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i lay there every night thinking to myself.
thinking of all the times we spent together.
from the first day i met you.
back when you were just another face in the crowd.
to the day i realized i enjoyed being around you.
the day i learned you liked me.
the night at formal.
where we danced like we were meant to be.
that night i fell so hard for you.
the time we admitted our feelings for eachother.
the way i couldn't breath when you whispered in my ear.
all the inside jokes.
the way seeing you could cure anything.
all the deep conversations.
phone conversations.
the butterflies.
spontaneous calls saying lets hang out.
good morning sunshine texts.
the way i found myself searching for you everywhere
late night texts.
your amazing smile.

your out of nowhere talks.
popcorn throwing at the movies.

the billion hugs that neither of us wanted to end.
the times i completly hated you.
the way only you could make me feel.
the day at graduation.

the good byes.
you saying you'll keep contact.
and i lay there every night in tears cause i know it's all 
[bitter sweet memories] 
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i lay there every night thinking to myself. thinking of all the

1 faves · 1 comments · Jun 3, 2009 6:18pm



brokendreamer happy witty anniversary!



nicoleluna · 1 decade ago
oh my,, this one literally brought tears to my eyes..
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