Witty Profiles

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Are you single or in a relationship?

Is anything bothering you?
yes, the fricken bug bite on my knee!

What do you hear?
my musicc

Would rather be in a relationship or single?
don't really matter

If someone liked you would you want them to tell you?
yes ma'am

Do you like tattoos?
they're iight i guess

Is your hair long or short.
compared to how it usually is, it's short!

If you were pregnant who would you tell first?
my boyfriend and my bestest friend(:

Do you have any bad habits?
hehe yeeh, i bite my nails and always bounce my leg hehee

Do you want kids?
they are so flippin ah-dorable!

Do you ever take naps?
yess, i'm like a 3 year old stuck in a 13 year olds body

What kind of music do you listen to?

Have you ever been on a boat?
multiple timezz

What is your favorite color
lime green, light pink, and orange

Have you ever seen fireworks? 
who hasn't?

Have you lived where you live your whole life?
nopee. i lived in like 3 different towns before i moved here

Do you believe in abortion?
oh gawd no thats stuff is awful!

Has someone close to you ever died?

Do you get along with your parents?
i try too but they're ah-nnoying

Birthday is?
August 22nd. 1996

Name something you always have on you?

What did you do today?
went to camp with my bestie maddie than went to
stop and shop with her and than her house and
watched a scary moive

What was the last thing you cried over?
my brotherr):

What are your plans for friday night?
going to maddies..i think lol

Do you hate anyone?
hahah yeees

How are you feeling?
hyper and tired..i know weird mix

Do you lecture people about drugs?
naaaah why waste my time?

Have you ever kissed anyone named Tom?
gosh no, the tom i know is a creeper!!

Do you like surprises?
yeahh they're so much funn!

Do you think people have any misconceptions about you?
and that is..

What'd you do last night?
chillin with maddie and txt my boyfriend<3

Last form of public transport you went on?
te short bus!:D hahaha just kidding it was normal sized

Don't you hate when radio stations continue to play the same songs?
if they're crappy songs than yess

Did you really ever have "the talk?
nooo! me and my mom just watch teevee shows about it

Do you currently have a tattoo on your body somewhere?
nope, not until i'm 18

Do you ever match your shoes with your shirt?
hahaah yess

How are you sitting right now?
crossed legs

Have you ever had a real tea party? Or been to one?
hahahahahah! no?

Do you consider a family member one of your bestfriends, or close friends?
yeah my big brother timmy

Are you currently trying to quit something?
not that i know of

Do you say "thats what she said" jokes?
hehee yeees(:

Do you feel like song lyrics fit your situations sometimes ?
yess, absolutely

Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?
i do both

Where did you grow up?

Is there anything special you go to bed with?
my blanket
Have you ever ran away from home?

Whens the last time you played with water balloons. 
ali's birthday party with KK and Emily

Have you ever participated in an eating competition?
yeahh! i pie eating contest

What are you most likely to pick off of your pizza?
all the icky stuff

Do you think babies have dreams?
everyone does

Are you wearing pants?
yeahh pj pants

Can you relate better to songs, or movies?

Ever dated someone in a band?

Do you own anything that has to be held together with duct tape?
uhh no? lol

Whats better, home made cakes, or store bought ones?
home made all the waaay!

Do you actually knock on wood, when you say knock on wood?

Who are the last people you saw kissing?
spencer and maddie..ew

Do you have a best friend?
yeahh and she's not my best friend she's my sister..MADELINE ROSE DUDEK!

Can you have a mature argument without using attitude?
ha! no cause than it isn't an argument

Do you say "no offence" when you really dont care if they're offended or not?
yeaaah all the timee

Is today an important day?
no sir

Do you like someone right now?
yeah trenten

Do they like you?
yeahh, he's dating me

What does your last text message say?
ok baby i love you<3

Who is it from?

Did you text back?
i love yoou too<3

What are you thinking about right now?

yesss... when i get older
Next Quote >

Are you single or in a relationship? Taken(: Is anything bothering

0 faves · Jul 16, 2009 11:06am




