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  1. Elementpurple13* Elementpurple13*
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2014 1:56pm UTC
    ok. whats with this smile thing that pops up when i like a quote? its starting to creep me out. is it taking pictures of me?????

  2. MissAnna MissAnna
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2014 8:34pm UTC
    I hope time can
    be a healer, i hope time can be a friend,
    strong believer some day
    i'll see you again.

  3. MissAnna MissAnna
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2014 9:12pm UTC
    people will stab you
    in the back and ask you why
    you're bleeding.

  4. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2014 7:52pm UTC
    Me: *dies*
    Mom: This is no excuse.
    Mom: *Brings corpse to school*

  5. MissAnna MissAnna
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2014 9:13pm UTC
    "i quit smoking in a day and i terrifed her.
    i asked her why. she said: because a person
    that can quit smoking in a day, can leave
    anything behind and not look back.
    what she meant was:
    i can leave anyone behind."

  6. MissAnna MissAnna
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2014 10:45pm UTC
    what doesn't kill you leaves
    you lying awake at two am wishing it had.

  7. Steve* Steve*
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2014 7:19pm UTC
    Me: WHEN I WAS
    dad: what
    dad: oh god
    dad: not again
    dad: no i didnt
    dad: youre not even a boy

  8. DefeatedWords DefeatedWords
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2014 3:56pm UTC
    Go to google and type "School makes me feel" right now.....
    you'll see, you'll see...

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. Alexim!ca* Alexim!ca*
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2014 5:33pm UTC
    Please, don't take this out on me,
    'Cause you're the only thing that's keeping me alive.
    And I don't wanna wait for the down-set date
    'Cause I would rather end it all tonight.
    And if I mean anything to you,
    I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind.

  11. cocopuffs cocopuffs
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2014 1:45pm UTC
    Pretty friend: Omg I just got 100 likes on my profile picture
    Friend with a boyfriend: Omg I just went on the cutest date
    Athletic friend: Omg I just got asked to join the national team
    Popular friend: Omg today I got invited to ten parties
    Me: Today I meowed at my cat and he meowed back

  12. SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2014 12:27pm UTC
    the existence of broccoli
    taste of chocolate.

  13. cassidawn cassidawn
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2013 3:53pm UTC
    Goodbye 2013.
    We came, we fangirled, we conquered.

  14. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2013 3:11pm UTC
    He has beautiful eyes
    The kind you could get lost in
    And I guess I did.

  15. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2013 3:13pm UTC
    Me:* on witty *
    My parents: can you please-
    Me: are you serious do you even know how much homework i have im stressing over so much please don't make me do it i really need to get this homework done im so tired

  16. Amenah Amenah
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2013 3:19pm UTC
    You know when you first hear a song and in that moment, after one particular lyric, you KNOW that this song is gonna change your life and stay with you forever because it's so beautiful and comforting and it just understands you and suddenly the world seems a bit more managable and you're just sitting there crying your eyes out while listening to something you never thought could make you feel this way-- ?
    ((*stubbornly wiping at tears*))
    "It's not that I don't feel the pain, it's just that I'm not afraid of hurting anymore."
    "It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going."
    Thanks to my beautiful Evie for showing it to me. ♥

  17. JustBr3athe JustBr3athe
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2013 12:56pm UTC
    'oooh kill em' has literally become like 98% of what I say to people

  18. JustBr3athe JustBr3athe
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2013 12:53pm UTC
    You won't realize what you had until its too late..

  19. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2013 8:12pm UTC
    Group of people: *Carelessly mentions something I'm completely obsessed with*
    Me: *Jumps into active volcano as I try not to scream to the whole world about how I've dedicated my whole life to that thing*

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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