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  1. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 10:50pm UTC
    (*&^%$!$%^&*()_(*&^%!%^&*$ When you spend an hour and a half on finding and downloading all your favorite songs and look and see that instead of mp3 its mp4. I'm talking about over 40 songs. I don't even want to think about all the time I just wasted looking and making sure it was downloaded to the right place. I'm so mad. Annoyed. Angry. Upset. Sad. ANNOYED. !#$%^&*)(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&(

  2. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 11:11am UTC

  3. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 10:47am UTC
    Act like yourself around Them all the time. Because if They fall for someone you're not, when you do act like yourself, They will leave. So on the first date, just be yourself. And then They'll love you for you and not who you're not. Sometimes They'll just leave. But that means They're not the One. Move on, and when the time is right, you'll meet the right One.

  4. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 9:12am UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 8Question: If a cat has nine lives, what has more?Answer:A frog-it croaks everyday.

  5. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 8:31am UTC
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So make sure you have the right beholder before you.

  6. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 9:56pm UTC
    It's hard to picture, the people we used to be.It's even harder to picture, that you're not here next to me. ~

  7. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 12:15am UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 8Question:What shakes and twitches, and is found at the bottom of the sea?Answer: A nervous wreck.

  8. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2012 7:56pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 12:35am UTC
    You say, "I'ma get drunk! YOLO!" But did you ever think that it should be, "I'm not ganna get drunk and do things I regret 'cause YOLO!" Because exactly that; You Only Live Once, why die early?

  10. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 10:25pm UTC
    Fave this quote, and you're immediately a BAMF.

  11. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 10:10pm UTC
    Finals may just be finals, but my behind is being kicked.

  12. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 8:18pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 7Question:What would happen if you were to cross two snowmen with three vampires?Answer: You would get severe frostbite.

  13. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 9:36pm UTC
    What I think about in school:Ew. This chair is warm.It's hot in here.20 minutes have gone by since the bell.2 minutes have gone by.I do not need this information to survive.Why is she telling us to stop talking when shes the only one talking?10 minutes have gone by!There's still 20 minutes left..I need more paper.1 more week 'til schools out!This clock is broken.Only 10 more mintues!Too many notes.The bell! And I still have to pack up! Why does this always happen to me?

  14. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 6Question:Why do traffic lights rarely go swimming?Answer: Because they take much too long to change.(*Depending on good or bad feedback on the first few, I'll see wether I should continue or not.*)

  15. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 8:09pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 5Question: Why do parents give their child a middle name? Answer: So the child knows when they're in trouble. (*Depending on good or bad feedback on the first few, I'll see wether I should continue or not.*)

  16. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 1:00pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 4A man who had been in a mental home for some years finally seemed to have improved to the point where it was thought he might be released.The head of the institution, in a fit of commendable caution, decided, however, to interview him first."Tell me," said he, "if we release you, as we are considering doing, what do you intend to do with your life?'The inmate said, "It would be wonderful to get back to real life and if I do, I will certainly refrain from making my former mistake. I was a nuclear physicist, you know, and it was the stress of my work in weapons research that helped put me here. If I am released, I shall confine myself to work in pure theory, where I trust the situation will be less difficult and stressful.""Marvelous," said the head of the institution."Or else," ruminated the inmate. "I might teach. There is something to be said for spending one's life in bringing up a new generation of scientists.""Absolutely," said the head."Then again, I might write. There is considerable need for books on science for the general public. Or I might even write a novel based on my experiences in this fine institution.""An interesting possibility," said the head."And finally, if none of these things appeals to me, I can always continue to be a teakettle." (*Depending on good or bad feedback on the first few, I'll see wether I should continue or not.*)

  17. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 12:52pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 3A group of psychiatrists were attending a convention. Four of them decided to leave, and walked out together. One said to the other three, "People are always coming to us with their guilt and fears, but we have no one that we can go to when we have problems." The others agreed.Then one said, "Since we are all professionals, why don't we take some time right now to hear each other out?"The other three agreed.The first then confessed, "I have an uncontrollable desire to kill my patients."The second psychiatrist said, "I love expensive things and so I find ways to cheat my patients out of their money whenever I can so I can buy the things I want."The third followed with, "I'm involved with selling drugs and often get my patients to sell them for me."The fourth psychiatrist then confessed, "I know I'm not supposed to, but no matter how hard I try, I can't keep a secret..." (*Depending on good or bad feedback on the first few, I'll see wether I should continue or not.*)

  18. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 12:48pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 2Question: What has two humps and is found at the north pole? Answer: A lost camel. (*Depending on good or bad feedback on the first few, I'll see wether I should continue or not.*)

  19. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 8:00pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format (=
    Joke # 1Question:What device will find furniture in a poorly lit room every time?Answer: Your shinbone.(*Depending on good or bad feedback on the first few, I'll see wether I should continue or not.*)

  20. EyesOpen EyesOpen
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 7:35pm UTC
    Now look For The "N": MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMNMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMNMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM ... Now where is the Mistake: ABCDEFHIJKLNMOP QRSTUVWXYZNow make a wish after 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 & Now ... close your eyes and makes the wish ****Now repost, click on "add to faves" and your wish will come true ♥- ♥ You have 10 minutes if not the opposite of your wish will come true.


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