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  1. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2012 4:50am UTC
    Without A Doubt
    Chapter 5
    ~Mark’s POV
    I nearly died when she said John had the same coloured eyes as me/ she obviously missed John so much. How could I have made it even worse by telling her about me? How could I have ruined our friendship before I told her I liked her? And yes, I think I was falling in love with her.
    ~Brooke’s POV
    ‘Do you think he’s gone?’
    ‘Sure, we saw him leave.’
    ‘But what if he came back?’
    ‘I doubt it. Okay, just to prove it, let’s scope it out. Melody?’
    We tip-toed out from behind the bins and viewed our surroundings. It was dark now – probably around midnight. That was the time the disco was scheduled to end. That was the time everybody was supposed to go home and sleep soundly. But that didn’t happen.
    Instead, some teenagers may sleep forever. Others may have witnessed their friends death and be scarred for life. As for me, I had to relive a part of my past I did not want to relive.
    We entered the hall, horrified at the sight. Why did he have to kill all these people just to get to me? Why couldn’t he have just come direct? I sighed. Dramatic approach he wanted to enable. Pathetic.
    Where were all the authorities? The DJ? The disco leaders? The Guards?
    ‘Do you think Sara got out?’ Melody asked hopefully.
    ‘Probably. But just to make sure...’
    Melody nodded in approval. We raked through brunettes and red heads, but no blonds named Sara.
    ‘That’s a good sign!’
    ‘I’m pretty sure she came in these heels,’ Melody said picking up one Prada black stillhetto. My heart skipped a beat.
    ‘Is it her size?’
    I’ll check now,’ she answered. ‘Uh, I’m am definetly sure this is her shoe.’ She lifted a small, battered piece of paper from inside the shoe.
    Well Done Brooke!
    You found your best friends shoe.
    Now you have to find her.
    Don’t call parents or guards – or girl will die.
    I'm sorry for the wait. I was on holidays for the past week.
    Also, please fave if you are reading or if you read the chapter.
    Feedback so far?

  2. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 8:38am UTC
    Without A Doubt
    Chapter 4
    ‘My step father was an alcoholic. He promised to pay some people but he didn’t – he couldn’t. At one point he had to take money off of me. I wouldn’t let him – I hated him. He dragged my family apart. So, he had to take it off my brother. He was seventeen at the time. I was thirteen. John hated him too. We both loved our real dad- not Michael.
    John made counterfeit money and put it into his piggy bank. One night, when my mum, Michael, John and I were having dinner, Michael announced he had to go to the bathroom. That night when John checked his piggy bank, all the money was gone.
    My mum and Michael were having a lot of arguments then. I used to get so afraid, but John always comforted me. He added more bits to the story we were creating. I adored John, he was my role model.
    One night, the fight got out of control. Michael hit my mum and was ready to use the knife on her. She screamed and we knew something was wrong.
    ‘Stay here,’ John had whispered and he went to scope out the happenings. He left me alone in the corner of his room. I wept. For Mum and John – not Michael, not ever for Michael! I knew I couldn’t let John go alone.
    I crept out his room and peered down the corridor. It was silent. Not the ‘everybody is sleeping’ silent but more like ‘dead’ silent.
    My mum was in the corner of the kitchen shivering. She had dagger wounds all down her arms.
    ‘Michael took John,’ she had muttered. She touched her lips as if she couldn’t believe what she had just said was true.
    Michael had taken John to ‘’them’’ – the men who had received the counterfeit money. Michael had blamed all the late money arrivals and the fake money on John.
    ‘’They’’ took Michael and gave John to ‘’their’’ master. I had to stop them! I ran into the lashing rain and tried to follow the sodden footsteps in the grass. I collapsed exhausted on my face and my lip burst open. I heard a scream – John’s, and I followed it.
    I saw them then, a tall figure looming over John’s body lying on the ground. The figure held a knife. He had used it to stab John multiple times in the back. I screamed at him, not knowing what else to do.
    He grinned and whispered ‘you’re next Brooke’ and then fled. John died in my arms there and then. He had the same coloured eyes as you Mark,’ I finished as my eyesight began to blur with silent tears. He wrapped his arms slowly around my shoulders and let me sob into his chest.
    ‘I’m sorry Brooke,’ he whispered so softly only I could hear him. I felt safe with him, even though I barely knew him.
    ‘Where is Michael now?’ Ben wondered.
    ‘I don’t know. He never came back after that night. My real dad came back though after hearing what happened though. It was on the news! Turns out he still loved my Mum,’ I answered happily. Mark shuddered then stroked my hair. That was weird. Was something wrong with him?
    Melody stared at me in disbelief. I never told her I even had a brother.
    ‘Sorry Melody, I should have told you,’ I whispered as I reached out for her hand.
    ‘No, I’m sorry Brooke! I never knew...’ Gosh I loved Melody! What about Sara? I just hoped she got out in time. I smiled back at Melody.
    ‘Thanks guys...for everything,’ I declared as I reluctantly let go of Mark.
    Sorry for the wait guys.

  3. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 5:20am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 5:37pm UTC
    Without A Doubt
    Chapter 2
    The music blared within the hall. Screaming teenagers jumped and danced around the hall. It was overwhelming. Flashing lights blinded me every time they enlightened the dark hall.
    ‘Brooke? BROOKE?’ Melody bellowed. I could only hear a distant call. I saw her mouth move but I couldn’t hear her. I gestured o my ear and shook my head casually. She sighed and dragged Sara and I into the middle of the room.
    I suddenly felt myself go. I swayed, jumped and thumped to the music. I danced dramatically with friends that passed by. I was getting pushed around, but then again – who wasn’t?
    After a while, Sara nudged me raising her eyebrows at some guy at the other side of the room. I sweeped my hand in the sweaty air allowing her to go chat him up. She sidled confidently over to him.
    I turned around, expecting to see Melody there – but she wasn’t. I searched frantically for her – spinning my head in all directions. Then, all the pushing got out of hand. I was being heavily shoved into other people. Then, being the clumsy fifteen year old girl I was, I wrapped my foot around someone’s ankle and tripped. I fell face flat on the floor. I heard laughter arise above me. I could feel the heat brewing in my face.
    I slowly lifted my face off the ground. Dang, my nose stung so badly. I touched my nose with my hand and felt a liquid flow. I risked a peek. I was right, it was blood.
    Suddenly, I felt strong and sturdy hands wrap around my waist and they picked up my body from the floor. I was looking into the face of a sweet, handsome guy around my age.
    ‘Are you okay?’ I saw him mouth, his hands still on my hips. I nodded. But, then I realized I was bleeding for God’s sake. I shook my head, gazing down at the ground embarrassed.
    The guy led me to the bathroom, his hand on my back. I could see his face properly now in the light. He had dark, brown hair and cute little dimples on each cheek. His teeth were very white and he had one very sharp canine (fang, in my case.) But one thing unnerved me; he had deep, mud brown eyes – the same as Johns. I couldn’t help but gaze deeply into them and wonder if they held any secrets.
    ‘I’m Mark by the way,’ he announced as he dabbed at my nose with a tissue.
    ‘Uh...Brooke,’ I said with a nervous smile ‘and thanks for saving me out there...and in here.’
    ‘No probs,’ he replied with a dazzling cheeky grin.
    ‘Why though? Why not just laugh at me like all the other people?’ He lowered the tissue and started into my eyes.
    ‘Because Brook. What would the world be like if we all laughed at each other? No kindness or appreciation? No aid to those in need?’ he whispered casually. His eyes twinkled like shining starts.
    ‘What would the world be like with no clumsy girls like me?’ I mumbled. He grabbed my chin gently, forcing me to look at his face.
    ‘The world would be incomplete. And so w...-‘
    ‘BROOKE!’ I heard Melody shout. I broke away from his grip.
    ‘Uh, in here Melody.’
    Are you okay? I heard you fell. Where did you g- oh uhm hi,’ she said; only realizing Mark was in the room until she entered.
    Well, I think that’s my cue to leave,’ Mark muttered, his face flushing a little. And, he left. Melody raised her eyebrows at me and giggled.
    ‘Oh, shup you,’ I snarled playfully.
    ‘Where did he come from?’
    ‘Well, when I...-
    ‘What in the hell was that?’ Melody shouted. The blood drained from my face. My heart pumped like lightning.
    ‘That was a gunshot,’ I whispered as I broke in to tears.

  5. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 5:54am UTC
    Without A Doubt
    Chapter 1
    ~2 years later
    ‘Rave tonight lads’ Sara shouted as she fist pumped the air. We all beamed at each other, soaking in each other’s happiness. To be honest, I was seething nervousness. Tonight was going to be my first night out since before John’s death. What if discos had changed? I would be the only one not knowing what to do.
    But, being the sheep I am, I let my best friends Sara and Melody drag me along. No doubt, I did want to go. It had been a long time since I socialised properly, let alone have a boyfriend. But I felt guilty, like I didn’t deserve fun because I hadn’t saved nor avenged my brother.
    Sara, Melody and I were getting ready at my house. I still hadn’t decided what I was going to wear.
    ‘Pick this Brooke. It’s dead cute,’ Melody announced pointing to a laced body con dress.
    ‘Mmm, I don’t know Melody, not my type,’ I replied.
    ‘What about this?’
    ‘That...could work.’
    I flung on the black denim high-waisted shorts and tucked the laced red top inside them.
    ‘Such a beaut’ they chorused as they twirled me around.
    ‘Haha, I wish’
    ‘No seriously, all the guys will be eying you through the night’. I blushed a tomato red, the hue clashing with my ginger hair. I had straightened it for the night, but it was naturally wavy and frizzy.
    ‘I doubt that now Sara’ Sara and Melody raised their eyebrows at each other.
    ‘Shut up,’ I snarled playfully. We began to put on our makeup. I covered my pale, white face in foundation, outlined my forest green eyes in black eyeliner and applied a few coats of black mascara.
    ‘Don’t forget some lipgloss, Brooke, you know. Just in case’ J rolled my eyes at Sara but smothered my lips in vanilla-flavoured lipgloss none the less.
    ‘And so the three musketeers left for their journey into the wilderness...,’ I began. Melody punched me gently in the arm. I was known for coming up with inappropriate stories at times and they still wanted to be my friend. God, I loved them so much.
    ‘..Seeking for a source of water to stay alive,’ I continued.
    ‘Okay, okay’
    Then we left my house waving goodbye to my parents, sauntering down the road, arms linked, unaware of what was going to happen that night.
    I'm sorry, boring chapter but anyways comment if you want to be notified.

  6. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 10:50am UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 9:42am UTC
    Without A Doubt
    Okay, so I'm gonna start a story called 'Without A Doubt'. It's about this girl called Brooke whose brother gets killed when she is thirteen. The story is set two years later.
    The prologue will be put up later and I will notify people who want to be notified. :)
    ~ CitricAcidRain

  8. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2012 10:40am UTC
    Who else knows what 'shift' means?
    Us Irish people and made up words....

  9. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2012 10:20am UTC
    To be honest
    I'm afraid of growing up. I don't want to move out of my house to live on my own. I don't want to make my own dinners. I don't want to be able to choose when I go to bed. I don't want to be the one responsible for accidents on the road. I don't want to be depending on a job I absolutely hate. I don't want to have the impulse that I have to be in a replationship.
    I want to stay the age I am.....
    I live in my parents house - Their house, their rules. My parents choose what I have for dinner. They tell me when I have to go to bed. I sit in the back of the car, not in the front with my hands on the wheel. I hate school but I know it will help in later life. I want to have a boyfriend but I'm not compelled to have one.
    I miss being a child.
    I miss being able to wake up really early to look at the cartoons on the TV. I miss going to swimming lessons every week. I miss the colouring books.
    But mostly, I miss being able to act childish.
    I'm a naturally childish person and nothing is going to change that.
    Nothing at all.
    I'm going to jump in to the sea with all my clothes on. I'm going to have difficulty choosing which crayon I want.
    Because that's who I am.

  10. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2012 8:11am UTC
    Comment your name here and I will write a guy's name on your profile that I think suits your name.
    Or if you're a guy or gay. Just tell me :D

  11. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    *Me and my brother watching terminator
    Me- Is he a robot?
    Brother- No
    Me- But he's got robot legs?
    Brother- No, that's the chair's legs.
    Me- Oh.
    Me- Who is she? ooh, she's pregnant!
    Brother- ....
    Me- Who is she?
    Brother- I don't know!
    Me- Hey, they are the same person!
    Brother- No, they're not!
    Me- Yes they are....or wait he's got a wart beside his eye and he doesn't.
    Me- What if she's pregnant with his baby?
    Brother- ....
    Me- *there's this robot arm thing on a table* Where's the rest of it's body?
    Brother- that is it's body.
    Me- Wait, what?
    *there is a half robot half human thing in the water. Two men in the helicopter are hovering above the water. One of them falls out into the water. The half human tings then comes out of the river*
    Me- Hey, he's okay! He survived. Wait, that's not him. I recognise him. Wait, thats the same person. Is he talking to himself?
    Brother- We've been through this. They are not the same person.
    Me- What if...?
    Brother- Shut up and watch the movie!
    I watched the movie but I still don't understand it. Silly me....

  12. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 5:19pm UTC
    Friends Quotes #3
    Ross- You know, we should probably ask the doctor if she even knows how to deliver a baby that's half human, half *pure evil*!

  13. CitricAcidRain CitricAcidRain
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 5:14pm UTC
    Friends Quotes #1
    Phoebe - (Right after singing a song in the coffee shop). If you want to receive emails about my upcoming shows, then please give me money so I can buy a computer.


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