Witty Profiles

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The Basics:
Name: JeSsIcA!
Nick Name: jessie or lilevil
Age:  Twelve ! :]
Birthday: i bet you WOULD like to know !
Birthplace: how the hell would i know that ?
Current Location: home. basement.
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Weight: none of your buisness!!

Lefty or Righty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Drive: uhh. . . . no >_>
Color: blue! :]
Number: 14
Band: TOKIO HOTEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Music: a lottt.....! tokio hotel MAINLY!
TV Show: Gilmore Girls!
Movie: anything scary! :]
Kind Of Movie: scarryy!!!
Cartoon: CHOWDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fast Food: ehh.. its all kinda gross.
Food : mac & cheese

Ice Cream:  doesnt matter.!
Cereal: hmm... idk .

Candy: sour! :]
Drink: OrAnGe JuIcE! :] woot woot!
:  no matter where you go, there you are. !
Do You:
Have Any Siblings:
older brother and sister :[
Have Any Pets: BaRt!! :]

Have A Job: nope.
Have A Cell Phone: yepp.
Have Any Fears: FISH!
Have a favorite team: for what ?
Have a favorite holiday: nope.
Sing In The Shower: never . its weird.
Want To Go To College: yep. deffinaatly .
Get Along With Your Parents:  :\  sometimes.
Have Any Tattoos: not yet :] ha
Swear: AH! NEVER! ;] <wink wink.
Ever Been In Love: like right now! :]
Cheated: absolutly not !
Single: nope! <3
In A Relationship: yep! :] <3

Have A Crush On Someone: yep!!. 
Been Dumped: never dumped. .  broken up with yes. not duumped!
Dumped Someone:  haha that was fun. 
This Or That:
Fruit Or Veggies: Fruit
Black Or White: white
Lights On Or Off: off if theres windows.
TV Or Movie: movie
Cash Or Check: c
Rock Or Rap: rock

Chocolate Or Vanilla:
French Toast Or French Fries: french fries.

Strawberries Or Blueberries:strawberries
Cookies Or Muffins:
Winter Or Spring Break: Spring
Hugs Or Kisses: KiSsEs! :]

Have You Ever:
Danced In Public: all the time
Smiled For No Reason: yes.
Laughed So Hard You Cried: yeahh
Talked To A Stranger: yes.
Partied Till The Sun Came Up: yes.
Gotten A Ticket: no
Been Arrested:no

Been Convicted Of A Crime: nahh.
Been In A Wreck: no
Been Out Of The Country: no.

Random And Silly Junk:
Ever TP'd Someones House: no.
Egged: nahh.
How Many Laguages Do You Speak: english . some spanish. and some german! <3
Who Do You Compare Yourself To: tom kaulitz.
Ever Regret Anything: never!
Like Being Tickled: by some people :] ;]
What Are Your Goals: to go to germany! :]
Are Your Fingers Tired: no
Tired Of This Survey: nope.

Happy Now: im ALWAYS happy

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The Basics: Name: JeSsIcA! Nick Name: jessie or lilevil Age:

1 faves · Jun 16, 2009 10:46am






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