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   i swear to god. Cupid is either out to get me, or he is a malfunctioning machine.
 (5:44:08 PM):
O.K. Lover. Type menu to try a fresh start.
[my screen name] (5:44:26 PM): i dont want to type menu.
Cupid (5:44:28 PM): O.K. then. Well, type menu and get back in the action.
[my screen name] (5:44:31 PM): wtf?
Cupid (5:44:32 PM): Hmm. You seem to be having some trouble with this. You can always type menu if you need more help.
[my screen name] (5:44:36 PM): that's not nice
Cupid (5:44:37 PM): Sweet!
[my screen name] (5:44:42 PM): Go die in a hole.
Cupid (5:44:43 PM): Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Flop.

JK! Nice try. Type menu and do something fun.
[my screen name] (5:44:45 PM): I hate you.
Cupid (5:44:46 PM): Such negativity. You are hurting for a date.

                      i feel offended...    grr.
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i swear to god. Cupid is either out to get me, or he is a malfunctioning

6 faves · 1 comments · Jul 9, 2009 6:01pm






softballbaby984 · 1 decade ago
omg! cupid and santa clause both get on my nervs!!! hahaha
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