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3 faves · 4 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




lazyLION24 · 1 decade ago
It's also very hurtful because you are saying to the girls that feel so horribly about themselves already, that they are stupid and ugly, both inside and out. Girls and boys who self harm believe that of themselves already when it isn't true and you're telling them it is. To someone who's dealing with suicidal thoughts and they read this, they'll believe it. It will be just one more thing to push them to their plan. I cut. So, in all due respect and talking for many others, this is not something for witty to see. You're insensitive, ignorant and selfish for posting this.
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Squilliam Fancypants* · 1 decade ago
Dude, it's from tumblr chill.
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lazyLION24 · 1 decade ago
This is extremely offensive. I advise you to delete this "quote" because it definitely is an opinion you should keep to yourself to avoid having a lot of people hate on you. Self harm is a difficult topic to voice your opinions about because it may come out as very offensive. I respect your opinion but for your own sake, please delete this.
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roseth0rn · 1 decade ago
it's like a self harmer talking to themself. chill yo ttiitts.
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