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Read this, it's REALLY funny (:

3 aliens landed on Earth. They decided to look around and see what Earth is like.
So, the 1st alien goes to the Opera House and learns how to say "Mi Mi Mi Miii!!".

The 2nd alien goes to a restaurant and learns how to say, "Forks and Knives! Forks and Knives!".

The 3rd alien goes to a Candy Shop and learns how to say, "Goody goody gum drops! Good goody gum drops!"

Then, the  aliens are walking back to their spaceship when they find a dead man in the middle of the road. They stand around and stare at the body. A few minutes later, a policeman comes up to the body and the aliens. The policeman says, "Which one of you killed this man?".

The 1st alien replies, "Mi Mi Mi Miii!!".

The policman says, "What did you kill him with?!"

The second aliean says, "Forks and kinives! Forks and knives!"

The policeman says, "You are akk going to jail!!!!."

The 3rd alien replies, "Goody goody gum drops! Goody goody gum drops!" 

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Read this, it's REALLY funny (: 3 aliens landed on Earth. They

7 faves · 3 comments · Apr 30, 2009 7:49pm






purplepantslove · 1 decade ago
theres a story that has those same words except the aliens are chinese men
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fusion12 · 1 decade ago
Lol, that's hilarious.
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pugznkisses51 · 1 decade ago
there should be a 4th alien that goes to a hardware store and says "plug it in plug it in" and the policeman tells him he's going to the electric chair
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