who dragged me into a creepy corner, and practically kidnapped me out of school?"
    Travis snorted. "Don't make me seem like such creep."
    I rolled my eyes, before I continued my path down the woods that we made a smart decision by running into.
    "How do we get out of here, anyways?" I asked, looking around at the rows of trees.
    Travis shrugged, as I stared at him with disbelief.
    "We walk." he muttered.
    The further we walked, the more I felt like we were just going in circles.
    I finally gave up, letting out an exaggerated breath of air.
    The silence between Travis and I was killing me.
    "So, how many girlfriends have you had?" I suddenly asked him, not feeling ashamed at all.
    Travis smirked, as he glanced over at me. "Interested?"
    I rolled my eyes, pushing his shoulder backwards. "Answer the question."
    Travis shrugged. "None."
    Frowning, I blinked at him. "None? That's impossible."
    Travis winked at me. "I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much. But yes, none." he paused. "I've been on dates with a lot of girls before, but I've never been official with anyone."
    "Why not?" I asked. "I mean, you're... you."
    Travis turned to me, finally giving me a real smile that showed off his left dimple.
    Without knowing it, I felt myself turn bright red, as I stared at the ground.
    "I've been waiting for the right one." he said.

  5. crazybananas crazybananas
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2012 5:46pm UTC
    The Boy Who Changed Me
    Chapter 18
    "I've graded your tests, and I'm passing them out so you can see how you did."
    said Mrs. Chamray, who passed out our biology tests.
    She passed by me, dropping it onto my desk.
    I sighed deeply as I picked it up, widening my eyes when I saw my grade.
    I flung my hand into the air, as I said hysterically,
    "Mrs Chamray, I think you made a mistake! You gave me a C-!"
    She raised her eyebrows and cleared her throat,
    "Lexi, clearly, you didn't study hard enough to get an A or a B, so a C is what you got."
    I rolled my eyes and scoffed in disbelief.
    "It's just because you hate me, because you're just jealous!" I snarled.
    The entire class stared at me, gasping and whispering in shock.
    Trisha was sitting by her group of skanks, giggling and smirking at me.
    "How dare you talk to me like that?!" she screeched, her face flushed with rose red.
    I smacked the papers out of her hand and growled, "I can talk to you however I want to."
    She clenched her fists and clenched her teeth angrily.
    "Go to the principal's office, immediately!!" she shrieked with fury.
    I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the class, flashing her with the middle finger.
    I stormed into the office and the lady told me to wait 5 minutes.
    Ever since I've started therapy, it's got me worked up over every little thing.
    "What did you do now?" I heard a voice say.
    I turned, and it was Chandler stapling papers over in the corner.
    "Now you show up." I muttered, not loud enough for him to hear.
    He got up from the desk and sat on the chair next to me.
    "Seriously, what happened, and why are you waiting for the principal?" he asked sympathetically.
    I crossed my arms and sighed.
    "Stupid Mrs. Chamray gave me a C- on my test, and I got kinda mad and yelled at her and slapped the rest of the test papers out of her hands."
    He snickered as I punched him in the arm.
    "It's not funny." I growled.
    "Okay, sorry. We're still on for after school right?" he said, rubbing where I punched him.
    I nodded as he gave me a pat on the back.
    "I gotta go to the library to deliver the papers I was stapling. See you later."
    he said as he ran off with the stacks of paper.
    "Lexi, come in." the principal said as he opened the door.
    We discussed what I was doing was wrong, blah blah blah blah blah.
    I got a week of detention, and I had to write an apology letter to Mrs. Chamray.
    Psh, whatever, she should be the one apologizing to me.
    I ran out of the horror detention and went to the parking lot to meet Chandler.
    I forgot to tell him I had detention, and the supervisor took our cell phones during detention.
    I looked around to see if he was there, and he wasn't.
    "Who would wait 30 minutes for me anyways." I muttered.
    "I would, and I did."

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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