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remeber the look on my face as i slit my rist
remeber the look on my face as i slowly die
remeber the look on my face as i watch u cry
remeber the look on my face as i slowly say i love u
remeber the look on my face as i bleed to death
remeber the look on my face as i heard u say love ya
remeber the look on my face as i cry to death
remeber the look on my face as i see u hold and try to save me
remeber the look on my face as i say goodbye
remeber the look on my face as i watch them but in the hospital
remeber the look on my face as they bury me
rember the looks on my face cuz thats all wuts left of me Remeber its was u who did this to me Remember my grave my faces
Rember my grave my faces
Remember my ur sweet little baby girl
Remember im in heaven watching u nowim ur gaurding angel
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Remeber remeber the look on my face as i slit my rist remeber

2 faves · Apr 25, 2005 1:31pm






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