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&+ I Was Always Taught
--------that when you fall off your
----------------horse, you just have to get
---------back on and try again. But
------------------------------honestly boy? I'm sick of
----------------trying. I'm sick of riding on
---------------------------feelings that you [obviously]
--------just don't have. So you know
-----------------------what? I think the next time
----------------------------you push me down, I won't try
------------again. I'll just stay there. Maybe,
---------------------just maybe, someone
better will
-------then come along and make me
------------------------forget what it's even like to fall.
----------------Boy, I'm only going to say this once,
-----------so you better listen, adios jerk and
---------------------have a wonderful life.
               x - o - x - o - x - o - x - o - x - o

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&+ I Was Always Taught --------that when you fall off your

65 faves · May 8, 2009 3:54pm





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