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I hate people who can't deal with the fact that people have an opinion that is different to theirs, like, don't offend a celebrity, or a tv show, or a religion or ANYTHING in front of someone who will get offended by what you said. Don't write about how terrible a religion is just because you don't believe in it. Somebody else DOES believe in it, and you need to respect that. I'm not even religious and I can understand that. Don't write on tumblr or witty or whatever about how much you hate Taylor Swift or One Direction or Justin Beiber or whatever. The fans of the celebrities like that celebrity for a reason, and yeah, you hate the celebrity for a reason, but who the he// are you to hate on something that means that much to someone. So shut up about how a certain celebrity has done something that makes you mad, because it might not be true, or in most cases, the bad stuff you're saying is an absolute heap of cr(x)ap. Hating on something is not 'stating your opinion.' it is being a complete a(x)ss and if you're gonna offend something that somebody else loves then you honestly are horrible. You don't know what the person who read your hate could be going through. A movie quote or song lyrics or something from the bible may have saved somebody's life, and then you disrespect it. That is really low. It's perfectly ok if you don't like something, but just shut up and keep it to yourself, and do not tell your hate to somebody who likes the thing that you are hating on. Ok. I'm out.
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I hate people who can't deal with the fact that people have

1 faves · 2 comments · Jul 11, 2013 3:48am





hate · icannotstanditomg · pleasenohateonthisrant · sorryguyssorry · advice

citylightsonthewater · 1 decade ago
Also, I'm not talking about jokes. Its okay to joke about a celebrity, as long as its not really offensive and stuff, ya feel me?
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citylightsonthewater · 1 decade ago
Oh and sorry about any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in this. I didn't proof read it or anything. :*
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