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Killing the Queen

      I was the top notch. The girl every girl wanted to be. The girl every guy wanted to be with. I was the envy of the entire city of Star Valley, Arizona. I was the it girl, and no one was going to take it away from me. Then one day, that changed. Someone did take it away from me. Her name was Marissa, and she was better than me. For once, someone was better than me. I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. And maybe that's why I killed her. Maybe that's not why I killed her. Maybe I didn't even kill her. Maybe she wasn't even dead. But I should slow down and tell this story with more details. Starting from the day we all met Marissa.
     "Gage, where are you? We're going to be late. Not that the teachers would even care, it's me of course. You know I like to be on time exactly," I babbled into the phone. "I just turned down your road, babe. It's okay. We'll be there right on time." I hung up. "Bye, mom!" I called through the house. I ran out of the door just in time to see Gage pull into my driveway. He stepped out of the car to open my door for me. I got into the car, and he closed it for me. That's how a girl should be treated of course. We left my driveway and we were off to the mall. 
     Everyone who was anyone met up at the mall every Friday night at 8:00. This Friday, Gage and I walked around by ourselves away from the group. We needed our alone time. We each got new clothes and complimented each other on how we looked in them. We shared a soft pretzel with salt and cinnamon sprinkled over it. We took cute pictures. We ate dinner. We did anything a normal couple would do on a Friday at the mall. We did it alone. I mean, who wants 50 people watching you while you're having a good time as a couple? That's the meaning of couple. Two. That's all we needed.
     I was in American Eagle when I saw her. I saw her long, straight, perfect shade of red hair fall behind her, and brush her shoulder blades quickly. After looking through the racks in front of her, she turned around and I got to see her face. She had just the right shade of light skin to bring out the brunette hair that faded into a gorgeous red. She had dark chocolate brown eyes that anyone would want to stare deeply into, and her eyeliner complimented the specks of green that reflected as the light hit them. She had a perfect nose, something I had always longed for. Her teeth were perfectly white and straight, outlined by dimples in her cheeks. She smoothed her lipgloss together with her lips and smiled in my direction. Was she smiling at me or Gage? I turned to Gage and realized he hadn't been looking in her direction. She obviously made eye contact with me. I smiled back, but on the inside I was upset. Someone was prettier than me. I pulled on Gage's hand and started walking out of the store. 
    By Monday, I'd forgotten about that girl from the mall. I woke up to my alarm clock screaming at me, and rolled over. I turned the alarm off and got right out of bed. I didn't have any time to waste. I had to work to be the prettiest girl in school, didn't I? I walked into the bathroom built onto my room and brushed my teeth. I combed out my mess of hair, and burned it pin straight. My hair was a dark brown that ended up into a light blonde at the tips. It was ombre. Unlike the girl I had seen at the mall, hers was more of a natural fade. She had probably been born with it. I applied my makeup quickly, as I had became fast and skilled at it over the years. I walked out of the bathroom and across my room to my huge walk in closet. I pulled on a white long sleeved dress that dipped down in the back past my shoulder blades,  and touched my collar bones in the front. I slipped on flowered all lace leggings and black pumps. I looked in the mirror one last time. I overlooked myself. My face, my hair, my smooth, tan skin, and my outfit. I applied some red lipgloss to top it all off. I walked downstairs and Gage was already there. This was going to be a good day. So I thought. 
    In the halls, I saw her. I saw the girl. The girl that was prettier and more perfect than me. Her name was Marissa Van. And she was the new girl that was stealing the attention of everyone. Even me.

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☆Killing the Queen☆ I was the top notch. The girl every girl

1 faves · Apr 20, 2013 2:29pm





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