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so best friends turned into enemys.
[ boy's ] really did change this whole best friend thing. i'm going to miss you, but
mostly, i'll miss the memories. they're the things i can't let go of. you being
there, a l w a y s & a l w a y s. you'd be the one saying "who's butt am i kicking" when
i'd be sad. all because of a boy... is that really going to change? well > that's life ; 
i guess. i truly tried to be there for you; and work things out. but somehow, someway,
you turned down our friendship. random dancing, hugging people we don't know,
running up & down the street, crazy sleepovers, really? you're going to l e t  i t  a l l  g o ?
i know that i would never put a boy before our friendship, but you? you're the
opposite. i have other friends, but ours was something special. something i can't replace.
forgive & forget? yeah, try forget & never remember the person you thought was
y o u r      b e s t      f r i e n d  </3
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so best friends turned into enemys. [ boy's ] really did change

3 faves · Jul 7, 2009 10:33pm






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