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T W O / T H O U S A N D / A N D / NINE
waking up at lunch time, shopping with the girls, dancing to hannah montana
in public, being wild with your best friends, swimming at the pool, chilling at the
beach, eating so much ice cream in the sun it makes you sick, singing at the end
of your driveway to the world, throwing up on rollar coasters, IMing each other from
across the room, chatting on the phone for hours, riding bikes to the ice cream shop,
and best of all hanging out with the people that love you most. And all of that middle
school drama
is done

s u m m e r

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s u m m e r T W O / T H O U S A N D / A N D / NINE waking up

2 faves · Jun 24, 2009 9:38am






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