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  1. SelinTheBean* SelinTheBean*
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 9:50pm UTC
    so today was my 16th birthday
    and I can't really every remember a birthday where it didn't make me sad
    and I spent my 16th birthday alone as usual, doing homework for a few hours
    then being yelled at by my parents
    most of my friends don't really care whether or not I'm here
    and I kind of just drift around feeling numb to everything
    I'm just really tired of feeling alone I guess

  2. SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2013 11:13am UTC
    If love is a labor,
    I'll slave 'till the end.
    I won't cross these streets until
    you hold my hand.

  3. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2013 3:16pm UTC
    Her hair was up in a ponytail,
    Her favorite dress tied with a bow.
    Today was Daddy's Day at school,
    and she couldn't wait to go.
    But her mommy tried to tell her,
    that she probably should stay home.
    Why the kids might not understand,
    if she went to school alone.
    But she was not afraid;
    she knew just what to say.
    What to tell her classmates
    of why he wasn't there today.
    But still her mother worried,
    for her to face this day alone.
    And that was why once again,
    she tried to keep her daughter home.
    But the little girl went to school,
    eager to tell them all.
    About a dad she never sees.
    A dad who never calls.
    There were daddies along the wall in the back,
    for everyone to meet.
    Children squirming impatiently,
    anxious in their seats.
    One by one the teacher called,
    a student from the class.
    To introduce their daddy,
    as seconds slowly passed.
    At last the teacher called her name,
    every child turned to stare.
    Each of them was searching,
    for a many who wasn't there.
    "Where's her daddy at?"
    she heard a boy call out..
    "She probably doesn't have one,"
    another dared to shout.
    And from somewhere near the back,
    she heard a daddy say,
    "Looks like another deadbeat dad, too busy to waste his day."
    The words did not offend her,
    as she smiled up at her mom.
    And looked back at her teacher,
    who told her to go on.
    And with hands behind her back,
    slowly she began to speak.
    And out from the mouth of a child,
    came words incredibly unique.
    "My daddy couldn't be here,
    because he lives so far away.
    But I know he wishes he could be,
    since this was such a special day."
    "And though you cannot meet him,
    I wanted you to know.
    All about my daddy,
    and how much he loves me so."
    "He loved to tell me stories.
    He taught me to ride my bike.
    He surprised me with read roses,
    and taught me to fly a kite."
    "We used to share fudge sundaes,
    and ice cream in a cone.
    And though you cannot see him,
    I'm not standing here alone."
    "'Cause my daddy's always with me,
    even though we are apart.
    I know because he told me,
    he'll forever be in my heart."
    With thatm her little hand reached up,
    and lay across her chest.
    Feeling her own heartbeat,
    beneath her favorite dress.
    And from somewhere in the crowd of dads,
    her mother stood in tears.
    Proudly watching her daughter,
    who was wise beyond her years.
    For she stood up for the love of a man not in her life.
    Doing what was best for her,
    doing what was right.
    And when she dropped her hand back down,
    staring straight into the crowd.
    She finished with a voice so softm
    but its message clear and loud.
    "I love my daddy very much.
    He's my shining star.
    And if he could, he'd be here.
    But, heaven's just too far."
    "You see he was a fireman
    and died just this past year.
    When airplanes hit the towers,
    and taught Americans to fear."
    "But, sometimes when I close my eyes,
    it's like he never went away."
    And then she closed her eyes,
    and saw him there that day.
    And to her mother's amazement,
    she witnessed with surprise.
    A room full of daddies and children,
    All starting to close their eyes.
    Who knows what they saw before them,
    who knows what the felt inside.
    Perhaps for merely a second,
    they saw him at her side.
    "I know you're with me Daddy,"
    To the silence she called out.
    And what happened next made believers,
    of those once filled with doubt.
    Not one in that room could explain it,
    For each of their eyes had been closed.
    But there on the desk beside her,
    was a fragrant, long-stemmed pink rose.
    And a child was blessed, if only for a moment.
    By the love of her shining bright star.
    And given the gift of believing,
    that heaven is never too far.

  4. finding_nemo finding_nemo
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 7:57pm UTC
    Every year at my school the incoming freshman boys go to the varsity field hockey team and gives the prettiest girl a flower and the ugliest girl a stick or rock. (The tradition is something along those lines) It's a horrible tradition I know, but the cross country coaches turn a blind eye to it.
    But this year, one of the captains sent out a group text saying she's bringing water balloons to throw at them if they do it this year.

  5. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 10:30pm UTC
    Whenever I'm out in public
    I'm jealous
    Not of all the pretty girls
    Not of all the cute couples
    Not of people who have fancy stuff
    You know who I'm jealous of?
    Kids who have mothers who care for them
    I'm not saying I hate that my mom
    It's just I don't feel loved by her
    Everything I do is wrong
    I can't do anything right for her
    I'm not good enough for her
    She tells everyone how awful I am
    But I behave better than most teens
    She never says anything positive to me
    It's always negative
    When I see a mother hugging her child I get jealous
    When I see a happy family I get jealous
    When I see a family joking around and actually doing stuff together
    I get jealous
    Because I want a family
    I want to feel like I belong
    I know it could be a whole lot worse
    I'm lucky I have a mother
    I just wish she treated me better sometimes
    I wish she respected me
    I wish she would actually talk and communicate with me
    I just wish sometimes she would say something positive and make me smile
    But every night ends in tears because of her
    I just want to be loved
    I just want to tell everyone that has mothers that respect them and care for them
    That they should be grateful
    Maybe my mother will change her ways
    I've actually had mothers come up to me and say "I wish you were my daughter"
    I just wish my mom would appreciate me
    Sometime's a mother's love is something money can't buy

  6. LaylaTheAwesome LaylaTheAwesome
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2013 5:11pm UTC
    Most bands: Don't illegally download our music you pr/cks
    Of mice and men: As soon as you get home, I want you to illegally download every song we've ever written
    Simple Plan: Bought that sh /t? Stole that sh /t? We don't care, you have it and that's what matters.
    Alex Gaskarth: -Leaks own album-
    The used: Go steal out album from walmart

  7. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2013 5:18pm UTC
    sometimes my twelve year old little sister will go on club penguin and trick a bunch of girls that she’s a guy and she’ll make them think they’re dating and then she’ll have them all meet her in the same place at the same time and watch them get into catfights about who’s boyfriend she is and thats how my little sister became a cross-dressing evil mastermind pimp on club penguin

  8. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2013 3:04pm UTC
    This one time in 6th grade these three girls would bully me and call me a names so instead of just taking it I put cigarettes in all of their purses and went to the counselor fake crying saying I was “worried about my friends dying of cancer” and they all got suspended and two of them got pulled out of the school by their moms

  9. WeirdKid.* WeirdKid.*
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2013 4:08pm UTC
    "They judge me before they even know me.
    That's why I'm better off alone."

  10. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2013 12:37pm UTC
    Maybe we're meant to lose the ones we love,
    but I'll fight for you till then

  11. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2013 11:26am UTC
    Pray for talia
    She brings hope and inspiration to all young girls who have suffered the trauma of cancer. Everyone in life has their own inspirations and Talia has been mine for over two years. She did not let cancer control her life, she did not let it destroy her. She wore a smile and did not take life for granted. She showed that living with cancer does not need to be a dark time, but an opportunity to live life to the full. She is truly beautiful inside and out and she deserves the world. She taught thousands of young girls how to deal with the effects of cancer, make up tutorials so little girls could have their eye lashes and eye brows back, she taught little girls how to embrace losing their hair. Can you imagine being completely bald as a 12 year old girl? How scary and confusing that is? Talia dealt with this in the best way possible, going out their and showing the world you should not be ashamed of this. Talia is extremely sick, she has signed the do not resuscitate papers and has not eaten in 5 days, all she can do right now is sleep the pain away and wake up to vomit. Talia doesn’t deserve this and although I never knew her in person I felt close to her as she shared so much with the world. As much as it breaks my heart that talia is off the meds and will soon pass away, I have no doubt she will be a guardian angel to all those who suffer and a shining light to children for years to come. Talia deserved a life of health and joy and I hope someday when she has passed, she will get that. Even if you are not religious, say a little prayer or cross your fingers that Talia will always be safe and pain free wherever she is.

  12. imgone♡♡♡♡* imgone♡♡♡♡*
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 6:31pm UTC
    When You Talk To Someone
    &You Instantly Know There Gonna Be Amazing
    ~BooBear You Know Who You Are!<3

  13. jessicabliss jessicabliss
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2013 4:59pm UTC
    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?
    ~Snow Patrol

  14. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2013 8:00pm UTC
    Let's all take a moment of silence for the beloved website of Stardoll
    Because literally half of the Witty population came here because of Stardoll, and then ditched it a few months later for Witty.

  15. The Chosen One* The Chosen One*
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2013 12:51am UTC
    Me: BlahBlahBlah
    Friend: WHat?
    Me: Nevermind
    Friend: tell me
    Me: Doesnt Matter
    Friend : Tell me
    Me: its nothing
    Friend: TELL ME NOW
    Me: I was just sayin' that blahblahblah
    Friend: You coulda told me it was nothing jee!

  16. *toxic waste* *toxic waste*
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 6:42am UTC
    my love for you was bulletproof
    ....../ `--│││││││││----------------------_] - ♥
    ...../_==o ____________________
    .......),---.(_(__) /
    ......// (\) ),------
    ..../`----' / ...
    .../____ / ... .
    but you're the one who shot me

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. kristabff kristabff
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 3:13pm UTC
    Oh my god, I just hate this one girl!
    Please hear me out guys? Okay, so she's like, so annoying! I HATE her so much! She's always making me feel stupid and she always helps my grades go down by making me pay attention to her frickin problems! She's ALWAYS rambling on about unnessessary problems in her life, like can you SHUT UP NO ONE CARES. Good GOD. I hope she knows everyone wants her to die. I wish she would just fall off a cliff or something. Oh yeah, and she's so self centered! She thinks she's the most important subject of everything, like once I was talking about nails but NOPE she just has to BUTT IN and interrupt my comversation, like seriously?? UGH. JUST. FREAKING. DIE. ALREADY. OMFG. Trust me, if you knew her, you would say the same thing. But wait, you do know her, because her name is Math.

  19. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 4:55pm UTC
    i don't like justin bieber much anymore.
    and it's not because it's like "haha beieber is gay and a girl" but it's mostly because he's a punk who needs to get his ego knocked down a few notches. like, he used to be so sweet and nice and then all of a sudden he's just like not. i get that it can be tough with a bunch of paparazzi but it's like, you need to chill bro, maybe smoke some of your weed and just chill. i wouldn't mind that.


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