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We're not getting any younger;
[ d o n ' t    y o u    g e t    i t ? ]
why try to grow up too fast because of some
waste all your money on designer clothes,
when the other brands work ( j u s t   f i n e ? )
why turn your face orange
with makeup?
why where shirts that don't cover your chest
and shorts that are three inches long?
why do you need a serious relationship;
when you're only, what 12 through 16?
I promise, you're not gonna marry him.
Live it up while you can, cause one day
you're gonna look back and be happy you did.

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the whole thing
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We're not getting any younger; [ d o n ' t y o u g e t i t ?

124 faves · 3 comments · Jul 16, 2009 9:40am






Nat_x3 · 1 decade ago
i love this quote.. accept for the "not going to marry him part." My parents got divorced, and my dad married the girlfriend he had in 8th grade-11th grade... I'm not saying it's likely, but it is possible.

but it's still a really great and inspirational quote;)
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swarnerx3 · 1 decade ago
omg i absolutely adore this quote. that's like really, really, really, good advice. thanks for that [[=
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marinshka09 · 1 decade ago
^^ this quotes really good and true.
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