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Member Since: 12 Dec 2011 08:41pm

Last Seen: 18 Jul 2012 12:12am

user id: 249966

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I'm Badash (sounds like bad ass haha, which I'm not). Well, actually, my name's Tati, but I decided not to put that as my username. So, hi. 
  1. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 6:33am UTC
    You hold the key to my whole life. You can make or break me. So far, I wonder if you were meant for power, because I'm falling apart.

  2. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2012 10:28pm UTC
    I miss seeing you everyday and seeing you smile.
    I miss when you missed me just as much.
    I miss the times when we stayed up all night just to talk to each other, told each other everything.
    We'd cry. We'd laugh. We'd be close.
    I want to see you again.
    Not the Ice Queen you seem to be many times at school.
    Not just the little flashes of you I see when you start a conversation with me in school.
    I'm afraid when school ends, we're going to stop contact.
    I can't.
    You know me.
    No one else knows me like that.
    We're friends, but I miss being that close.

  3. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2012 5:38pm UTC
    ᵎᵐ ᴶᵉᵃᶫᵒᵘᶳ ᵒᶠ ᵗᵸᵉᵐ ᵃᵑᵈ ᵎ ᵸᵃᵗᵉ ᵎᵗ

  4. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 11:37pm UTC
    i was happy just ten minutes ago
    now i sob
    i just want to know why you--
    its not your fault, forget it
    you cant control it
    and neither can i
    just screw it all

  5. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2012 9:23pm UTC
    That one person who it hurts so badly to be away from, even if you just left them five minutes ago.

  6. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 6:47pm UTC
    Now Playing
    Rise Against- Swing Life Away
    (go listen)
    ► ll

  7. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 10:23pm UTC
    theres a man
    i dont know him
    hes tall
    maybe fourty
    i cant see his face
    hes dark
    hes not real, but he scares me

  8. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 9:39pm UTC
    i burden you
    you never say i do
    but i know it
    i wish when you told me things
    i knew what to say
    instead of making it relate to myself
    i am not good enough for you
    but i love you so much
    i dont know how much i know
    but there's a lot that i dont know
    not just about you, though
    about everything
    even myself
    you know me better than anyone, even me
    my twisted, unrhyming poetry.

  9. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 7:16am UTC
    i had the worst dream last night
    you were there
    you were upset
    but you didnt come to me
    you went to the other girl
    i tried to talk to you
    you ignored me for her
    you hugged her
    i died inside
    and i know it was dream
    but it was so real, i woke up crying

  10. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2012 4:13pm UTC
    I really want to see my best friend right now.

  11. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2012 7:45pm UTC
    ive done something terribly wrong. shouldve spoken sooner.

  12. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 8:58pm UTC
    I hate not knowing what to say. Especially for you.

  13. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 11:14pm UTC
    You're my shoulder to cry on, but what if you ever needed one? Would you trust me enough?

  14. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 6:25pm UTC
    Interviewer: So if you had to say your celebrity cru--
    Me: Jennifer Lawrence.
    Interviewer: I was gonna ask who you're crus--
    Me: Jen-nif-er Law-rence.
    ...this came out sounding really awkward because I'm a girl. Aww, f*ck it, I think she's awesome.

  15. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 9:22pm UTC
    i really dont know what to do anymore.

  16. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 10:03pm UTC
    The sky is blue
    My face is red
    Sweat snakes its way
    Down my head
    I run and run
    To no avail
    My weakened legs
    Will soon fail
    Hes closing in
    I will soon be done
    No more can I force myself
    to run and run

  17. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2012 9:45pm UTC
    {Chapter Two}
    "Hey, little d**che..."
    "P*ss off, jerkface."
    "Ooh, fiesty... Come here, let me show you how well this knife carves."
    "I doubt y-you'd... Sh*t!"
    "Yeah, scrawny little b*tch. Run. I'll find you."
    The coversation that Sammy told me, word for word, replays in my head as the boy approaches me. His cruel black eyes glitter dangerously, and I'm sure his gaze is fixated on me. I'm frozen.
    A hand on my arm jerks me back to reality and the boy's face is lost as a group passes between us.
    "Where you listening?" Rose asks, taking me by the wrist to tow me towards the doors of the school.
    "Sorry, no..."
    Rose sighs and rolls her eyes as she stops at our lockers. Her's is right beneath mine and as I wait for her to finish so I can put my stuff away and take my books, I try to process the fact that that boy had almost talked to me. It terryfied me. I don't want him near me. He looked strong, much stronger than me. And I didn't like the look in his eyes.
    On my way to Algebra with Rose I don't look at people's faces. I don't want to risk one of them being his. But before, it must have been a coincedence. He doesn't know me. He doesn't even know Sammy's name. Obviously it was a coincedence...
    "You're so quiet," remarks Rose. "Are you okay?"
    "I-- Um. I'm okay."
    Rose doesn't believe me. "Come to the bathrooms."
    "W-what? Why? I can't miss class--"
    "Come on!" She grabs my free wrist again and I'm helpless to fight.
    As we plow our way through students, I am thrown forward into someone. Both of our piles of books clatter and I am knocked off my feet. I look to see that my victim is a brunette boy who I get a glimpse of as I scrabble to get my books. Suddenly the cruel boy isn't the only thing on my mind as I reach to grab a loose leaf of paper at the same time as him.
    Our fingers touch only for a moment, but it's enough for me to feel something. Not something normal, and the way his head snaps up and he meets my eyes I know he's felt it, too. It's weird. As I stack my books quickly and he does the same, I rush off after Rose, something new on my mind.
    Fave/Comment/Follow if you enjoyed so far, please!

  18. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2012 7:24pm UTC
    When somebody gorgeous thinks they're ugly, it makes me want to scream, "Do you know what ugly is? Look at me you'll get a better idea than the one you have."

  19. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2012 10:06pm UTC
    {Chapter Two}
    The lady twirled in a long, white lacy dress. Her long brunette hair cascaded down her back, swinging as she turned. She stopped to look at the boy, offering her hand. As he took it, they were whisked away to somewhere else. In a little shop on the corner of a street recognizable as the one the lady worked at, the sound of gunfire could be heard, bouncing off the brick apartments further down the street. The little boy screamed, but he wasn't able to move. He stood rooted to the spot as the emergency vehicles came and took her lifeless body away.
    "Emmet..." I say, trailing off. What do I say to that? He just described our mother's death, something none of us was there to see in person, in incrediable detail. Not to mention the fact that he was only four at the time.
    Sammy's mouth is open in shock, but he doesn't speak.
    Emmet leans on my shoulder. I set the computer on the coffee table.
    "She talked a lot about Uncle to me before bed time." Emmet says and coughs to himself. "And how she wanted to visit him."
    This makes me think she has good reason for being in our dreams.
    Sammy closes his mouth and speaks. "Mine was... different. She spoke to me."
    "Tell us, Sammy." I urge, closing my eyes.
    "She was sitting across from me. She was just... talking. She misses us."
    "I do..."
    I jumps. The noise obviously hasn't come from my brothers. Emmet has fallen asleep again and Samuel stares at the space behind me, his eyes wide. Slowly he raises a finger to point somewhere behind my head. I snap around, Emmet's head falling from my shoulder to my lap as I do so. Nothing is there except our curtains, flapping in the breeze from a window I didn't noticed was open.
    "D-did you just... there was... t-there--"
    "It's just the curtains, Sammy."
    "Yeah..." He says, muttering under his breath. "Just the curtains..."
    I shrug. "You're being a little... paranoid." Sammy laughs at that.
    "After the dreams, wouldn't that be a little necessary?"
    I shrug again and give a slight laugh. "I guess."
    We stop talking after that and gradually all asleep.
    When I next open my eyes, the clock across the room tells me it's 6:30. I yelp and push myself off the couch where Sammy and Emmet are curled up side-by-side. It's kind of cute. As I rush to get ready to catch my bus, Emmet stumbles into my room, hair sticking up and still in his pajamas. I smile at him as I finish brushing my honey-brown hair. I take his hand and lead him to his room so he can get dressed. When he's done he comes out, hair still a mess, and I smooth it for him, running my fingers through it. He grabs his backpack and I grab mine and we meet Sammy at the door.
    Together we go to the public bus top where we wait. It takes us about thirty minutes to get to the stop in between our schools. Sammy takes Emmet and they walk towards the middle/elementary schools and I say good bye and walk in the opposite direction to the high school.
    I'm nervous. About the boy and about where I am going. It's only my second week of school and though I do have one friend she's still new to me. Her name is Rose and she's in most of my classes.
    As I take the walk I see her making her way towards our school. I run up to her, saying a quick hello as I step in stride with her.
    "Hey, Jessica," She says, swinging her bag on her shoulder as she smiles at me.
    "How're you?" I ask her.
    She shrugs. "Okay, I guess. School sucks. But hey, at least I won't be alone!"
    Rose transferred here from France recently. She's a stereotypically beautiful French girl. I love her accent.
    "True. Alegebra first period today."
    "Yes. Algebra is sometimes quite hard for me," Rose comments. "I like the classes of social studies far better."
    I hummed in agreement. "Not to mention our algebra teacher can be a bit of a b*tch. Ms. Marken is a lot nicer."
    I forget about the boy as we chitchat all the way to school. That is, until I see him. He's got a dark blue Aeropostal sweater on and ripped jeans and that doesn't make him any less menacing. His crude features and buzz-cut hair , just the oens my brother described, make me think of some sort of criminal. He looks at me for a brief moment and looks away.
    I gulp. I wonder if he knows I'm related to Sammy. I hope not. But I have to do something to get him to lay off my brother.
    As I ponder this, I notice he's coming closer.
    Fave/Comment/Follow if you enjoyed so far, please!

  20. Badash Badash
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2012 7:44am UTC
    {Chapter One}
    "Jessica Fawkes to the main office, please. Jessica Fawkes to the main office."
    "Jessica. Take a seat," The school counselor is here, sitting across from me. His hands are folded neatly and he looks at me under his glasses with a look of pity. As I oblige with him, he clears his throat and begins to speak in an unnervingly calm voice. "You're mother was in an accident this afternoon. She was shot in the chest. I'm afraid she's gone..."
    Suddenly, I'm in a cemetary with Sammy and Emmet. Emmet holds my hand and clings to my leg, confused. He doesn't really understand what's happening; he's only four and all he understands is their Mommy's not coming back. I hear her voice telling us to behave at school, the words she told us the day she died, and then a mist. Everything is white.
    Out of no where is the looming, stubble-covered face of our short-lived foster parent. he raises his arm to hit me and I feel the pain of the connection. I hear Samuel cry out and Emmet whimper. I see the colors drain again, this time to black.
    I woke up in a cold sweat, someone's body pressed against my back. I panicked and squirmed around to look. It was Emmet, sound asleep. In the three years since our mother's death he had changed a lot. He'd started losing his round baby face even if he was only seven. I carefully stroked his hair for a moment before deciding I didn't want to go back to sleep. Not yet. I slipped from my room into the den to grab my uncle's laptop. He was at work, still, and probably wouldn't be home until we were at school tomorrow.
    I was surprised to find Sammy. He looked at me for a moment before sitting next to me on the couch.
    "I couldn't sleep." I confessed. He shrugged.
    "Me, neither."
    "Bad dreams?"
    "Me, too."
    Something moved behind Sammy's head. I turned to look, but when I saw nothing, I sighed softly.
    "What?" Sammy asked, turning to look where I had. At my sigh he shrugged. "I was dreaming about Mom."
    "Me, too... It was weird."
    "So, not the same dream as normal?" Sammy quirked an eyebrow.
    "No. I guess... maybe this place is giving me weird ones. I'm not used to it."
    "Yeah... Same here. But maybe we should.... sleep?"
    "I really don't think that's a good idea..."
    "But we need to know if... the dreams... where just linked to our old town. That's what you said when we moved."
    "Yeah. Before you had that dream and you saw the guy the next day. I think maybe we should just stay up the three hours until the morning and we'll worry about this after schoo--"
    Somebody yawned and we turned to see Emmet sleepily stumbing into the room. "Wha're you guys talking about?" He mumbled.
    "Nothing, Emmet." Sammy said quickly. Too quickly. Emmet was suspicious. He rubbed a hand over his eyes and glared accusingly.
    "Is this about the dreams again? 'Cause I was havin some. About a lady. I think it was Mommy."
    Sammy and I turned to each other. Emmet had never reported something about our mother.
    Emmet's dream, the boy in Samuel's dream who threatened him the next day...
    Carefully, Sammy and I sat Emmet between us.
    "Tell us what happened." Sammy ordered, staring intently at him.
    Emmet coughed. "Well, it started with me watching this lady with long brown hair..."
    Fave/Comment/Follow if you enjoyed so far, please!


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