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When a teenager walked into school and shot a teacher along with 2 classmates today, nobody posted quotes or even batted an eye.
But when those innocent children, people in a mall and people at a movie premiere all get shot, boston marathon bombings,
Well then, everyone loses their minds and the top 20 pages of witty are dedicated to them.

What makes them any different than the people who died today? The same incident, but just a smaller number?
Is that what made people think, "Oh, it's just 3 people, nothing like the 26 people who died last year."

What the heck happened?
When did everyone stop caring?
What made you all find this so different than the others?

It's like the Joker's quote, which sounds actually true. 

"Nobody panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plans are horrifying. If I tell the press that tomorrow a teacher will get shot, or 2 random students, nobody panics. But when there is a larger quantity of people, everyone loses their minds!"

If you plan on taking time out to say a prayer to those who died last year, then you better be taking time to pray for those who died today. Sure it wasn't an older adult, it was a kid. A kid, a teenager, just like you all, who went and shot his teacher and 2 students. What makes those victims any different?

How would you feel if your best friend/ friend/ a kid in your school took a gun and shot a teacher and shot 2 students whether they are your friend/ lover/ someone you knew but not well enough.
Your response would be different, wouldn't it?

Smarten up Witty. I thought you all were better than this.

Guess I was wrong.

to those 3 victims who lost their lives today.
Who never made it home this afternoon because someone decided to take their lives.
to everyone on a daily basis who dies, whether it's from natural causes, self inflicting or causes upon someone else; whether a gun or torture, etc.
to those who didn't make it home in the past, who never lived to see the brighter days of the day that follows.
to those who might not see the brighter days of tomorrow.
to those who might not see the brighter days of the future,
and to those who are missing out on the bright days of today.
You'll never be forgotten, no matter what.

But when I say R.I.P
I don't just mean Rest In Peace
I mean Rewind It Please
So we can Remain In Peace.

*Joker's quote edited to make a point*
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* CLAPS FOR WITTY* When a teenager walked into school and shot

10 faves · 4 comments · Oct 21, 2013 10:43pm





joker · fedupwithpeople · smartenthefuckup · carefor1careforall · dideveryonestopcaring · away messages

hiddengirl1995 · 1 decade ago
One person died .... The other two 12 year old boys were not in life threatening conduction... One boy was shot in the stomach and the other in the shoulder ... The teacher Matt was the one who died .... I'm not giving any hate or anything I agree it is sad but I just wanted to add more information to the light .... The reason why the boy shot up the school befOre taking his own life was because he was bullied .... At least that's what the police are saying
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lemon.cake* · 1 decade ago
I totally understand you. But, I guess the story behind the shooting was a little heartbreaking?
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cupcakes21 · 1 decade ago
this is amazing.
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Ineedmakyinme · 1 decade ago
Thank you
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