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So I want to lose some weight, actually a lot of weight but I want to start small with a goal of maybe 20 pounds,  I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to go about doing this, other then the obvious, working out (I have a gym membership which I try and go to 4 times a week) and eating lots of fruits and veggies. I mostly want to work on my thighs and love handles, if you know any techniques for this alone that would be great!
Thanks! <3


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So I want to lose some weight, actually a lot of weight but I

0 faves · 6 comments · Apr 3, 2013 11:55pm





weightloss · pleasehelpmepweeeseee · 20pounds · irefusetogiveupjerky · requests

AnotherAverageTeenageGirl · 1 decade ago
Drink lots of water. Its help reduce bloating and cleanses your body (not to mention it helps with your skin).
if you have the option eat on smaller, blue colored dishes. Using a smaller plate rather than a larger one will make you feel like you are eating more when you fill up the plate faster and blue is known to make you less hungry (it has something to do with color contrasts).
Make sure to do cardio, some easy things you could do at your house is jumping rope for 10 minutes (10 minutes of jump rope is equal to 30 minutes of running). Also burpees are really good, see how many you can do in a minute if you are really short on time.
After you work out make sure to fuel your body, this is the time the calories you eat is most likely to go to building muscle (which helps burn fat). A good snack that I love is cutting an apple in half and spreading a thin layer of peanut butter on one of the halves, and then save the other half for either lunch, or a snack later.
If you are really serious about long term weight loss make a detailed planned. Write out exactly what you want to accomplish, why you want to, and how you plan on getting there. People who record their weight loss are more likely to lose more. Also, it helps if you take a before picture and hang it up somewhere you will see it a lot, to help motivate you to remember why you are doing this. Also take pictures during so you can see your progress.
Please, please, please! don't go on some crazy outrageous diet plan where you barely eat anything and you have to do all this crazy stuff. Once you stop you will gain all of the weight back and then some. It is so much easier to just not count calories, and to just have a healthier life style.
haha sorry if i sound like some kind of magazine article, but i've done tons of research and my mom is a huge health nut and is friends with a personal trainer so I've learned a lot. I hope this helps! Good luck, and if you have any questions seriously don't be afraid to ask. I'd love to help!
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marie1616 · 1 decade ago
Wow. Thank you! I'm kind of ashamed to admit this, but i don't know how to jump rope.. lol, I have been writing things down, I took a before picture as well. I write down what I eat daily as well. I can drop 20 pounds easily when I really try but it's after that, when it really gets hard for me.
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AnotherAverageTeenageGirl · 1 decade ago
Really? That kind of surprises me haha well pretty much just do tiny, baby bunny hops in place, you don't really need the rope (my best friend can't use one, it messes her up). Your body probably hits a plateau after 20 pounds. If you are doing pretty much the same exercises and workouts switch it up entirely! Do someone completely different, it'll out your body into shock almost(I can't think of the right word for it) and then you should see some more progress. And no problem! I'm glad I could help!
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marie1616 · 1 decade ago
Yeah, I tried to learn even in school, but I was always bad lol.
Okay! Thanks again :3
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reganshea · 1 decade ago
Eat smaller portions. The elliptical and bicycle are great ways to get weight off your thighs. Stay way from things like Wheat Bread, Whole Milk, Lots of Cheeses, and any greasy foods (such as French Fries or Potato chips) If you follow those simple tips you would be surprised at the difference it makes.
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marie1616 · 1 decade ago
Wheat bread is bad? Oh lawd, I've been eating wheat bread for years..
Thanks for the advice!! <3
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