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These cuts, These lies,
These tears, these aches
the knife gets closer,
my whole hand shakes.

This addiction is getting crazy
I'm really getting scared
Would you really love me
if you knew I cared?

The knife is getting deeper
The world is getting gray
I'm sorry I lied to you
When I said I was okay

Cutting is like the friend
Whose there when your alone
and without it your just like.
a dog without a bone

This world is getting darker
I'm laying on my bed
all these thoughts are flying
threw my little messed up head.

How many people would really care
If I died the way I did
wouldn't they realize
that I'm only just a kid?

It doesn't really matter now
My blood is on the floor
I just cant stop it
all it does is pour

I wonder if my mom
would be ashamed of me
would she really care?
or take me off the family tree?

I'm just a kid
in the big horrible world.
can't you just see
that I'm only just a girl...-kelsey

100% me!! DO NOT TAKE CREDIT!!! please!! if you like this please IM me Hwthrnheights819 or rockluvinreject1 PLEASE IM SERIOUS DO NOT TAKE CREDIT!! i love this poem and im very proud of it
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These cuts, These lies, These tears, these aches the knife gets

3 faves · 1 comments · Apr 25, 2005 6:58pm






-no one-* · 1 decade ago

o.m.g. i LOVE this
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