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Status: I miss your smile, I miss your face.

Member Since: 12 Nov 2011 10:20am

Last Seen: 6 Oct 2012 12:26am

Birthday: July 4

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

Gender: F

user id: 237353

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So, I'm Mallory and this is my second witty account. Right now it's just for venting, I'll probably make some actual quotes on it eventually though. Anyways, I'm fifteen years old, and I'm Striaght Edge. I'm also very in love with Enrique Iglesias, Jason Dohring, and Michael Muhney. I live in a small town in the lovely province of Nova Scotia. My family means more to me than anything, especailly my nephews Braden, Liam, & Douglas(in the picture), & my beautiful nieces Graclyn, & Parker(in the picture). I'm very opinionated, I'm also very stubborn. I use to actually like school, mainly because I looked forward to my science and health classes everyday, but now I'm in high school and I have boring new teachers and it's terrible. Also I love love love the show Bones. Anyways, yeah, second account, venting, stuff about me, blah blah blah.
  1. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2012 9:29pm UTC
    It's hilarious how you think your opinion actually matters.

  2. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 10:19pm UTC
    You say, sometimes, it's like I hardly know you. And maybe there's somethings I never showed you. Sometimes you're certain, but just can't get it working at all. You say to yourself somebody better, will understand you more than I ever. I'll shake her hand, and smile, and say I understand. Well I do. That don't mean I don't think about you. I know we said it's just as well that I won't keep you for myself. But, I don't want to see you happier with somebody else. ♥

  3. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 9:34pm UTC
    Today I looked you in the eyes, and said "I need your help." You looked away, and responded by laughing and saying "I don't have time for you." The sound of that laugh, that normally makes me smile uncontrollably, that was probably one of the most painful things I've ever heard. You laughed while I stood there, almost in tears, asking for your help. When did we stop being best friends? When did I lose you?

  4. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 3:29pm UTC
    One minute, I'm super important, and you care so much about me. The next, I'm invisible and I mean nothing. And honestly, I feel like nothing. I'm never anybody's first choice. I'm just that one girl, who everybody runs to when nobody else can help them. But nobody ever wants to help me. Nobody ever has time for me. I am nothing.

  5. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 8:03pm UTC
    She's somebody's hero. A hero to her baby with a skinned up knee, a little kiss is all she needs. The keeper of the cheerios, the voice that brings Snow White to life, bedtime stories every night. And that smile lets her know, She's somebody's hero. ♥

  6. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2011 1:35am UTC
    It seems like everytime I manage to get myself into a happy place, someone says something, or I see something, and it reminds me of you. And then all the memories just come flooding in my mind. The hugs are the worst, I remember exactly how they felt, how warm and comforting they were. Knowing I'll never feel that again is so painful. Mom found the Christmas presents you got for us when they were cleaning things out of your house, you had them all done up months ago, and getting them this morning just seemed, weird. It felt wrong without you being there when we opened them. So wrong. RIP♥

  7. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 1:01am UTC
    I'm so scared of you growing up. I'm absolutely terrified. What if when you get older, you don't like me as much as you do now. What if you don't want to cuddle and watch cartoons for hours. What if you stop wanting me to come back everytime I leave a room. What if I become the aunt you have to visit every once in awhile, even though you don't want to. What if I embarass you. What if seeing me gets in the way of you being with your friends, and you resent me for it. What if you start to like my brothers and sisters more than me. What if you don't like any of us. What if you stop wanting to come visit us. What if...

  8. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 4:27pm UTC
    Everytime I see you, you look at me with sad eyes. You look at me like I hurt you. But I didn't hurt anybody. You're the one who abandoned me when I needed you the most, you're the one who decided I wasn't good enough anymore. You're the one who hurt me. So stop with the sad looks, because you don't have anything to be sad about.

  9. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 8:23pm UTC
    I have to stop over thinking everything.

  10. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 6:59pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2011 9:45pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 9:43pm UTC
    So today you gave me this great idea, a "happiness journal". I'll write down three things that made me feel happy, everyday, then look back on it after a few months. Apparently, it's a great thing for depression. The first three things I'm going to add to it, are the reaction you gave me to the christmas present I got you, yanno the huge heartwarming smile, "How do these look on me? Wow! They're perfect!" followed by a super long hug, and the present that you got for me, which was completely surprizing, and made my heart melt, aaand coming home to my niece waiting for me in my bedroom, and telling me she loves me the second I walked in. Today was a great day. ♥

  13. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 10:38pm UTC
    No one cares about you, they're all pretenders. You're a burden. He doesn't care about you, he likes all of them more than you. They like him more than they like you, too. He has a girlfirend already, forget about him. He's too good for you anyways. They're only asking you to hang out because they feel bad. I wish my mind would shut up.

  14. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 9:54pm UTC
    Today was supposed to be my happy day, Tuesdays are supposed to be happy, every week. I get to spend more time with you than usual. But today wasn't happy, because today, with that nick name you called me, just the way you said it, the sound of your voice. It made me realise exactly why I'm drawn to you. The way you dress, your sense of humour, your ambitiousness. You're just like him.

  15. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2011 6:23pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2011 5:53pm UTC
    I can't even look at you without smiling. You make me so incredibly happy whenever you're around me. I smile knowing that you're sitting next to me, or that you're walking behind me in the hall. I always want to be wherever you are, we don't even have to talk. I forget things when you walk by, because I get so captivated by you. I stutter when we speak, and I get butterflies from accidentally brushing hands with you. I giggle everytime you talk to me, and I sound like an idiot. When I'm in tears, you make me happy just by asking whats wrong with that stupid, perfect smile of yours. I love the way you look at me, and the way you say my name. I love the baby voice you talk to me in when you notice that I seem a little upset. I love the weird little inside jokes that we have, and I love it when people ask about them, and you refuse to tell them because you only want to share them with me. I love the way you laugh at me when I tell a joke that isn't even funny. But I actually hate all of those things. I hate that you're so damn perfect. I hate that I feel like all of these things are so specail, but to you they're nothing, just little moments that you'll forget ten minutes later, but I can't get them out of my mind for the life of me. I hate that I miss you, all the time, even when you're in the next room and I saw you 5 seconds ago. I hate that when I'm upset, you're the only person I feel like talking to, because I know you don't really want to talk to me about my boring problems. I hate that when I go home, I can't stop thinking about you, and when you go home, you probably forget I even exist. I hate that I care about you, when to you I'm just some girl that you have to put up with for five days a week.

  17. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2011 10:49pm UTC
    Never underestimate the pain of a person because the truth is everyone is struggling.
    It's just some people hide it better than others.

  18. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2011 10:46pm UTC
    A golden heart stopped beating, working hands went to rest.
    He broke many hearts to prove to us, he only takes the best.
    03/12/2011 Rest in peace, Nanny. ♥

  19. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2011 5:49pm UTC
    I've been roaming around, always looking down at all I see. Painted faces, fill the places I cant reach. You know that I could use somebody, you know that I could use somebody. Someone like you, and all you know, and how you speak. Countless lovers under cover of the street. You know that I could use somebody, you know that I could use somebody. Someone like you. Off in the night, while you live it up, I'm off to sleep. Waging wars to shape the poet, and the beat. I hope it's gonna make you notice, I hope it's gonna make you notice. Someone like me, someone like me, someone like me, somebody. Someone like you, somebody. Someone like you, somebody. Someone like you, somebody. I've been roaming around, always looking down at all I see. ♥

  20. ICanBeYourHeroBaby ICanBeYourHeroBaby
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    I have one person in my life who never annoys me, and never makes me upset. One person who I love absolutely everything about, and I want to spend every moment of every day with. No, it's not some stupid boy, or my best friend. It's my one a half year old niece. I honestly just want to keep her forever. I remember on Glee, Sue's speech at her sisters funeral, theres one line that just reminds me so much of her, "When you love someone like I loved her, there's a part of you, it's like you're attached by this invisible tether, and no matter how far away you are you can always feel them." That line is absolutely perfect for describing how I feel about her. I hate that I only get to see her for three days every two weeks, it kills me. I worry about her all the time. I'm very thankful for the time I get to have with her, but it just isn't enough sometimes. I'm not posting this quote to complain though, I just want to talk about her, but there isn't anyone here to listen. ♥


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