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  1. YOLOloveit YOLOloveit
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 10:09am UTC
    Asking your parents
    if you can go out once
    you have told your friends
    you can.

  2. lilbunny1027 lilbunny1027
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 10:22am UTC
    I need to remind myself: if it is supposed to happen, it will.

  3. theonlydirection theonlydirection
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 7:51am UTC
    Car rides seem much longer when you have to pee -,-

  4. NicoleSeven7 NicoleSeven7
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 8:03am UTC
    Me: *Writes a good quote*
    *Gets two faves instantly*
    Me: Oh yeah, that's right, BOOM B!TCHES!
    *Faves suddenly stop coming*
    Me: Aw crap, that always happens!

  5. OwlsWithEars OwlsWithEars
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    Am I the only person who..
    -Feels like crying whenever I look in the mirror?
    -Feel myself getting fatter with each bit of food I eat?
    -Feels lonely even though I am around loads of people?
    -Feels likes breaking down in tears when everything just gets too much?
    -Feels like no one loves me?
    -Feels useless when I can't even do lifes smallest tasks?
    -Feels like not talking to anyone just wanting to blast my favourite music out?
    -Getting annoyed at the littlest remark someone makes about me?
    -Feeling so damn self concious that it feels like everyone is looking at me and making rude comments?
    -Feeling that no one is there for me?
    -Feeling that people who I used to love have changed?
    -Feeling that all you need is someone who understands you and feels the same way as you do?

  6. dukey95 dukey95
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 6:29pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. smilingsadly1 smilingsadly1
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 12:22pm UTC
    Father: Say daddy
    2 years old son:
    Father: Say d-a-d-d-y
    Son: Mommy
    Father: F\ck you
    *mom walks into room*
    Mom: Say mommy
    Son: F\ck you
    Mom: Who taught you that?!
    Son: Daddy

  8. whereverigo whereverigo
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 4:22pm UTC
    *Me and my Mom at a restaurant eating dessert*
    Mom: My teeth hurt...
    Me: Do you mean your dentures?
    Mom: ...
    Me: Did I just discover your deepest darkest secret?
    Mom: No
    Me: ...
    Mom: My DEEPEST. DARKEST. SECRET. IS.................
    Me: ...
    Mom: I'M A MAN!!!
    Me: *spits food everywhere and starts cracking up*
    True story, my mom and i have hilarious convos

  9. pakiprincezz4 pakiprincezz4
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 1:24pm UTC
    when i was younger: i would fall asleep on the sofa, and wake up in my bed.
    now: i pass out on the sofa, and wake up on the floor.

  10. Harrystyles98 Harrystyles98
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 4:24pm UTC
    Teacher: "Don't lean back in your chair you are going to fall and crack your head open!"
    We have all heard this but it has NEVER happened.

  11. bieberfever13 bieberfever13
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 12:03pm UTC
    5 things that annoy me:
    1:when my favorite song comes on the radio as i got out of the car.
    2:when im waiting for a text and i get one from the wrong person.
    3:when people try talking to me when i have headphones in.
    4:when my brain reminds me of something i want to forget.
    5:having to wait a whole week for a new episode of your favorite show.

  12. I_Dont_Know I_Dont_Know
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 5:18pm UTC
    What do you do?

  13. xashleyx01 xashleyx01
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 11:53am UTC
    Teacher: So where did you guys go this summer?
    Student 1: I went to Australia
    Student 2: I went to Hong Kong
    Me: I left my room, twice.

  14. Pluto* Pluto*
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    *Me Playing With My Cat*
    Me: Who's a little adorable kitty? You are! Yes, you are! I could just eat you up cause' you're so damn cute. Do you know that? I bet you don't, you adorable bundle of fluffy cotton!
    Cat: Meow... *bites me*
    *Five Minutes Later*
    Me: Oh, you're so cute. Who's my fluffy boyfriend? You are, my little fluffy kitty boyfriend.

  15. maaddiissoonn maaddiissoonn
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 12:44pm UTC
    Before my Shower:
    I don’t want to get in .
    During my Shower:
    I don’t want to get out.

  16. AustinH AustinH
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 11:05am UTC
    Summer should get a speeding ticket
    and slow down.

  17. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 2:04pm UTC
    You will never see yourself
    the way the person who loves you sees you...

  18. elligrig13 elligrig13
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 7:23am UTC

  19. _CoolStoryBro_ _CoolStoryBro_
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 7:33am UTC
    ipod: has thousands of songs.
    me: listens to same 5 on repeat.

  20. Travis Allred* Travis Allred*
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 2:28pm UTC
    you’ve got to care less
    to see if they’ll care more.


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