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I am incredibly sorry to all phenominal clubs and people i have abandoned. Sadly, i  am taking a break from stardoll, for it has been my life for the past couple months. I have to many importaant things to take care of and i can find a decent amount of time to spend on stardoll.

Super BUSY! trying to deal with the following: High school, dance, soccer, and family drama (BIG ONE!). I'd like to thank the following stardollies: Melliebelle65, missfamous1013, emi4562, and your-nightmare. You all are exemplary role-players and friends! Hope to talk to you guys in the summer. 

Goodbye Stardoll
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Hanna~ I am incredibly sorry to all phenominal clubs and people

0 faves · Mar 15, 2013 10:16pm





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