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  1. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2009 3:26pm UTC
    LOVE your shoes!
    HATE your guts! =]

  2. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2009 3:20pm UTC
    *In an abandoned house, theres a mysterious voice*
    Bob-Can I go now?
    Voice-First you must do the jig!
    Bob-Do I have to? It looks so stupid!
    *Bob does jig*
    Bob-Can I go now?
    ~Bob, Tehnoobshow

  3. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2009 2:37pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2009 1:52pm UTC
    She has waited the whole weekend
    And finally he's online
    He says hi
    So does she
    Suddenly though shes nearly killed herself
    Wishing for him to get online
    She can't think of ANYTHING to say
    What's wrong with her?
    She wonders, over and over
    But then as he says three words
    She feels her heart beat
    "I love you" he says
    Thats all she needs
    And into forever
    They speak their emotions
    The conversation never ending
    Forever and Alwayz
    Their love will keep going
    Credit* ALL ME!!

  5. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2009 1:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2009 8:50pm UTC
    You know what annoys me?
    Quotes saying to be happy something happened
    Instead of sad that its over.
    Why the hell would you do that?
    "Oh ya I'm so happy my boyfriend that i loved dumped me!"
    I don't think so!
    But why be happy that the one you love is gone?
    So cry yours eyes out let your emotion show
    And then remember the good things you had
    Your happy memories will still bring you tears
    But instead of sadness
    Your tears will bring you joy

  7. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2009 1:36pm UTC
    *A man walks up to a sign and starts to read it outloud*
    "If you are reading this sign, you are an....
    I-DIE-OT! What the hell is an I-DIE-OT?!?
    NOOB SIGN!!"
    ~Bob, Tehnoobshow

  8. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2009 10:42pm UTC
    They say you never smile but
    When iI look into those bright blue eyes all I see is smiles
    Plus all the love in the world all in one glance <3
    casserrss!! u rock!

  9. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2009 10:40pm UTC
    You know your in love when....
    you can't fall asleep because the reality is,
    its better then your dreams <3
    casey ur amazing ily!!
    <3 i love u michael <3

  10. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2009 8:45pm UTC
    She looks to her buddy list...
    Almost everyone's online
    Her best friend's have been talking to her for hours
    But still she keeps checking her list
    She should be happy, her friends are hilarious
    But still she waits, wishing, wanting
    That one guy, the one she's in love with
    To get online
    Even if there are akward silences
    Conversations unkind to emotions
    She still loves it because its him
    He's the one that she truely loves
    She wants to be with him
    Forever and Always
    And can talk with him forever
    As time goes by
    But as she keeps waiting
    He still isn't online
    *get online michael =[ <3*
    I love you michael <3

  11. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2009 6:43pm UTC
    She loved him....
    No she LIKED him
    He loved her
    Period. End of sentence
    They dated, hugged, kissed once or twice
    But inside, she knew she was being nice
    So one day she told everyone
    That this day they would be done
    So she went to her locker to see him there
    And just as she was good and prepared
    His friend told her
    "Chris says its over"
    And off they went their seperate ways
    Leaving her in a daze
    Until at last she shifted her gaze
    And said with a happy smile on her face
    And the moral of the story goes to show,
    haha tara ily sooo much!! true story happened 2 my bestiee!! <3

  12. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2009 12:12am UTC
    *Laying in the middle of the street*
    Allie: What happens if a car comes?
    Noah: We die.
    Noah&Allie-The Notebook
    LOL me and my friends did that!! Haha don't try it at home folks!!

  13. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2009 11:53pm UTC
    What is love?
    People say you know your in love when you find the guy
    That you see talking to a group of girls
    And DON'T get jealous
    They say you are completely comfortable
    And never worry about sounding stupid in front of him
    But I say love...
    Is when you get jealous insanely when he talks to girls
    But ignore it all for him
    It's when you spend hours just to make yourself look good
    And get sad when everyone compliments you...
    But him
    It's when you feel the most nervous you ever have
    Just saying "Hi" back to him.
    THAT is true love, that is the one you want to spend your life with and NEVER let them go <3
    I Love You Michael <3

  14. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2009 11:48pm UTC
    It's all about you (it's about you)
    It's all about you baby (it's all about)
    It's all about you (it's about you)
    It's all about you
    Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
    So I told you with a smile, it's all about you
    Then you whispered in my ear and you told me too
    Said you'd make my life worthwhile, it's all about you
    And I would answer all your wishes
    If you ask me to
    But if you deny me one of your kisses
    Don't know what I'd do
    So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
    Dancing on the kitchen tiles, it's all about you, yeah!
    And I would answer all your wishes
    If you ask me to
    But if you deny me one of your kisses
    Don't know what I'd do
    So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
    Dancing on the kitchen tiles
    Yes you make my life worthwhile
    So I told you with a smile
    It's all about you
    It's all about you (it's about you)
    It's all about you baby (it's all about)
    It's all about you (it's about you)
    It's all about you baby (it's all about)
    I love this song!
    All About You- McFly <3

  15. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2009 9:04pm UTC
    We were so happy, me and you
    And now I wish we could be through
    Why do I have to go through all this pain and agony
    For something that means nothing to me?
    We were in love, or so you said
    But I knew I never loved you in my head.
    Was it love at first sight...
    Or just plain blind love?
    sorry i know this sucks but i'm going out with this guy who is INCREDIBLY nice and sweet and really likes me....but i dont like him anymore and dont know what to do because i dont want to hurt him!!

  16. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2009 6:51pm UTC
    Me and my friends are a very SPECIAL kind of best friend that...
    #3 Have cool comebacks like "OH!! You just got burned like cookies in the oven at 1,000 degrees Celcius and I just took you out and you CRUMBLED!!"

  17. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2009 5:39pm UTC
    Me and my friends are a very SPECIAL kind of best friend that...
    #2 Think aliens should do the Hoedown Throwdown!!
    haha you all know I'm right!!!

  18. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2009 5:36pm UTC
    Me and my friends are a very SPECIAL kind of best friends that....
    #1 When one of us says something stupidly funny and 3 hours later I start randomly laughing hysterically about it in the middle of class
    haha luv ya tara!!! <3

  19. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2009 5:23pm UTC
    Whenever someone leaves the one that loves them
    They say "If you loved me you'd let me go"
    But in reality the true matter is
    If you had loved me you'd NEVER have let me go...

  20. 4everandalwayz 4everandalwayz
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2009 5:31pm UTC
    I'm just better than you...


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