Witty Profiles

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  1. amyyjeannXD amyyjeannXD
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2012 7:42pm UTC
    Your games? Don't play that.
    Your bs? Won't take that.
    Your sorrys? I've heard that.
    Your mistake? You made that.
    Your excuses? Just save that.

  2. courtneyisawesome14 courtneyisawesome14
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2012 12:32pm UTC
    Dear Girls
    Bruno Mars may take 1 grenade for you but
    we take hundreds.
    From The Army

  3. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 5:48am UTC
    ♥ Silence Is Golden, Speaking Is Priceless ♥
    The hospital wasn't Carsons favourite place especially now that he was here for the love of him life. "Somebody tell me what's wrong with her?" he yelled. He was the first one who arrived at the hospital and he kept blaming himself. Avalaya had just got out from her operation. Marco, Conner, Sophia, Caleb and Emilee arrived shortly after. "Please! Sombody tell me what the f/ck is going on! You need to!" Carson begged.
    “Sir, I'm sorry but I can only speak to immediate family,” a near by nurse told Carson.
    “Please, I need to know.”
    “I'll see what I can do,” the nurses sighed.
    “Where is she!?” Marco growled, pushing Carson up against the wall. “What the f/ck did you do to her?!”
    “Marco!” Emilee cried out. “Avalaya would not want you to yell at Carson! He did nothing wrong!” Emilee yelled. She knew exactly what happened, Avalaya told her everything.
    “Excuse me, I'm Avalaya's mother, could you please tell me what is going on?” Sophia said to a near by nurse.
    “Of course, I'll go get her doctor.” Avalaya's doctor came out a few moments later.
    “What's wrong with her?” Marco asked. “I'm her fiancee.”
    “Oh, very well. Avalaya has got four broken ribs and a few cuts and bruises. She is very lucky... but-”
    “But what?” Caleb questioned.
    “She had a miscarriage. She wouldn't have known she was pregnant because the baby was only a week and a bit old.” The doctor looked at Marco, he had introduced himself as Avalaya's fiancee. “I'm sorry, sir.”
    “That's impossible,” Marco said.
    “Avalaya and I haven't had s/x in a month or two...” Marco's voice trailed off.
    “Are you sure she had a miscarriage? She can't have kids?” Emilee asked.
    “Yes, positive. She can have kids, whoever said she couldn't was wrong.”
    “It's mine,” Carson said quietly. Just like when they were 18, Carson's whole world shattered. He had no idea what got into him but he fell to the ground on his knees.
    He fell to the ground and cried.
    Comment for a reemmmiinnnddeeerrr c;
    Teaser: "I-I was p-pregnant?"
    {A/N: Hate it? Like it? Love it?}
    *Sequel to I'll mouth, "I love you."*
    © sugarfreak

  4. ImmaBeWitty ImmaBeWitty
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2012 3:38pm UTC
    that one kid in your class
    whose watch always beeps

  5. Kizzie29 Kizzie29
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2012 1:16pm UTC
    B I U abc X2 X2 Ω | A A | ← → □ □ □
    Font [ ] size [ ]
    This box has acted like a diary. It saw me when I was happy, it heard me when I was sad. It listened to me venting, and let me share my love.
    This box is my saviour.
    body div Format by smluvsart. span div

  6. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2012 4:21pm UTC
    Two can keep a secret
    If one of them is dead.
    Format Credit: Lollipopx3
    Chapter 1
    June 16th, 2012.
    It was something you could never imagine.
    Not hearing your sisters voice ever again.
    Not ever seeing her smile again.
    No more contact with her, ever.
    As I changed into my funeral outfit, I ran memories of her through my head.
    Her wild, cute laugh. Whenever she laughed or smiled, everyone else did.
    She was a head cheerleader and she could get a crowed pumped up in seconds.
    She would give a stranger a smile and a compliment.
    She was a good hearted girl with a bright future.
    To know she was dead was something I couldn't even begin to describe..
    I looked in the mirror once before leaving.
    My black skirt hugged my legs perfectly, my tank top was fitted just right. I slipped on my blazer and adjusted my hair. Before leaving I slipped on my black ankle boots and laced them up.
    I got into the car with my parents and drove off to the funeral.
    As expected everyone came up to us and kept giving their condolences.
    "She was a beautiful girl."
    "She had a heart of gold."
    "She didn't deserve to die so young."
    After the same spoken words over and over again, I was getting fed up.
    I walked away and stood infront of my sisters casket.
    I let my tears drip over her dead body.
    I wiped them away not caring if my makeup was smudged.
    I took off the necklace I had worn and sat it next to her.
    It was my grandma's necklace she had given me before she past away.
    My sister and I fought over who got to keep it.
    I ended up winning.
    I smiled thinking of how we didn't talk for the next week after that.
    I laid the necklace on her chest and watched as the diamond reflected the sun.
    "Bree, it's time to start the service." The pastor said.
    I looked at him with my tear streaked eyes and nodded.
    I went and sat down next to my parents.
    As the service went on, 3 men walked into the service half way in.
    I looked at the three unrecognizable men.
    1 was shorter, balding and slighty big around the edges.
    The other tall, skinny and in his mid-twenties.
    The last was a younger, good looking guy. Muscled, tall, and handsome.
    I didn't recognize any of them though and none of them seemed to be related.
    After the service was done I turned and saw 2 of the 3 men staring at me.
    They looked away once my eyes caught their's.
    I didn't care though.
    My sister was dead, and I was hurt.
    Nothing worried me anymore.
    hi everyone:).
    sorry it took a while to post this. I've been busy.
    Thank you for all the birthday wishes(:.
    I'll start doing notifications from this chapter on.
    So comment for one(:
    Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=57534158

  7. thesweetestmoments thesweetestmoments
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 9:02pm UTC
    I stood there.
    He stared at me.
    I didn’t move.
    He didn’t move.
    The world around us was alive, but we were still.
    And the longer I stood, the angrier I got.
    Not just angry at Alora and Emmie for what just happened, but at this f*cking boy for being so rude and witnessing it!
    And he was still staring.
    With adrenaline pumping through my system, I bunched up my hands in tight fists and marched my high heels over to where the boy was sitting quietly on the fence of the parking lot.
    He did not move.
    But his eyes followed me.
    I stopped just in front of him. “What the h*ll?! Why are you f*cking staring at me?!”
    The boy was silent.
    “Hellooooo?” I waved my arms dramatically in front of him like he was blind. “Don’t you have anything better to do than stare at me?”
    “Seriously? Are you seriously not going to answer me?” I crossed my arms and listened to the silence. “Wow, dude. Way to be a d*uche.”
    He didn’t even flinch.
    I looked to the ground and then back up at his face. There was something about it. He looked so compassionate, he seemed so sincere. Maybe that’s why I decided to actually confide in him.
    “Well, since you have seen me being dropped by my friends and decided to remain silent about it, I’ll guess I’ll just explain what happened.” I could tell he was listening now. “I was telling my friends this big secret, like one of those deep dark secrets, and it was a really big secret. Like, life changing. Anyways, they pretty much told me to f*ck off and then they kicked me out of the car. Just like that. Dropped by my friends because of a secret that doesn’t really affect them at all.”
    The boy stared.
    I took that as a signal to keep going.
    “And you know, it’s really hard, what I’m going through? No one understands.” I looked up at the boy’s unchanged face. “No one would believe me if I told them! They would say, nooo, he’s a nice man! But he’s not! He’s not!” And at that point, I broke down.
    Every tear I have ever cried had a way of becoming the first drop of a rushing waterfall. Spilling from the top of my cheekbones and falling to the broken pavement with quiet, unremarkable splashes.
    My words became unintelligible mutters as my thoughts became clouded over and scrambled.
    We stayed like that for a while.
    He sat perched on the top of the wooden fence next to the dumpster as I stood crumbling in front of him while my classmates chattered and laughed around us.
    The day had begun without us.
    The day had left us behind.
    And no one seemed to notice.
    And as I stared at the parking lot underneath my feet, I heard the soft thump of the boy’s sneakers landing next to my heels. Before I knew it, his sweatshirt-covered arms were around my shaking body.
    One hand rested against my back and the other ran slowly over the back on my head.
    I wiped my eyes clear of the blinding tears and peered up at his face.
    “Who are you?” I whispered up at him.
    His eyebrows bunched together and he tilted his head to the right in response.
    I looked from one of his blue eyes to the other. “Why won’t you talk to me?”
    He shook his head and closed his eyes shut.
    My feelings where hurt. Why was I getting the silent treatment? “Just talk to me!”
    His hands left my body and started to perform a dance. I stared, mesmerized. He looked back towards me expectantly.
    “What?” I asked, confused by everything that was happening.
    The boy sighed deeply and croaked out in a voice I could barely understand, “I’m deaf.”
    That vacation was h*ll.
    But Witty makes me oh-so happy(:
    I love you alllll(:

  8. whateveryousay1234 whateveryousay1234
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 4:35pm UTC
    Lets get this straight
    Your getting faves because people like one direction, not your quote.

  9. whateveryousay1234 whateveryousay1234
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2012 5:46pm UTC
    It's my birthday today.

  10. whateveryousay1234 whateveryousay1234
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 12:12am UTC
    witty member: OmG I MiSS THE oLD WITTY</3 !1!11!!!
    Me: *clicks on there profile*
    Me: *sees they joined a week ago*
    Me: ok

  11. whateveryousay1234 whateveryousay1234
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2012 1:08pm UTC
    The only thing i need for back to school shopping is a loaded gun

  12. Mascara Mascara
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2012 6:36pm UTC
    Favorite this, and I will follow you and comment something nice on your profile (:

  13. AwkwardlyFiona* AwkwardlyFiona*
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2012 4:36am UTC
    so today's my birthday...

  14. lovebeinghyper lovebeinghyper
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 9:15am UTC
    Okay. So my aim is to follow everyone on Witty.
    Fave or Comment if I haven’t followed you, and I will.
    I wanna do this before my one year anniversary on Witty which is September 6th.
    Please help!

  15. MaggiiebearPlays MaggiiebearPlays
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    School Popularity,
    is it what it seems to be?
    - Intro -
    (Setting is simple. Tumbling mats lay left from centre stage,bags & shoes etc. lay back of the mats, while 6-8 girls do a routine right of the mat. Standing and facing them is Julia Harris)
    Julia: (chanting) 1,2,3,4,5,6- (yell) no,no,no! What are you doing,Kaitlin? You are a beat behind!
    Kaitlin: (looking down,huffing and puffing) I just can't get it and I'm really tired..
    Julia: You know what I don't get?
    Kaitlin: ummm-uhhh, Kristen Stewart?
    Julia: Her.. (fustrated) and why I even let you stay on the team in the first place! You've been missing practices,games, and you are always tired. You can't even fit your uniform anymore! (points to the door) Just leave,ok.
    ( Kaitlin runs out of the room crying )
    Julia: Oh now she decides to run.
    (Everyone looks at eachother in confusion,like they've never seen someone be so mean)
    Skyler: (walks over to where the girls' bags are) She left her bag. (picking the bag up) I'll go try to find her..
    Briella: (walks up to Skyler) Wait! Whats that white thing sticking out? (pulling out the white thing) Omg! EW exactly what I thought (throws it)
    Julia: (hysterical) What is it?!
    Briella: It's a pregnacy test!
    Callie: Must be Kaitlin's?
    Skyler: (walks over to the test), (screams) OH MY GOSH.
    Julia: (annoyed) What are you screaming about?
    Skyler: It's positive.

  16. ThisRandomGirl ThisRandomGirl
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 2:48am UTC
    So if a Tomato is a fruit..
    If a tomato is a fruit, Does that mean Ketchup is a smoothie?
    Lets make this a Top Quote and see what the world thinks! :)

  17. thesweetestmoments thesweetestmoments
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2012 8:40pm UTC
    “You could have killed us!” I shouted as I stood up in front of Vincent.
    “You will not raise your voice at me, little girl. Who owns you here?” Vincent’s lip curled as he snarled into solemn face.
    I continued to stare straight into his eyes. They were black.
    “GOD DAMMIT, ANSWER ME!” Vincent yelled at me.
    “My mother! My mother owns me! You’re not even my real dad!” I closed my eyes preparing for the worst.
    Vincent balled up his fist and slapped me hard across my cheek with it.
    “I can do so much worse, Macey. Watch yourself,” Vincent grabbed my shirt and pulled me close.
    His hands were dangerously close to my breasts.
    We both froze as the sound of the front door unlocking reached our ears in the now silent living room.
    Vincent quickly let go of me as we heard my mother’s cheerful voice. “Hello! I’m home!”
    Vincent pushed me down to the sofa and walked over to the stairs. “You’re home early, honey!”
    “Well, so are you!” I saw my mother come up the stairs and give Vincent a light kiss on the lips. “Mark’s kid got the flu, so he sent everyone home early.”
    My mother was basically a grown-up version of me. She had given me her long blond hair, courtesy of her Swedish ancestry. She had given me her long, slender legs and her high cheek bones. The only difference between me and her were that I had bright green eyes that came straight from my father, while her’s were a brownish color.
    “Hi sweetie! How was school?” My mother smiled at me as she made her way to the kitchen.
    “Fine,” I answered, avoiding Vincent’s cruel eyes.
    “She’s been planted on that sofa since I brought her home. She’s so lazy, I wish she’d get involved in sports!” Vincent smirked at me. My mother was completely oblivious to his disrespect.
    “She used to be in every sport imaginable! She was great,” My mother’s voice wafted from around the corner. I smiled at the memory of how things were when I was a child. My mom in the stands, cheering her daughter on proudly and my dad on the sidelines, yelling orders from the sidelines. He always volunteered to be the coach.
    “Huh,” Vincent chuckled lightly. “That was a while ago, eh? She’s really put on a lot of weight since then!”
    My face fell.
    “What was that, dear?”
    “Oh nothing, hon. Just talking to our daughter,” Vincent winked at me. I scowled in response.
    “But really, Mace. You should do something about those extra pounds. They make you look even more worthless than you already are. I’m just glad you’re not my biological daughter. I would be so embarrassed,” Vincent leaned towards me as though he was talking to a new puppy. “Now, why don’t you make yourself a little more useful by leaving us alone and going to your room for the rest of the night? You don’t need dinner anyways.”
    I breathed in deeply to gather my emotions and stood up shakily. I looked at Vincent, all I got as a reaction was a sly eyebrow raise.
    I bolted from the living room, down the hallway, and into the bathroom that I had to myself.
    Being an only child had its perks.
    I fumbled through the draws clumsily looking for one thing in particular.
    One thing I always reached for when things went wrong.
    One thing that was always there for me when I needed it.
    I smiled sadly as my fingers found what I needed.
    I slowly pulled up my sleeve. A neat row of wide scars greeted me.
    I uncovered my knife and slowly added another to the row.
    My internet went out because of some lovely storms.
    But on the bright side, we REALLY NEED RAIN. So bring it, clouds!(;
    But as always, let me know what you think!(:
    I love you all more than the boys from N*SYNC♥
    Anybody else remember them? I'm listening to "Bye Bye Bye" right now(:

  18. futuremetsstar futuremetsstar
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2012 4:14am UTC

  19. BeccaWits BeccaWits
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 9:15am UTC
    NYC = NYC
    Q33NY= Q33NY
    New York City, where the plane Q33NY it the twin towers. Type the red in witty create a quote & change the font to the last option (the icon one) & look what it is... I am freaked :L

  20. BeccaWits BeccaWits
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 9:20am UTC
    Creating a quote, going to put it in
    funny category then not thinking
    its funny enough so giving up XD


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