Witty Profiles

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1. Do you sleep in your bra? Hell no.
2. Do you like noodles? Yes!Yes!Yes!
3. Do you enjoy drama? Totally.
4. Are you a girly girl? I act like one, but not really when it comes to clothes and music.
5. Small or large purses? Urm... Medium?
7. Are you short? About adverage. Short, I guess.
8. Do you like somebody? Ohmighot! *blushes* Pssht! No! WHO TOLD YOU THIS! It was Harriett... wasn't it...?
9. Do you care if your socks are dirty? Yes!
10. Do you like Halloween? Yeah
11. Favorite time of year? Autum and Winter

12. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? Urm... RE class.
13. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? Er... No!
14. Are there any rumours going around about you?
Be Honest: Haha.... Loads.
1. What color is the bra that you're wearing? White and pink with little black eyelashes.
2. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? Peroxide Blonde XD
3. Longest relationship? I don't get this.... like... boy girl?
4. Do you have a best friend? Several haha - I love my girlies!
5. Have you ever had your heart broken? Nope :)
6. Have you ever thought of having cosmetic surgery? Well, I'd like to get an ear tuck but theres no way I'd actually go through with it.
7. Do you like your life? Meh. So-so.
8. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? Does falling in count? If yes... *Again, blushes* Yes.
9. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? Girls.
10. How long have you had a facebook? £ and a half years but I only check it like once a week, if that.
11. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? A cousin.... He had it coming! He stole my headband! DON'T JUDGE ME! :(
12. What are your biggest fear(s)? I don't really know tbh.
13. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Once, maybe twice.
14. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? Yes, reguarly.
15. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"? No, but damage my trust and baby, you better have duct tape and cookies.
16. Have you ever had a good feeling about something? Erm.... I'm not answeirng that on the grounds of... Eww... If this IS in the way I'm thinking.
17. Do you ever wish you where famous? I doubt it! Haha!
18. Are you currently missing someone? Yes! All my buds from school - we're off.
19: What are you doing right now? WITTY! XD Urm... this? And watching Life On Mars.
20. Cowboy or gangster? COWBOY ALL THE WAY!
21. Face or body? As in me? Well.... neithers great but if I had to choose.... Face.
22. Sweet or sexy? Sweet!
23. Contacts or glasses? Glasses. Are. Adorable!
1. Eyeliner or mascara? Mascara.
2. Pink or black? Black
3. Pumps or flats? Flats.(I wish boot's was an option!)
4. Skirts or trousers? Hmm.... Skirts for school, joggers for arround the house, jeans for shopping and dresses for 'out'.
5. Socks or leggings? Socks.
6. Hoodies or jackets? Hoooooooodies! (Apart from my leather jacket...)
7. Heels or sneakers? Sneakers. I can barely walk in those!
8. Straight or curly hair? Straight as a pin -__- I wish it was curly....
9. White or black? Me? I'm white... Why does that matter?
10. Smoothies or lattes? Oooh! Lattes! Yumm! I'm alergic to fruit juce, too, sooooo....
11. Diet or regular sodas? Diet!
12. Water or daiquiris? Water :)
13. Pearls or diamonds? Diamonds! Obviously!
14. iPod or cell phone? Phone!
15. Friends or family first? Family... Although my est friends I count as family sooo....
16. Lip gloss or lip stick? Gloss! :)
17. Manicure or pedicures? Manicure I think but I don't care about my nails.
18. Tank tops or beaters? What the hell is a beater?!
19. Big sunglasses or small? Big.
20. Sunglasses or pursess? Hmmn... Shades :)
In a Guy:
1. Funny or serious? I don't know! Er.... Can I pick both?
2. Romantic or daredevil? I'm gonna have to say both again :(
3. Dark eyes or light eyes? I don't mind to be honest.... Probably light.
4. Long hair or short hair? Short.
5. Curly hair or straight hair? Curly, like properly corkskrew I think is gorgeous! But I don't mind, eithiers good :)

6. Hockey player or football player? Do they have to be either? Neither really interests me.

Next Quote >

1. Do you sleep in your bra? Hell no. 2. Do you like noodles?

0 faves · Jun 2, 2013 6:52pm





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